speech chapter 15


made or done as if one the spur of the moment; having little or no preparation

conversational quality

a distinguishing feature of spontaneous sounding speech


giving a hint or suggestion of beforehand


the act of proving to be just, right, or reasonable; such proof

compelling insight

an understanding or seeing into, a situation in a way that is forceful or demands attention


characteristics of a speech whose introduction is clearly connected to the rest of the speech


a descriptive or identifying word or phrase


the separation of a thing into the parts or elements that compose it; an examination of a thing to determine its parts or elements; a statement showing the results of such an examination


in a speech, a conclusion statement that is a powerful reminder of the rightness of the speaker's position

what is the difference between extemporaneous speaking and impromptu speaking?

impromptu speaking is when you're given a topic to talk on immediately. with extemporaneous speaking, you have 30 minutes to plan the speech

how much time do you have to prepare a speech in an extemporaneous speech?

30 minutes

how much time do you have to give a speech in an extemporaneous competition?

5-7 minutes

what is a prescriptive topic in an extemporaneous speech?

these are the most difficult. the speaker must describe policy suggests. using this kind of topic will be hard, but it will impress judges

why do you want to develop a conversational style of delivery?

so your speech won't be mechanical or boring

what are the three elements in a typical impromptu speech organizational patter?

1. statement of the main point
2. support main idea with appropriate reasons, examples, illustrations, etc.
3. conclusion with summary and restate main idea

Guidelines for extemporaneous speeches in competition

- 30 minute prep
dash 5 to 7 minute long speech
- Outline or note cards can be used

Guidelines for impromptu speech competition

- 5 minute prepare time
- 5 minute time limit
- no note cards or outline

three types of Impromptu competition speech topics

1. words
2. person, place, or thing
3. quote

Prescriptive topic

- very hard
- in explaining your topic you give specific guidelines or rules to follow

Advantages of notecards or outlines

- keep you on track
- easy to add to or take away from

Five tips for extemporaneous speaking

1. keep old speeches
2. use prescriptive topics
3. avoid canned intros
4. practice speech techniques
5. have confidence

Extemporaneous techniques

foreshadowing, wording of justification, and hand gestures

Signs of panic

silence and rambling

Things to minimize panic

read, observe, and listen

How do you have a natural speaking style

use conversation quality, eye contact, and practice