Organic Chemistry Exam 1

Are alkenes saturated or unsaturated? Why?

Alkenes are unsaturated because they could hold more hydrogen if the double bond was broken

What are cycloalkanes?

saturated hydrocarbons made up of carbon atoms joined in rings

What does Unsaturated mean?

double bonds

What does it mean if a carbon has 4 bonds?


What is cis-trans isomerism?

Two of the groups are the same attached to the C=C

What is a cis isomer?

the two Xs are on the same side

What is a trans isomer?

the two x's are on opposite sides

A tetrahedral molecule has what bond angle?


What kind of bond angle does Ethylene have?


A linear molecule has what bond angle?


What is a stereo structure?

Same Molec Formula and attachment
Different spatial arrangement

What is a constitutional isomer

differ in the order of attachment of atoms

What is isomerism?

Compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structural formula

When is cis-trans possible?

When an Alkene has two different substituent groups pn each end.

If One of the carbons containing the double bond is attatched to both identical groups, is cis trans possible?


Cis isomers on on the _______ sides of the carbon to eachother


Trans isomers are on the _____ sides of the carbon to eachother


Alkenes and Alkynes are
Sol/insol in H20

unsaturated hydrocarbons
NONpolar, INSOLUABLE in h20
LESS DENSE than h20
Flammable and nontoxic

Alkenes have cis-trans isomerism when each doublr bond has ____

different substituents