Law & Ethics

informed consent

The act of providing information, verbally or in writing, to and ensuring the understading of the patient, as to the nature of proposed treatment, financial responsibilities,potential risks, options for treatment, potential outcomes, and impact on the pat


A term used to describe a person holding or being issued a license to perform function or a degree to perform certain tasks.

implied consent

By nature of being present in the treatment facility, it is implied that the patient is seeking treatment; a dentist may not communicate the full details of the treatment plan-therefore treatment may begin with implied consent without agreeing in writing


A term used when data or knowledge is not specifically stated verbally or in writing; an inferred statement.

impaired professional

A professional healthcare provider who is no longer able to perform functions in a professional capacity an with competence; may be impaired by drugs or alcohol


The act of annoying or threatening a person; the act of repeatedly tormenting or persistently irritating

General supervision

Does not require the physical presence of the dentist during the performance of those procedures based on instructions given by the supervising dentist.

Fiduciary Responsibility

Holding of something of trust to another; a relationship based on the trusted responsibility between patient and healthcare provider.


A set of principles of right conduct; the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices made by a person.


treatment or consideration placed on class or category rather than individual merit; treating persons differently based on their physical, mental or emotional state, race or gender

direct supervision

a licensed dentist must be physically present in the treatment facility during the performance of the function; the function must be checked and approved by the supervising dentist prior to dismissal of the patient form the office.


to damage the reputation, character or good name of another by slander or libel; the making of false statements maliciously

continuing education

After receiving a license, licensees continue their education, as a condition of license renewal during the succeeding two-year period also applies to permit holders


Improper or negligent treatment of a patient resulting in injury, damage or loss and without reference to ethical standards


Failure to exercise the degree of care considered reasonable under the circumstances resulting in an unintended injury to patient; lack of reasonable and prudent care of patient in a healthcare setting.

Nolo contendere

Legal term that comes from the Latin for " I do not wish to contend" It is also referred to as a plea of "no contest"; it is a plea where the defendant neither admits nor disputes a charge, serving as an alternative to a pleading of guilty or not guilty.


A quality set in standards and methods of performance demonstrating skill, knowledge and professional ability demonstrated consistently.


The act of recall or annulment; to nullify; the reversal of an act. the recalling of a grant, or make something void


Otherwise known as laws, established by the Legislature of California, result in misdemeanor or felony if violated ; dental assisting duties are in statue


Discontinuation of patient/provider relationship once it has been established; discontinuing treatment once begun without cause or notification to the patient


To be without morals; lacking normal sensitivity; not caring about right and wrong.


That which is held in confidence; done or communicated in secret; the state of trust placed in a dental assistant by a patient so as not t communicate those items which are privileged


A principle, rule, or law designed to control or govern conduct; a set of standards established by the Dental Board of California when if violated may result in citation and fine against the dental healthcare worker.


The principle of "doing no harm" ; a state of non-injury to a patient during the provision of dental care services.
The dentist has the duty to refrain from harming the patient. This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to protec


Truth-telling and honesty.
The dentist has a duty to communicate truthfully. This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to be honest and trustworthy in their dealings with people.

Aiding & Abetting

To help, to assist with or allow to be abused the laws and regulations of the dental profession; to aide an individual to perform duties and function outside their prescribed scope of practice against the laws and regulations of the State; to delegate dut


Independent; not controlled by others or outside forces; self-directed; independent in mind and judgment.
Ex: Patient's are capable of autonomous decision-making and have the right to determine what should be done with their body.


the commission of bodily harm against another; unlawful touching or striking of another person.


the sate of quality of being kind, charitable and promoting good will.
The dentist has a duty to promote the patient's welfare. This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to act for the benefit of others.


every two years; license renewal is required biennially


a description of a person's attributes, traits and abilities; the qualities that define a person or group; could be used to define moral or ethical strength.

code of ethics

a collection of rules or guidelines addressing the ethical standards of a profession or professional entity.


Having the knowledge, skill and ability to perform a specific task or duty independently; the state of being knowledgeable and well-qualified.

scope of practice

the range of duties and functions legally allowable under the defined areas of providership such as type of license, permit or certificate held; set forth by the state Dental Practice Act and the laws of the state.

Standard of Care

otherwise known as the customary standards and practices of the dental profession; a set of professional standards that are in law or regulation but are established by the professionals within the profession such as the code of ethics; the standard of car


Orthodontic assistant permit holder


Dental sedation assistant permit holder


Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice