Test 1: Chapter 47 W.B. plus additional info Dental Materials

no eating, drinking, or smoking is permitted. Keep all cosmetics away from the area. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when working in lab. Keep hair pulled back. Report all accidents to dentist immediately. Follow the manufactures instructions for

Discuss the safety precautions that should be taken in the dental laboratory

away from patient treatment area

Where would the dental laboratory be located in a dental office

specialty, pediatric, orthodontics

What specialty practices might have a more extensive laboratory setup

an impression

What is an example of a contaminated item in the dental laboratory


pattern, light pink, sheet, fabricate plastic form of a denture

Shellae baseplate wax

pattern, light pink mauve, flat, part plastic-fabricate plastic portion of denture

Sticky wax

processing, red/orange, bead, to hold items temporarily together

Inlay wax

pattern, blue/black , bead, inlays, onlays, gold crowns and bridges

Boxing wax

processing, red, sheet, boxing an impression to create a form to pour gypsum into


processing, red/clear bead, make alterations on impression trays, extend margins and posterior and build up palate.

Occlusal rims

pattern, pink, U, pink portion of dentures.

Casting wax

pattern, no color , sheets, wax pattern of metal framework for removable partial and complete dentures

Bite wafers

impression, yellow, U , check occlusion-imprints bite registration

Occlusal indicator wax

impression, green, sheet (small), check fine detail occlusion-imprints bite registration

The types of equipment commonly found in a dental laboratory and describe their use in dental laboratory

Heat sources, model trimmer, vacuum former, vibrating table, laboratory hand piece,sandblaster, articulator, face-bow, dental lathe, specialized spatulas and bowls.

Uses of the dental laboratory

Making models from preliminary impressions. Trimming and finishing diagnostic models. Preparing custom trays. Polishing. Provisional coverage, Partial or full dentures, Indirect restorations

Physical safety

-know the location of the fire extinguisher and fire-escape routes

Chemical safety

take care in the handling of corrosive, toxic, and carcinogenic substances


Items brought into the laboratory can harbor blood and saliva that may be infective

Dental models

are three-dimensional reproductions of the teeth and the surrounding soft tissue of a pt maxillary and mandibular arches. They are also referred to as study casts

Uses of Dental Models

diagnosis for a fixed or removable prosthetic device. Diagnosis of orthodontic treatment. Visual presentation of dental treatment, Production custom trays. Creation of orthodontic appliances. Making of provisional coverage. Making of mouth guards

Gypsum Products

used extensively in dentistry to make dental models. Many characteristics and properties affect the use of gypsum


when referring to a gypsum product indicates that there are two parts of water to every one part of calcium sulfate.


removal of water to become one half part water to one part of calcium sulfate forming the powder products of gypsum......converted into a powdered

Reaction of Gypsum (Nuclei Crystallization)

when you mix powder with water the hemihydrate crystals dissolve in water to form clusters known . Crystals grow during the setting process, they intermesh and become entangled with each other.

Three forms of gypsum products

Model Plaster
Dental Stone
High-strength stone and the only difference between the three are the size, shape, and porosity of the hemihydrate crystals

Heat Sources

heat wax or other materials. A propane or butane torch is used for this purpose. If gas line has been installed in lab rubber hosing will be attached to Bunsen burner and then to the gas outlet

Model trimmer

is a machine that is used to trim stone or plaster models. Has an abrasive grinding wheel used to grind away excess plaster or stone. This wheel works more effectively if it is kept clean.

Vacuum Former

is a small electrical appliance used to construct custom trays for bleaching, mouth guards, and positioners for orthodontics. The upper part of the unit is heating element that warms and softens a sheet of thermoplastic resin


is used to remove air from the mix of plaster or stone and to aid in the flow of material when a diagnostic model is poured up. Has a flat working surface bowl or tray. To help keep clean a disposable cover can be placed on work surface before it is used

Laboratory Handpiece

a low speed is used for many tasks such as trimming custom impression trays, adjusting dentures, and polishing provisional and indirect restorations


is handheld unit that sprays sand at a high a rate of speed creating an etching or pitting on a surface area of metals, porcelains or acrylic . Is a suitable for the repair of crowns, dentures, and appliances, as well as for the cementation of crowns, bri


a material that is uniform in quality and consistent throughout is said to be


a machine used for cutting or polishing dental appliances


is the mineral used in the formation of plaster of Paris and stone.


a substance is said to be if it has an explosive property

Dimensionally Stable

if an object is resistant to change in width, height, and length it is said to be

Face bow

is portion of an articulator used to measure the upper teeth and compare with temporomandibular joint


is the compound of many molecules


is a chemical process in which crystals form into a structure


is a replica of maxillary and mandibular arches made from an impression

Anatomical Portion

refers to the structural portion of dental model


is a dental laboratory device that simulates the movement of mandible and the temporomandibular joint when models of dental arches are attached


a molecule that when combined with others forms a polymer


is a mixture of gypsum and water used in the finishing of models

in a separate space away from the patient care

Where would you commonly find the dental lab in a dental office

oral surgery and orthodontics

Which specialty practices might have a more extensive laboratory setup


An example of a contaminated item that could be found in dental lab would be an

model trimmer

which piece of lab equipment would be used to grind away plaster or stone?


Which piece of lab equipment would the dentist use to determine centric relation from a diagnostic model


The size of the wax spatula most commonly used in laboratory

dental cast

Another name for dental model?


What dental material would be selected to fabricate a dental model ?

high-strength stone

Which form of gypsum is used to fabricate a die for making an indirect restoration ?


The powder/water ratio of plaster for pouring a dental model?

add powder to the water

When a gypsum material is mixed how is the powder and water incorporated?

using a spatula and rubber bowl

How are gypsum materials mixed?

anatomic and art

Which of the following is section of dental model?

most posterior tooth

When pouring an impression where would you begin placing the gypsum material in a mandibular impression?

40-60 min

How long should you wait before you separate a model from its impression?


Which of the two models (maxillary or mandibular) do you begin trimming first?

anterior portion

what is one specific area of dental model in which the maxillary and mandibular models are trimmed differently

wax bite

What should be placed between the two models when they are trimmed together?

acrylic resin

Of the three types of custom trays discussed in the chapter, which technique uses a volatile hazardous material

thermoplastic resin

What type of custom tray would be made for a vital bleaching procedure?

powder and liquid; putty

Acrylic resin for the fabrication of trays takes which of the following forms during the procedure used to construct a custom tray?

boxing wax

What type of wax is used to form a wall around a preliminary impression when it is poured up?

rope utility wax

To extend an impression tray, what type of wax is used

baseplate wax

What type of wax is used to get a patients tube?

spacer stops

What is placed to prevent a tray from seating too deeply onto the arch or quadrant ?

model trimmer

What piece of equipment is used to grind away plaster or stone?

face bow

What piece of equipment does the dentist use to determine centric relation on diagnostic model?

study casts

What is another term for dental model


What dental material are used to make dental model?

model plaster (Paris), Dental Stone, and High-strength stone

what are three forms of gypsum

45-50ml /100g

What is the water to powder (ml/g) ratio of plaster?

rubber mixing bowl

In what are gypsum materials mixed?

1/2 above palatal area

When pouring impression where the maxillary impression do you begin to place the gypsum material?

low water content

Which is stronger, gypsum with high water content or low water content?


T/F : spatulation is described as a whipping action.


What kind of gypsum product is used for study models?

temperature of the water

What is the best way to control the setting of gypsum materials?


Cold water = _____ set


Hot water= ____ set


______ set is when the mixed gypsum is strong enough to handle and has lost its gloss. The item is strong enough to where you can move it without distorting it


____ set is when the mixed gypsum has obtained full strength


What is put in by a manufacturer to give you more time to work with the material?

no, once it's set it is chalky

If stone is setting does it get shinny?

no, the particles expand but not the model

Does stone expand when it sets?


Does the stone change color when it sets?

accelerate in set

If we are going to decrease the amount of time it takes for the stone to set up what do we do?