Tooth development

Initiation stage

The first stage of tooth development

When does the initiation stage occur ?

During week 6-7

What process does the initiation stage require?


What is the first step of induction?

The stomodeum is lined by ectoderm

What does the ectoderm give rise to?

The oral epithelium

What Is located below the oral epithelium?

The ectomesenchyme

What type of cells influence the ectomesenchyme?

Neural crest cells

What does the basement membrane separate during the induction stage?

The oral epithelium and ectomesenchyme

What will the oral epithelium create?

The dental lamina

What is the second stage of tooth development

The bud stage

When does the bud stage occur?

During the 8th week

What process does the bud stage require?


What is the first step of the bud stage?

The dental lamina grows into buds

How many buds will each arch have?

10 buds

What part remains during the bud stage?

Basement membrane

What will each bud develop into ?

A tooth germ

What is the third stage of tooth development?

Cap stage

When does the cap stage occur?

During week 9-10

What process does the cap stage require?

Differentiation, proliferation and morphogenesis

What is the first step of the cap stage?

Unequal growth of the parts of the tooth bud create a cap shape

What does the depression in the deepest part of the tooth bud form?

The enamel organ

What will the enamel organ produce?


What is the second step of the cap stage?

The ectomesenchyme condensed into a mass within the cap

What is the mass of ectomesenchyme called?

The dental papilla

What will the dental papilla produce

Dentin and pulp

What still remains during the cap stage ?

The basement membrane

What will the basement membrane become?

The dentinoenamel junction

What is the third step of the cap stage?

When any remaining ectomesenchyme turns into a dental follicle

What will the dental follicle /sac produce?

Periodontum, cementum, alveolar bone

What is the last step of the cap stage?

The enamel organ, dental papilla and dental follicle all combine to create the tooth germ

What is the tooth germ?

The primordium of the tooth

When does initiation for the primary anterior teeth occur ?

During the end of the cap stage

What is the fourth stage of tooth development?

The bell stage

When does the bell stage occur?

During the 11-12th week

What process does the bell stage require?

Proliferation , differentiation and morphogenesis

What is the first step of the bell stage?

Enamel organ becomes bell shaped

What do the outer cells of the enamel organ become?

The outer enamel epithelium

What is the job of the outer enamel epithelium?

To be a protective barrier

What do the inner cells of the enamel organ become ?

The inner enamel epithelium

What is the job of the inner enamel epithelium?

To differentiate into ameloblasts

What still remains during the cap stage?

The basement membrane

What two things form between the OEE and IEE?

The stellate reticulum and stratum intermedium layers

What is the stellate reticulum layer?

The outer layer that is star shaped

What is the stratum intermedium layer?

The inner layer , flat shaped

What is the job of both stellate and stratum layers?

To help produce enamel

What is the second step in the cap stage?

The dental papilla becomes outer and central cells

What will the outer cells of dental papilla become?


What will the inner cells of the dental papilla become?

Primordium of the pulp

What is the last step in the cap stage ?

The dental follicle increases in collagen fibers

What is the fifth step in tooth development?


What occurs during apposition?

Enamel, dentin and cementum are all secreted in layers

What process does apposition require ?

Induction and proliferation

How are the layers initially secreted?

As a matrix

What is the sixth step of tooth development?


What happens during maturation?

full mineralization of tissues occurs.

Which cells form enamel?


Which cells form dentin?


Which cells form cementum?


Which cells form the alveolar bone?


What is odontogenesis?

The many stages of tooth development. A continuous process with no clear starting or end point between stages

Disturbances of initiation stage?

Supernumerary teeth


Absence of teeth

Supernumerary teeth

Development of extra teeth

Disturbances in the bud stage


Successional dental lamina

Site of origin for permanent dentition

Disturbances during cap stage

Dens in dente

Dens in dente

A tooth within a tooth


A single tooth germ tries to divide into 2 tooth germs causing a large single rooted tooth


The union of two tooth germs


Extra cusps on teeth

Where does tooth development begin and end?

Begins in the crown and ends in the root of the tooth

Disturbances of final stages

Enamel dysplasia
Enamel hypoplasia
Enamel hypocalcification
Dentin dysplasia
Dentin imperfecta

Enamel dysplasia

Faulty development of enamel

Enamel hypoplasia

Reduction in the quantity of enamel matrix

Enamel hypocalcification

Results in a turner spot (yellow staining)

Dental fluorosis

Hypoplasia and hypocalcification occurring together to stain teeth

Dentin dysplasia

Faulty development of dentin

Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Blue gray color of teeth

How does odontoblasts form?

IEE turns into preameloblasts
IEE cells undergo repolarization
Preameloblasts become enamel matrix secreting cells
Preameloblasts become odontoblasts
Odontoblasts begin dentinogenesis


The formation of dentin

How does ameloblasts form?

Basement membrane disappears
Preameloblasts can then contact predentin
This contact cause preameloblasts to become ameloblasts
Amelogenesis begins
Enamel matrix is secreted by tomes process
Basement membrane mineralized forming DEJ


Formation of enamel

What causes the formation of the DEJ

When the basement membrane mineralizes

What is the job of tomes process?

To secrete the enamel matrix

Enamel matrix formation

Odontoblasts leave attachments in the predentin called odontoblastic processes

What houses the odontoblastic processes?

Dentinal tubules

What does the cervical loop develop?

The root which consists of the IEE and OEE

How does root development occur?

1. Cervical loop grows deep into ectomesenchyme to move away from the crown area
2. Hertwig epithelial sheath is formed.

What is the job of HERS?

To shape the root and induces dentin formation in the root area.

Why is enamel not located in the roots?

Because HERS can not induce into ameloblasts. It can only induce odontoblastic differentiation.

What happens when root dentin formation is completed?

Basement membrane goes away and so does entire HERS

What occurs after those two things disappear?

Cells become epithelial rests of Malassez (ERM)


Laying down of cementum

How does cementum form?

1. Mesenchymal cells become cementoblasts
2. Cementoblasts lay down cementoid
3. Cementoblasts become trapped and then mature to cementocytes
4. Cementoid calcifies to become cementum


Excess cementum formation

Multirooted teeth

1. Start as single root
2. Root trunk divides into tooth branches
3. HERS divides root trunk into 2-3 roots
4. Cervical loop elongates into extensions or roots

Which teeth take a shorter amount of time to develop?

Primary teeth

When do primary crowns mineralize?

Before birth

When do permanent teeth begin to form?

After birth


Distorted root angulations (dancing root) due to injury to HERS