Moisture control/anesthesia terminology

Intravenous sedation

(Conscious) -depressed level of consciousness-able to respond physically and verbally

inhalation sedation

Nitrous oxide/oxygen helps to eliminate fear and relaxes the patient


Numbness lasting after effects of anesthetic should have worn off


Hollow center of needle through which anesthetic flows

Aspirating Syringe

type of syringe used in dentistry, can "drawback" to see if in a blood vessel

Anesthetic Carpule

Glass container that contains anesthetic

Block anesthesia

Used to anesthetize mandibular teeth - solution is injected by a major nerve


Technique used to anesthetize maxillary teeth- solution is injected at site of procedure


Type of drug that narrows blood vessels- prolongs anesthetic action

local anesthesia

Gives temporary loss of sensation in a localized area

topical anesthesia

Temporary numbing of nerve endings at injection site

Dam stabilizing cord

Disposable latex cord, alternative to dental dam clamp

Dam napkin

Placed between dam and patients face mainly to absorb moisture

Dam forceps

Used for placement and removal of dental dam clamp

Dam punch

Used to create holes in dental dam for teeth being isolated

Dam frame

Used to hold dental dam tightly in place

Dry angle isolation

Triangular cotton pad placed over Stensen's duct to absorb saliva

Cotton roll isolation

Use of cotton rolls positioned near salivary ducts to absorb saliva

Air water syringe

Attached to dental unit- delivers air, water and a combination of both

oral evacuation

removal of excess fluids and debris from mouth

High Volume Evacuator

Removes blood saliva and debris from oral cavity

Saliva ejector

Small, straw shaped oral evacuator, removes liquid