Embryology Chapter 13 dentin


70% inorganic
imbrication lines of von Ebner and contour lines of Owen are a number of adjoining parallel imbrication (shows disturbance)
calcium hydroxyapatite - formula of Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
makes up the bulk of the tooth and protects the pulp

Dentin Matrix Maturation

hydroxyapatite crystals form as globules in the collagen fibers of the predentin
new areas of mineralization occur as globules form in the partially mineralized predentin during the secondary mineralization phase

globular dentin

primary and secondary mineralization have occurred with complete crystalline fusion

interglobular dentin

only primary mineralization
darker arclike areas in a microscopic section of dentin
only primary mineralization has occurred within the predentin, and the globules of dentin do not fuse completely

Dentin Nutrition

tissue fluid in the dentinal tubules that originally traveled from the blood vessels located in the pulp

dentinal tubules

contain odontoblastic processes, dentinal fluid, and myelinated sensory axon

Dentinal Tubules Curvature

primary - overall tubule course over time (S shaped)
secondary - delicate curves in the primary curvature, reflecting the smaller daily changes in odontoblast direction

Dental papilla

Makes dentin and pulp


In pulp not dentin
Have extensions in dentin

Peritubular dentin

Most/highly mineralized
Wall of tubules

Intertubular dentin

Highly mineralized
Between tubules

Mantle dentin

First dentin formed
Outermost layer near dentinoenamel junction underneath enamel

Circumpulpal Dentin

Dentin formed after mantle dentin
Around pulp
bulk of the dentin
Layer around outer pupal wall

Primary dentin

regular pattern of tubules
formed in a tooth before the completion of the apical foramen

Secondary dentin

Formed after apical foramen and throughout life

Tertiary Dentin

reparative dentin
forms underneath the exposed dentinal tubules along the outer pulpal wall

sclerotic dentin

found in association with the chronic injury of caries and is noted in increased amounts as the tooth ages

dentinal hypersensitivity

open dentinal tubules may be painful for the patient

Tomes granular layer

underneath cementum

Central cells of dental papilla

Form pulp

Pulp tissue

sensory, nutritive, and protective properties
shape of pulp is similar to shape of tooth - cusps

Pulp chamber

coronal pulp
radicular pulp - on roots

Pulp horns

Apex of coronal pulp
Only on posterior teeth
Recede with age

Accessory canals

extra openings from the pulp to the periodontal ligament
form when HERS encounters blood vessel

Pulp zones

odontoblastic layer - lines outer pulpal wall and many odontoblastic cell bodies
cell free zone - nerve and capillary plexus
cell rich zone - increase density of cells
pulpal core - center of pulp chamber that has many cells and extensive vascular supply


Inflammation from mechanical or trauma injury
irreversible is done by root canal - lingering and random pain


Odontoblasts cell bodies are in pulp but have extensions into dentin
Contains dental pulp stem cells
Two nerve types - myelinated and unmyelinated

Posterior Maxillary


Anterior Maxillary

Infraorbital artery


Inferior alveolar artery

Apical Foramen

Provides communication between pulp and PDL

Pulp stones

Mineralized masses of dentin in pulp