ipc(2019) unit 12 chemical bonds - chp 18 vocabulary

binary compound

compound that is composed of two elements

chemical bond

force that holds atoms together in a compound

chemical formula

chemical shorthand that uses symbols to tell what elements are in a compound and their ratios

covalent bond

attraction formed between atoms when they share electrons


compound that has water chemically attached to its atoms and written into its chemical formula


charged particle that has either more or fewer electrons than protons

ionic bond

the force of attraction between the opposite charges of the ions in an ionic compound


a neutral particle that forms as a result of electron sharing among atoms

nonpolar bond

a covalent bond in which electrons are shared equally by both atoms

nonpolar molecule

molecule that shares electrons equally and does not have oppositely charged ends

oxidation number

positive or negative number that indicates how many electrons an atom has gained, lost, or shared to become stable

polar bond

a covalent bond in which the electrons are not shared equally, resulting in a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end

polar molecule

a neutral molecule in which unequal electron sharing results in a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end

polyatomic ion

positively or negatively charged, covalently bonded group of atoms