Expanded Final 2018

Dental Dam

A thin, stretchable latex material that acts as a barrier when appropriate applied to selected teeth.

T/F Only selected teeth are visible through the dam


Indications of Use

-Infection control barrier
-Safeguard for the patient's mouth
-Protection from accidental inhalation or swallowing of debris
-Protection from contamination for the tooth
-Moisture control device
-Improve access, visibility, efficiency

Dental Dam Material

Latex or latex free material


Adults- 6x6
Children- 5x5

T/F Dental dams are available in a range of colors, from light to dark, scents and flavors


Thicknesses (gauges)

thin, medium, heavy

Dental Dam Frame

Stabilizes and stretches the dam so it fits tightly around the teeth and out of the operator's way

Dam Frame's

Available in plastic/metal frames

Dental Dam Napkin

Increases patient comfort by absorbing moisture between the patient's face and the dam

Napkin Purpose

Increase patient comfort by absorbing moisture
-Also helps reduce the risk of latex sensitivity


Placed on patients lips to ensure patient comfort
-Zinc Oxide or Petroleum Jelly

T/F water soluble lubricant is placed on the underside of the dam to help the dam material slide over the teeth through the interproximal spaces


5 Punch Hole

largest hole for clamp

4 Punch Hole

Large hole (molars)

3 Punch Hole

Medium hole (premolars)

2 Punch Hole

Small Hole (maxillary anteriors)

1 Punch Hole

Smallest Hole (mandibular anteriors)


Rounded part of clamp that extends through the dental dam


Part of a clamp that is shaped into four prongs to help stabilize the clamp on the tooth.

Winged clamp

Type of dental dam clamp that has extensions to help retain the dental dam

Anterior Clamp

9, W9

Premolar Clamp

00, W00, 2, W2

Molar Clamp (Maxillary)

8, W8

Molar Clamp (Mandibular)

7, W7

____ is a hard mineralized deposit attached to the teeth.


A(n) _____ is the complete removal of calculus, debris, stain, and plaque from the teeth.

Oral Prophylaxis

The portion of the tooth that is visible in the oral cavity is the?

Clinical Crown

______ occur within the tooth structure and may not be removed by polishing.

Instrinsic stains

____ occur on the external surfaces of the teeth and may be removed by polishing.

Extrinsic stains

The ___ is a position that provides stability for the operator.


_____ is a technique used to remove plaque and stains from the coronal surfaces of teeth.

Rubber Cup Polishing

What is the purpose of coronal polishing?

to remove stains and plaque

An oral prophylaxis includes?

removal of calculus and debris

What is the purpose of selective polishing?

To polish only teeth with stain

Stains that may be removed from the surfaces of the teeth are?


Stains that cannot be removed from the surfaces of the teeth are?


Which is the most common technique for stain removal?

Rubber cup polishing

Which grasp is used to hold the handpiece?

Pen grasp

What is the purpose of a fulcrum?

To provide stability to the hand

What precaution should be taken when one is using a bristle brush?

Not to traumatize the tissue

One which tooth surface should coronal polishing begin?

Occlusal surface of most posterior

What damage can result from using the prophy angle at high speed?

it can cause friction heat

How should the patient's head be positioned for access to the maxillary anterior teeth?

Chin upward

A type of drug used in dentistry that produces a temporary loss of feeling or sensation is a(n)?


_____ is a method to determine the measurement of the oxygen concentration in the blood.


The time from induction of an anesthetic to its complete reversal is its?


The _____ is the standard dimension or measurement of the thickness of an injection needle.


The _____ is a measurement of the amount of air inhaled and exhaled with each breath during N2O/02.

Tidal Volume

_____ is a temporary loss of feeling or sensation.


A(n) ____ is a type of drug to prolong anesthetic action and constrict blood vessels.


To spread or flow throughout is to?


______ is determing the exact amount of drug to use to achieve a desired level of sedation.


Something that is ____ will have openings to allow gas or fluid to pass through.


______ is the supply or distribution of nerves to the jaw or specific body part.


The ____ is the hollow center of the injection needle.


The time from injection to the point at which anesthesia takes effect is the ?


_____ is the absence of feeling pain without being unconcious.


Topical Anesthetics are used in dentistry for?

Numbing surface tissue

The most frequently selected form of pain control used in dentistry is?

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthetics are injected near ____ to create a numbing effect.

A nerve

What can be added to a local anesthetic solution to prolong its physiologic effect?


What type of injection technique would the dentist most frequently use on a small area of maxillary teeth?


What needle sizes are most commonly used in dentistry?

1 inch to 1 5/8 inch needle

Is it common for a patient with an acute infection in a tooth to feel the numbing sensation of local anesthesia?


What type of condition is paresthesia?

Numbness that last longer than normal

The first dentist to offer N2O/02 to his partiens was?

Horace Wells

How could the dental team be at risk for exposure to N2O/O2 in a dental office?

Leaking or escaping of gases from the nasal mask, patient's inhalation of gases, Leaking of gases from the hoses

The patient should receive _____ at the beginning and end of an N2O/O2 sedation procedure?


What level or stage of anesthesia will a patient reach if he or she is relaxed and fully conscious?


What stage of consciousness should a patient reach during general anesthesia?

Stage III

In what environment would general anesthesia be most safely administered to a dental patient?

Hospital or surgical center

The tank or cylinder of ____ is always color-coded green.


Anesthetic cartridges should be

enclosed in their packaging before use

______ anesthesia is achieved by injecting the anesthetic into the posterior superior alveolar nerve.


A _____ needle is commonly used for infiltration injections.

1 inch

The recommended for of topical anesthetic for controlling a gag reflex would be?


A used or contaminated needle is to be discarded in the?

Sharps container

What size needle is used for Maxillary?

1 inch

What size needle is used for Mandibular?

1 5/8 inch

____ includes proper nutrition and a plaque control program.

Preventive Dentistry

A ____ is a coloring agent that is applied to teeth to make plaque visible.

disclosing agent

A coating that covers the occlusal pits and fissures

dental sealant

fluoride that is ingested and circulated throughout the body is

Systemic fluoride

____ is fluoride that is applied directly to the teeth.

Topical Fluoride

What is the goal of preventive dentistry?

To have a healthy mouth

What is one of the most common dental diseases?

Dental Caries

What is the goal of a patient education program?

to teach patients how to take care of their teeth and develop sound dental habits

Dental sealants are?

made of a hard covering that is placed in the pits and fissures of teeth

fluoride combats decay by?

Slowing remineralization & Enhancing remineralization

What technique is used in the dental office to provide fluoride treatment?


What dental condition is the result of too much fluoride?


What precaution is necessary for the child who is using fluoridated toothpaste?

Making sure the child does not swallow the toothpaste

What is the key dietary factor that relates to dental caries?


How do sugar-free sodas relate to dental caries?

increase acidity

Wheat can patients do daily to remove plaque?

Brush and Floss

what type of toothbrush bristles are recommended

soft nylon

Which method of toothbrushing is generally recommended?

modified bass

What is dental tape?

A flat-type interproximal dental aid

What type of dental floss is most effective?

Waxed, unwaxed

What can be used to clean dentures?

commercial denture cleaner, mild soap, dishwashing liquid

Which of the following is recommended after meal and snacks when toothbrushing and flossing are not possible?

Rinse with water

Fluoride varnish is used with which group of patients?

Patients of any age