Chemical Reactions - Science Chp 9

chemical reaction

a process in which atoms of one or more substances rearrange to form one or more new substances

chemical equation

a description of a reaction using element symbols and chemical formulas


a starting substance in a chemical reaction


a substance produced by a chemical reaction

Law of Conservation of Mass

law that states that the total mass of the reactants before a chemical reaction is the same as the total mass of the products after the chemical reaction


a number placed in front of an element symbol or chemical formula in an equation


a chemical reaction that absorbs thermal energy


a chemical reaction that releases thermal energy

activation energy

the minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction


a substance that increases reaction rate by lowering the activation energy of a reaction


a catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living cells


a substance that slows or even stops a chemical reaction

What are the two types of changes that matter can undergo?

Physical and Chemical

Characteristics of physical change

1) Does not produce a new substance
2) May have different physical properties

Name an example of a physical change

freezing water

Characteristics of chemical change

1) One or more substances change into a new substance
2) Different physical and chemical properties between starting and ending

Name an example of a chemical change

cupcake batter to a cupcake

chemical reaction

a process in which atoms of one or more substances rearrange to form one or more new substances

Indicators of a chemical reaction

color change, emission of odor, production of bubbles, temperature change, release of light, formation of a precipitate

True or False: Water boiling on a stove is a chemical change


True or False: Mix baking soda and vinegar


How do you tell if a chemical reaction has taken place?

If the starting and ending substances have different chemical properties, then a chemical reaction has occurred

Name the two types of substances.

1) elements
2) compounds

Substances have a fixed arrangement of ________.


What is the arrangement of water atoms?

2 hydrogen, 1 oxygen

chemical bond

an attraction between atoms when electrons are shared, transferred or pooled

What happens to atoms when the bonds are broken?

They can rearrange and form new bonds and new substances

What happens when you add electric energy to water?

The covalent bonds between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms will break and new bonds can be formed.

Did bubbles form on the copper wire from the last lab?

The electrical current broke the covalent bonds in the water and H2 and O2 gases were formed

chemical equation

a description of a reaction using element symbols and chemical formulas

diatomic molecule

elements that cannot exist in nature as a single atom

chemical formulas

represent compounds; use element symbols and subscripts to described the type and number

What is included in a chemical formula?

Both the reactants and the product are included

Who discovered the Law of Conservation of Mass?


Are new atoms formed during conservation of mass?

No, atoms are rearranged

How do you balance equations?

Never change subscripts
Only change coefficient

Which side of the equation are reactants written on?


Which side of the equation is the product written on?
