DEN 105 TEST # 3

What is the preferred channel for appointment scheduling?

At dentist office (60%)
Phone (30%)

Appointment Scheduling is an ______ _______ function of every successful dental office.
TIME = _____!!!!!

**Essential Business

This contains all of the scheduled patients and events for the dentist and staff.

Appointment schedule

Some Conside its _______ the ___ __ _______ or fialure of the dental practice.

**Key to Success

MAXIMIZE productivity
REDUCE staff tension
MAINTAIN concern for the patients needs

The 3 major goals of an appointment system!!

The number of patients seen per day has a direct impact on....

1. Profitability of the practice
2. Quality of the care
3. Emotional/Physical well-being of dentist and staff
4. Convenience of health care of the patients

What are the 2 types on how a appointment can be scheduled?

1. Manual: Written Appointment book w/ units of time per day. Called "week-at-a-glance"
2. Computerized: Appointment book within a software package

One Column per OP chair
Units:Usually 15 minute unit/4 per hour
Arrow: Length of appointment
X: Do not schedule patients

Week at glance format

What are the 2 things that drive scheduling decisions?

Peak Performance & Production Goals.

_______ is when the dentist energy level is at its best to perform demanding procedures; this is usually early in the morning.

Peark Performance

Scheduling is the ________ of the the dental practice.


The schedule can be one of the most ________ areas of a practice.


This type of scheduling leads to stress and concern about financial security

Roller Coaster Production/Scheduling!!

What is the goal for daily production/monthly production??

The goal is to have 12 equally productive months in the year

This defines who will be performing each step of a procedure for each treatment provided in the office

Procedure analysis sheet

3 things an analysis sheet per procedure should reflect

1. Dentist time
2. Clinical assistant time
3. Decontamination time

What are the 3 categories for procedures?

1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Tertiary

This category is for high dollar value
Ex: Endo, Pros, Complex/Quad Restorative

Primary Category

This category is when lower fees are attached
EX: Simple Restorative, Forcep Extractions

Secondary Category

This category has no charge procedures
Ex: Partial Adj, Surgical Post Op

Tertiary Category

________ ______ is the KEY to productivity

Schedule Control

What time should you usually schedule young children for?

The morning after being well rested

This is time that has been blocked off to deal with emergeny situations.

Buffer Period

A handy reference for the office manager to fill an opening in the appointment schedule in a short notie

Call List/Short notice appointment list.

What are 2 things that a productive schedule have?

1. Little are no down time
2. Is a mixture of procedures.

What are the 3 sources of endless frustration?

1. Broken Appointments
2. Appointment cancellation
3. No Shows

What is the biggest single source of lost revenue?
