Chapter 6

The major components of composite dental materials include all of the following except one. Which one is this exception?

Bonding agent

Composite resins are often classified according to their..?

Filler particle size

The shortcomings of flowable composites as compared with hybrid composites include all of the following except one. Which one is this exception?

They are more difficult to polish

The purpose of a silane coupling agent for composite resins is?

to improve the bond between the filler paricles and the resin matrix

The curing light requires repair if..

If a 2 mm thick piece of composite does not cure through the bottom at the recommended exposure time

The polymerization shrinkage of a composite...?

can be minimized by placing and curing a series of small increments

Fillers are composed of all of the following except one. Which one is the exception?


Which one of the following statements about a coupling agent is false?

It prevents fillers from sticking to the resin

All of the following will increase the wear of a composite restoration except one. Which one is this exception?

Saliva contamination of the etched enamel

Which one of the following types of composites is the weakest and should not be used in stress-bearing tooth surfaces?


Heavily filling the resin matrix with nanosized fillers particles will reduce which one of the following?

Polymerization shrinkage

Which of the following composites attains a high shine when polished that lasts the longest?


Which one of the following types of composites generally will shrink the most when polymerized?

Flowable compiste

Common effects of polymerization shrinkage of composites may include all of the following except one. Which one is the exception?

Death of the pulp

Methods used to minimize polymerization shrinkage include all of the following except one. Which one is the exception?

Cure the composite rapidly with a high-intensity light

All of the following circumstances may require a longer curing time for a composite except one. Which one is the exception?

Composite placed in a class III preparation on #8 mesial

What allows a new increment of composite to stick to the previously cured increment?

Chemical resin-to-resin bond

The function of the wedge placed interproximal with a class II preparation includes all of the following except one. Which one is the exception?

Stop bleeding

One of the advantages of glass ionomer compared to composites is?

That it has been shown to release fluoride

Which one of the following statements about glass ionomer cement (GIC) is false?

GIC functions well for class II restorations

Hybrid (resin-modified) glass ionomers have all of the following advantages over conventional glass ionomers except one. Which one is this exception?

Contain quartz fillers like some composites

Nano-ionomers have all of the following properties except one. Which one is this exception?

Greater strength than nanocomposites

Compomer restorative materials?

Are closer to composite resins in their makeup than to glass ionomers