Chapter 19 A&P 2


average heartbeats per minute


study of the heart


location of the heart


Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart.

dorsal surface

near the bodies of the vertebrae

anterior surface

deep to sternum and costal cartilage


just left of the sternum between the 4th and 5th costal cartilages


the right side of the heart is deflected ________


the left side of the heart is deflected _______

300 grams

weight of heart

4 chambers of the heart

right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle


receives blood from outside of the heart


push blood out of the heart to the body

pulmonary and systemic

2 circuits of the heart

pulmonary circulation

transports deoxygenated blood to the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen then returns oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs

systemic circulation

transports oxygenated blood to the entire body and returns deoxygenated blood from the body to the heart


Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart that contains 2 layers

outer fibrous pericardium and inner serous pericardium

2 layers of pericardium

outer fibrous pericardium

dense connective tissue that protects the heart

inner serous pericardium

subdivided into parietal and visceral

parietal pericardium

fused to fibrous pericardium

visceral pericardium

(epicardium) fused to the heart and is made of simple squamous epithelium "mesothelium" and secrets serous fluid

pericardial cavity

space between epicardium and parietal pericardium and is filled with serous fluid

serous fluid

provides a frictionless environment for the heart

left and right auricles

ear-like" extensions on the superior surface of each atria



epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

3 layers of the heart


outermost layer of the heart also called the visceral pericardium


muscular, middle layer of the heart that is thicker on the left


outermost layer of the heart that lines chambers where blood circulates and covers heart valves, contains simple squamous epithelium, continuous with blood vessels


Divides the right and left chambers of the heart and has physical extensions of the myocardium covered in endocardium

interatrial septum

between the atrium which contains oval shaped fossa ovalis

inter ventricular septum

separates the 2 ventricles

atrioventricular septum

separates atria from ventricles and has 4 openings to allow blood to pass through

atrioventricular valves

between atria and ventricles

semilunar valves

between ventricles and major arteries

right atrium

receives blood returning from systemic circuit

superior and inferior vena cava

2 major veins that empty into the right atrium

pectinate muscles

smooth inner walls with some areas of prominent ridges (left atrium does not have these)

tricuspid valve

valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle

superior vena cava

brings blood from above the diaphragm

inferior vena cava

brings blood from below the diaphragm

right ventricle

receives blood from the right atrium through the tricuspid valve
-attached to papillary muscles by chordae tendineae
-walls are lined with trabeculae carneae

trabeculae carneae

ridges of cardiac muscle covered in endocardium

moderator band

arises from inferior inter ventricular septum and attaches to inferior papillary muscle and reinforces the right ventricle
-plays a role in cardiac conduction

left atrium

Receives blood from the pulmonary circulation after it has been oxygenated in the lungs
-Does not have pectinate muscle but its auricle does
-blood passes into the left ventricle through the bicuspid (mitral) valve

left ventricle



_________ the right atrioventricular (AV) valve
-Tri = 3 flaps which are leaflets of endocardium
-Connected by chordae tendineae to papillary muscles
-Closes when right ventricle contracts to keep blood from flowing back to atrium

Pulmonary semilunar (SL) valve

- 3 small flaps with no chordae tendineae nor papillary muscles
- Closes when right ventricle stops contracting to keep blood from flowing back into ventricle

Bicuspid or Mitral

_______ is the left atrioventricular (AV) valve
-Bi = 2 flaps instead of 3
- Connected by chordae tendineae to papillary muscles
- Closes when left ventricle contracts to keep blood from flowing back to atrium

Aortic semilunar (SL) valve

-aortic valve
-3 small flaps with no chordae tendineae nor papillary muscles
-closes when left ventricle stops contracting to keep blood from flowing back into ventricle

coronary arteries


left coronary artery

Bifurcates into Circumflex Artery and Anterior Interventricular Artery

right coronary artery

Branches into Posterior Interventricular Artery and several small marginal arteries

coronary veins

generally parallel to large surface arteries
-5 veins

great cardiac vein

Follows anterior interventricular artery, then circumflex artery

posterior cardiac vein

Follows marginal arteries that branched from circumflex artery

middle cardiac vein

Follows posterior interventricular artery

small cardiac vein

Follows right coronary artery

anterior cardiac veins

Drain directly into right atrium

cardiac muscle

Muscle of the heart
has 2 major types
-striated and organized into sacromeres
-shorter than skeletal muscle
-has mitochondria
-often mononucleated but can be multinucleated

myocardial contractile cells

-99% of cells in the atria and ventricles
-Contract to pump blood

myocardial conducting cells

-1% of heart cells
-Forms conduction network of the heart, similar to neurons

branching of cardiac muscle


Sinoatrial (SA) Node

-Located in the posterosuperior wall of the right atrium
-Known as the "pacemaker of the heart"
-initiates sinus rhythm
-Signal spreads through atria via internodal pathways to the Atriventricular (AV) node
-This takes about 50ms
- Causes atria to contrac

Atrioventricular (AV) Node

-Located in the inferior portion of the right atrium within the atrioventricular septum
-Septum prevents direct transfer of impulses without the AV node
-signal pauses for ~100ms before spreading
-Maximum transmission rate of 220 signals per minute

Atrioventricular Bundle (Bundle of His)


purkinje fibers

-Conductive fibers that reach to myocardial contractile cells in the ventricles
-Extend from apex toward AV septum and base of the heart
- Reaches ventricular muscles in ~75ms
~225ms since the start at SA node


record of the electrical activity of the heart and produces a graph that represents important electrical events of the heart


depolarization of the atria

qrs complex

depolarization of the ventricles

t wave

repolarization of ventricles


regions between 2 waves


segments + one or more waves

cardiac cycle

Period of time that begins with atrial contraction and ends with ventricular relaxation


Period of contraction that the heart undergoes while it is pumping blood into circulation


Period of relaxation that occurs as the chambers are filling with blood

phases of cardiac cycle

1- starts with all chambers in diastole
2- atrial systole and diastole
3- ventricular systole
4- ventricular diastole

chambers in diastole

-1st phase of cardiac cycle
- blood is flowing into the right and left atria
- av valves are open and SL valves are closed

atrial systole and diastole

2nd phase of cardiac cycle
-Contraction follows P wave and lasts ~100ms
-pumps blood through AV valve
-70-80% passive filling of ventricles, 20-30% from atrial systole

ventricular systole

-3rd phase of cardiac cycle
-Follows depolarization represented by QRS complex and lasts ~270ms
- Pressure inside increases as ventricles contract
-Forces AV valves closed
-Pressure builds until SL valves are forced open when pressure exceeds that in the

ventricular diastole

-4th phase of cardiac cycle
-Corresponds with T wave and lasts ~430ms
-Pressure begins to fall immediately after systole
-SL valves close when pressure drops below aorta/pulmonary trunk
-Continues to fall until AV valves open when pressure drops below the


Act of listening to heart, lungs, or other organs, usually with a stethoscope

s1 and s2

two audible sounds in a healthy heartbeat


first heart sound "Lub"
-closing of the SL valves at the start of ventricular systole


second heart sound "dub"
-closing of SL valves at the start of ventricular diastole


kentucky gallop"
heart sound of blood rushing in to the atria (occurs after s2)


Tennessee Gallo" heart sound
-Contraction of atria into a stiff or hypertrophic ventricle
Occurs before S1


any unusual heart sounds caused by turbulent blood flow

Cardiac Output (CO)

Measurement of the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle in 1 minute
-stroke volume x heart rate

Stroke Volume (SV)

Amount of blood pumped by each ventricle in one cardiac cycle
-how hard the heart is beating

Heart Rate (HR)

Heartbeats per minute, abbreviated as BPM
-how fast the heart is beating

End Diastolic Volume (EDV)

Amount of blood in ventricles after they fill during
-130 ml

End Systolic Volume (ESV)

Amount of blood in the ventricles at the end of systole

Ejection Fraction (EF)

Portion of blood pumped with each ventricular contraction
stroke volume divided by end diastolic volume (58% at rest)


increases heart rate


rest and digest
vagus nerve
-decreases heart rate

sinus rhythm from SA node

-100 BPM without
any nervous input
- Indicates that parasympathetic system is normally in
control to reduce resting HR
-Parasympathetic system releases ACh to slow

to increase heart rate:

-parasympathetic system must first be inhibited to raise HR to 100 BPM
-Sympathetic system activates to increase HR above 100 BPM
-Uses Norepinephrine (NE) to shorten the repolarization period and makes it easier to depolarize
- Binds to Beta-1 receptor


Muscles, joints, tendons
- Increased activity warrants increased blood flow



baroreceptor reflex



-Monitor waste level in blood (CO2, H+, lactic acid, low O2)
- Increase HR to get rid of wastes

inputs to the cardiovascular centers


influences of heart rate


epinephrine and norepinephrine


thyroid hormones

increases heart rate and contractility


increases heart rate and contractility
-extreme levels can lead to cardiac arrest

stoke volume

Affected by preload (EDV), contractility, and afterload (ESV)

Preload (EDV)

Stretch of ventricles prior to contraction

Longer ventricular diastole

________ _______ _______ =longer filling time
-Decreases as HR increases, causing lower preload

starlings law of the heart

as stretch increases, the force of contraction increases


