DA Ch 45 terms and recall Q's


to cause something to scatter, or become dispersed and gradually disappear


characterized by the release of heat from a chemical reaction

luting agent

cement type substance used to seal a surface


referring to a temporary coverage made for a crown or bridge preparations and worn during cast preparation


to slow down a process


to mix using a spatula type instrument

what is another name used for permeant cement?

permeant indirect restoration

when is a temporary cement used instead of a permanent cement?

if indirect restoration needs to be removed at a later date

what variable affects the addition or loss of water in a dental cement?


can a glad ionomer cement be used as a restorative material?


what ingredient in the powder of glass ionomer cement helps inhibit recurrent decay?

acid-soluable cement

can resin cements be used under metal castings?


in the composite resin cementation procedure, what step is more important to complete on the tooth surface before cementation of the material?

tooth just be free of all plaque and debris

what type of ZOE is used for permanent cementation?

ZOE type II

on what mixing surface is ZOE mixed?

oil resistant paper

how is temp bond supplied?

two paste system

in what two forms is the polycarboxylate cement liquid supplied?

syringe, plastic squeeze bottle

how should polycarboxylate cement appear after the mixing process?

thick. shiny, glossy surface

what is the main component in the liquid form of zinc phosphate cement?

phosphoric acid

how do you dissipate the heat from zinc phosphate during the mixing process?

cement is spatulated over a wide are of cool, dry, thick glass slab

what size of powder increment is first brought into the liquid of zinc phosphate during mixing?

small increments

do you "fill" or "line" a crown with a permeant cement?
