A&P Lab Practical I

The nervous system works through secretions of _________, whereas the endocrine system works via secretions of _________.

neurotransmitters, hormones

Which of the following endocrine organs are part of the diencephalon?

Hypothalamus, Pineal Gland

Which pair of hormones are antagonists?

Calcitonin and PTH. Also insulin and glucagon.

Parathyroid Gland

Parathyroid Hormone

Insulin & Glucagon


Steroid Hormones

Adrenal Cortex

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Adrenal medulla

Throxine, thiiodothyronine, and calcitonin



anterior pituitary gland


Pineal gland

Thymosin and thymopoietin


Stimulus for Glucagon?

Increase of insulin

Stimulus for Calcitonin?

Increase of calcium levels

Stimulus for Parathyroid Hormone?

Decrease of calcium

Tidal volume

Volume of air inspired/expired during normal inspiration/expiration

Expiratory Reserve Volume

Amount of air forcefully expired after expiration of normal tidal volume.

Inspiratory Reserve Volume

Amount of air inspired forcefully after inspiration of normal tidal volume.

Vital Capacity

Total amount of exchangeable air that moves in and out of the lungs = sum of TV, IRV, and ERV.

Total lung capacity

total mount of exchangeable and nonexchangeable air in the lungs. Equal to TV + ERV + IRV + RV

Which of the following is not a basic physiological process carried out by the respiratory system?

Cellular respiration

According to Boyle's law, as the volume of a container increases, the pressure ________. Conversely, as the volume of a container decreases, the pressure ________?

decreases, increases.

Air moves into the lungs when

intrapulmonary pressure is less than atmospheric pressure.

Passive expiration is achieved by the

elastic recoil of the lungs

Carbon dioxide is transported through the blood primarily as


Hyperventilation ______ the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled and therefore _____ the blood pH.

increases, increases

Hypoventilation ______ the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled and therefore _____ blood pH.

decreases, decreases

The enzyme that coverts carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid is called?

carbonic anhydrase.

Why does the ventilatory rate increase during exercise?

The metabolic rate and CO2 production increase during exercise, therefore ventilatory rate must increase to remove excess CO2 from the blood.

The cerebral arterial circle

provides alternate routes of blood flow in the brain.

The venous blood of the brain drains into a set of ________ before draining into a vein.

dural sinuses

Which veins drain into the hepatic portal vein?

Splenic, Superior mesenteric vein, inferior mesenteric vein, hepatic veins, gastric veins

Which of the following describes the purpose of the hepatic portal system?

It drains blood from he liver to the inferior vena cava.

From superficial to deep, the layers of the blood vessel wall include the:

tunica interna, tunica media, tunica externa

Which of the following correctly describes the role of the smooth muscle cells in the blood vessel wall?

It plays an important role in determining the amount of blood flowing to a tissue, it plays an important role in blood pressure, it controls the diameter of the blood vessel.

Renal artery


Splenic artery

Spleen, pancreas, stomach

Celiac trunk

Supplies upper abdominal organs

Hepatic artery

Liver and stomach

Common carotid artery

Head and neck

What is the purpose of the hepatic portal system?

It allows the liver to process and detoxify nutrient-rich blood from most of the abdominal organs.

Why are valves present in veins?

To ensure blood flows only in one direction.

Coronary Sinus

Largest vein of the coronary circulation


Layer of the heart composed of cardiac muscle tissue.

Parietal pericardium

Outer layer of the serous pericardium

Visceral pericardium

Inner layer of the serous pericardium

S1, mitral & tricuspid, S2, aortic and pulmonary valves.

The first hear sounds is known as ________ and is caused by the closure of the ________. The second heart sounds is known as __________ and is caused by the closure of the ____________.

The process of listening to the heart sonds



A noise heard in an artery as a result of turbulent blood flow.


A noise heard in the heart due to a defective valve.


An elevated heart rate above 100 beats per minutes.


The pattern and regularity with which the heart beats.

S3 and S4

Extra heart sonds that may signify pathology.


A decreased heart rate below 60 beats per minute.

Baroreceptor reflex

Reflexive and often dramatic drops in blood pressure and heart rate.

Which of the following determines blood pressure?

cardiac output, peripheral resistance, blood volume.

Systolic pressure, 100-120 mmHg, diastolic, 60-80 mmHg

The _________ is the pressure in the arteries during ventricular systole and averages about ________. The ________ is the pressure in the arteries during ventricular diastole and averages about ________.

The sounds heard in an artery when meausuring blood pressure

sounds of Korotkoff

increase; decrease

The actiosn of the sympathetic nervous system _______ blood pressure, and the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system _________ blood pressure.

The ankle-brachial index compares the

systolic pressure int he arm to the systolic pressure in the ankle.