Covalent Bonding and Molecular Structures

What do the formulas for covalent compounds tell you?

the actual amounts of each element (not just a ratio!)

What mostly bonds together in covalent bonds?


What is the naming system for covalent bonds?

numerical prefix then second element ends in "ide

prefix for 1-10

mono (not used for first atom being one), di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca

What are the two categories of acids?

Binary and Oxyacids

Binary acids

hydrogen + single halogen (group 17)

How to name binary acids

hydro + halogen + -ic + acid


hydrogen + oxygen-containing polyatomic ion

How to name oxyacids

-ate ions = -ic acids
-ite ions = -ous acids

How do you know the amount of hydrogen in an oxyacid?

It's the charge of the polyatomic ion

Key principles of Lewis Structures (2)

1) Must show correct number of valence electrons
2) Most atoms want 8 valence electrons

How to determine number of valence electrons?

Count however many in the highest n value

What atom never has lone pairs?


What bonds do oxygen form?

two bonds and two lone pairs

What bonds do Nitrogen form?

three bonds and one lone pair

How to determine formal charge?

Number of valence electrons (from periodic table trend) - # of long electrons - # of bonds

What is the best Lewis structure when it comes to formal charge?

The one closest to where all the formal charges are zero

How to determine best Lewis structure if the formal charge situation is the same?

Look at which atom in the ion is most interested in having a negative charge (farther right on the periodic table); the structure that has the negative formal charge on that atom is the best

resonance structures

same atoms bonded to the same atoms, but different bonding


same formula but different atoms bonded to different atoms

Forma charge lets you distinguish the best ___________ structure; it cannot compare ________________

resonance; isomers

Rules of Terse Line notation (4)

1) Ends and corners are Carbons
2) Carbons assumed to have correct number of H's
3) Explicitly draw all atoms that aren't C or H
4) Draw all H's connected to non-carbons

Take this moment to review your functional group notecards

Do it girl

How to identify an isomer?

Single bonds can be rotated, but double bonds cannot
If it can be rotated, it is NOT an isomer

If a functional group has already been claimed, can a smaller functional group within be identified?

haha nope

If you are tempted to violate the octet rule.....

make sure that all formal charges are 0

How does "expanding the octet" work? For which atoms does this only work?

the atom uses space in its d-orbitals
this only works with rows whose n is greater than or equal to 3

Is a double bond or a single shorter?

the double is shorter (tighter pull)

If there are many resonance structures, how do the bond lengths relate?

they're the same

What determines the electronic geometry of a molecule?

the number of electron groups (lone pairs and bonds)

What determines the molecular geometry of a molecule?

ONLY the amount of bonds


attraction in a bond between atom and the electron

polar bond; what causes it

covalent bond in which electrons are unequally shared
caused by differences in electronegativity

What is more electronegative, oxygen or hydrogen?


How to determine if a molecule as a whole is polar by looking at bond dipoles

if they cancel out, it's nonpolar
if they don't cancel, it's polar

dipole moment; What does a small vs large number mean?

number that tells you if the compound is polar/nonpolar and how polar/non it is
small number = nonpolar; if magnitude is 1,in 10s, or larger, it's polar