Ch 18 Heart (Marieb)

apical pulse

caused by the apex of the beating heart contracting the chest wall

fibrous pericardium

double-walled sac that surrounds the heart; the outermost layer; resposible for protection, anchors surrounding structures, prevents over-filling

serous pericardium

deep to the fibrous pericardium; slippery, thin, 2-layer serous membrane


most visceral layer of the heart and also an interal part of the heart wall


composed mainly of cardiac muscle & forms the bulk of the heart; fibrous skeleton of the heart


glistening white sheet of endothelium (squamous epithelium) resting on a thin connective tissue layer; lines the heart chambers & covers the fibrous skeleton of the valves


receiving chamber of the heart

right atrium veins

blood enters the atrium via three veins:
Superior vena cava
Inferior vena cava
Coronary SInus


discharging chambers of the heart

pulmonary trunk

right ventricle pumps blood into this


largest artery in the body; left ventricle ejects blood through this

pulmonary circuit

serves as gas exchange; served by the right ventricle; short-low pressure circulation

systemic circuit

associated with the left ventricle; blood vessels that carry functional blood supply to & from all body tissues; encounters 5 times as much friction (reisitanace) to blood flow

pulmonary circuit pump

right side of the heart

systemic circuit pump

left side of the heart

coronary circulation

functional blood supply of the heart; shortest circulation in the body; provided by right & left coronary arteries

left coronary arteries

Anterior intraventricular artery & circumflex artery

right coronary arteries

Right marginal artery & Posterior interventricular artery

coronary sinus

joined together with the cardiac veins to form this which has three large tributaries: Great, middle, & small cardiac veins

tricuspid valve

has 3 flexible cusps

mitral valve

AKA bicupsid valve; has 2 flaps

semilunar valves

aortic & pulmonary valves; prevent backflow into the assoiciated ventricles

chordae tendinae

heart strings"; anchor the cusps to the papillary muscle protruding from the ventricular wall

absolute refractory period

the excitable period when sodium channels are still open or activated

sinoatrial node

SA node"; the "pacemaker" of the intrinsic conduction system. Characteristic rhythm called sinus rhythm.

atrioventricular node

AV node"; where the impulse pauses in the intrinisic conduction system

AV bundle

connects the atria to the ventricles in the intrinisic conduction system

right & left bundle branches

conduct the impulses through the intraventricular septum

Purkinje fibers

depolarize the contractile cells of both ventricles


electrocardiography; composite of all the action potentials generated by nodal & contracile cells at a given time

P wave

lasts about 0.08 seconds & results from movement of the depolartixation wave from the SA node through the atria


complex that results from ventricular depolartization & proceeds ventricular contraction; average duration is 0.08 seconds

T wave

caused by ventricular repolarization & typically lasts 0.16 seconds

P-Q interval

the time (about 0.16 seconds) from the beginning of atrial excitation to the beginning of ventricular excitation

S-T segment

the action potential of the ventricular myocytes are in their plateau phases; the entire ventricular myocardium is depolarized

Q-T interval

lasts 0.38 seconds; period from the beginning of ventricular depolarization through ventricular repolarization





cardiac output

the amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in 1 minute

stroke volume

the volume of blood by one ventricle with each beat

end diastolic volume

EDV; the amount of blood that collects in a ventricle during diastole

end systolic volume

ESV; the volume of blood remaining in a ventricle after it has contracted


the degree to which cadiac muscle cells are stretched just before they contract. Controls stroke volume.


the contactile strength achieved at a given muscle length. rises when there is more Ca2+

positive inotropic agents

factors that increase contractility

negative inotropic agents

factors that decrease or impair contractility


the pressure that must be overcome for the ventricles to eject blood


inflammation of the pericardium; roughens the serous membrane surfaces

angina pectoris

thoracic pain caused by fleeting deficiency of blood delivery to the myocardium

mycardial infarction

MI" or "heartattack"; caused by prolonged coronary blockage

incompetent valve

forces the heart to pump the same blood over & over because the valve does not close properly & blood backflows

valvular stenosis

narrowing"; valve flaps become stiff & constrict the opening


defects in the intrinisc conduction system causing irregular heart rhythms


a condition of rapid & irregular or out-of-phase contractions in which control of heart rhythm is taken from the SA node by rapid activity in other heart regions

heart murmurs

abnormal heart sounds; most often indicate heart valve problems


abnormally fast heart rate (more than 100 beat per minute) that may result from elevated body temperature, stress, certain drugs, or heart disease


heart rate slower that 60 beats/minute; may result from low body temperature, certain drugs, or parasympathetic nervous activation

congenital heart defects

most common of all birth defects and include: Septal defects, Patent ductus arteriosus, co arctation of the aorta, & Tetralogy of Fallot

interatrial septum

separates the two atria

interventricular septum

separates the two ventricles

intercalated discs

junctions between cells; anchor cardiac cells

gap junctions

allows ions to pass; electrically couple adjacent cells


prevent cells from separating during contraction

positive chrontropic factors

increase heart rate

negative chrontropic factors

decrease heart rate

congestive heart failure

progressive condition where the cardiac output is so low that blood circulation is inadequate to meet tissue needs

embryonic heart chambers

Sinus venous, atrium, ventricle, & bulbus cordis

Cardiac Output is
A. the number of times the heart beats in one minute.
B. the number of impulses fired by the SA node in one minute.
C. the amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle in one minute.
D. the amount of blood filling each ventricle at the e

C. the amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle in one minute.

Choose the correct sequence of current flow through the heart wall.
A. SA node, Purkinje fibers, AV node, AV bundle of His, right and left bundle branches
B. SA node, AV node, AV bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
C. Purkinje f

B. SA node, AV node, AV bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

During pulmonary circulation blood leaves the
A. right ventricle and moves to the lungs.
B. right atrium and goes directly to the left ventricle.
C. left ventricle and moves to the lungs.
D. right ventricle and goes directly to the aorta.
E. right atrium

A. right ventricle and moves to the lungs.

During systemic circulation, blood leaves the
A. left ventricle and goes directly to the aorta.
B. right atrium and goes directly to the lungs.
C. lungs and moves to the left atrium.
D. right ventricle and goes directly to the aorta.
E. right ventricle an

A. left ventricle and goes directly to the aorta.

During the spike of an action potential in a cardiac muscle cell
A. Ca2+ moves out of the cell into the extracellular fluid.
B. K+ channels open to let K+ move into the cell.
C. both Na+ and Ca2+ move into the cell at the same time.
D. there is a rapid in

D. there is a rapid influx of Na+ into the cell.

Identify the correct sequence of blood flow through the chambers of the heart.
A. Lungs, right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium, left atrium
B. Left atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle, right atrium, and lungs
C. Right atrium, right ventricle,

C. Right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, left atrium, left ventricle

The absolute refractory period refers to the time during which
A. the muscle cell is NOT in a position to respond to a stimulus of any strength.
B. the muscle cell is ready to respond to a threshold stimulus.
C. a cardiac muscle cannot respond to any stim

A. the muscle cell is NOT in a position to respond to a stimulus of any strength.

The cardiac cycle includes all of the following events EXCEPT
A. the changes in pressure gradients in all chambers of the heart.
B. the closing and opening of the heart valves during each heart beat.
C. the number of times the heart beats in one minute.

C. the number of times the heart beats in one minute.

The coronary arteries arise from the
A. pulmonary trunk.
B. superior vena cava.
C. inferior vena cava.
D. aorta.
E. right atrium.

D. aorta.

The endocardium is composed of
A. stratified squamous epithelium.
B. simple squamous epithelium.
C. simple columnar epithelium.
D. cardiac muscle cells.
E. simple cuboidal epithelium

B. simple squamous epithelium.

The inferior vena cava brings blood from the lower regions of the body and empties into the
A. left atrium.
B. right atrium.
C. left ventricle.
D. right ventricle.
E. Aorta.

B. right atrium.

The inner lining of the fibrous pericardium is formed by the
A. parietal layer of serous pericardium.
B. endocardium.
C. epicardium.
D. myocardium.
E. diaphragm.
F. pericardial cavity.

A. parietal layer of serous pericardium.

The interventricular septum forms a dividing wall between the
A. left atrium and right atrium.
B. right ventricle and left atrium.
C. left and right ventricles.
D. left atrium and left ventricle.
E. right atrium and right ventricle

C. left and right ventricles

The P-wave is a measure of
A. atrial repolarization.
B. ventricular depolarization.
C. ventricular hyperpolarization.
D. ventricular contraction.
E. atrial depolarization.

E. atrial depolarization.

The pacemaker of the heart is the
A. SA node.
B. the bundle branches.
C. AV node.
D. Bundle of His.
E. Purkinje fibers.

A. SA node

The tricuspid valve is located between the
A. right and left atria.
B. right atrium and right ventricle.
C. left atrium and left ventricle.
D. right and left ventricles.
E. right ventricle and the aorta

B. right atrium and right ventricle.

When the mitral valve closes, it prevents the backflow of blood from the
A. left ventricle into the left atrium.
B. right atrium into the right ventricle.
C. left atrium into the left ventricle.
D. left ventricle into the aorta.
E. right ventricle into th

A. left ventricle into the left atrium.

Which is the correct sequence of layers in the heart wall, starting with the outer layer?
A. Epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
B. Endocardium, smooth muscle, epicardium
C. Endocardium, epicardium, myocardium
D. Parietal pericardium, myocardium, endocard

A. Epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the shape, position and location of the heart?
A. The heart is located between the two lungs within the mediastinum.
B. Approximately two-thirds of the heart is found to the left of the midline.
C. The h

D. The heart is enclosed in a double-layered sac called the pleural membrane.

Which statement about the extrinsic innervation of the heart is NOT true?
A. Parasympathetic nerve stimulation reduces the heartbeat.
B. Sympathetic impulses travel through the vagus nerve.
C. Sympathetic nerve stimulation of the heart increases the rate

B. Sympathetic impulses travel through the vagus nerve.

The vessels that carry oxygen to the myocardial cells are called
A. pulmonary arteries.
B. aortic arteries.
C. coronary veins.
D. coronary arteries.
E. pulmonary veins

D. coronary arteries.

The cells of the myocardium behave as a single coordinated unit called a
A. functional syncytium.
B. cardiac cycle.
C. sarcomere.
D. contractile unit.
E. pacemaker

A. functional syncytium.

The ability of some cardiac muscle cells to initiate their own depolarization and cause depolarization of the rest of the heart is called
A. an action potential.
B. automaticity.
C. fibrillation.
D. a functional syncytium.
E. absolute refractory period

B. automaticity.

Guided by powerful signaling molecules, the human heart develops from
A. ectoderm and endoderm.
B. ectoderm.
C. endoderm.
D. blood cells.
E. mesoderm.

E. mesoderm.

Which of the following is an age-related change of the heart that affects function?
A. Fibrosis of cardiac muscle
B. Stretching of myocardium due to overuse
C. Increase in cardiac reserve
D. Loss of elasticity of cardiac muscle
E. Thinning of the valve fl

A. Fibrosis of cardiac muscle

Which of the following vessels is most likely to supply the anterior left ventricular myocardium?
A. Circumflex artery
B. Posterior interventricular artery
C. Marginal artery
D. Left anterior descending artery
E. Right coronary artery

D. Left anterior descending artery

Which of the following drains blood DIRECTLY from the myocardium?
A. Coronary sinus
C. Right coronary artery
D. Middle cardiac vein

D. Middle cardiac vein

Which of the following is the cause of the "plateau" in cardiac muscle action potentials?
A. Chloride ion outflux
B. Sodium ion influx
C. Potassium ion influx
D. Calcium ion outflux
E. Calcium ion influx

E. Calcium ion influx

Which of the following structures lies on the outside surface of the heart and is an integral part of the cardiac wall?
A. the fibrous pericardium
B. The parietal layer of serous pericardium
C. the pericardial sac
D. the epicardium

D. the epicardium

Which of the following structures is continuous with the inner lining of blood vessels?
A. the endocardium
B. the epicardium
C. the pericardial sac
D. the pectinate muscles

A. the endocardium

The fossa ovalis is located in the
A. ventricle.
B. interatrial septum.
C. interventricular septum.
D. atrium

B. interatrial septum.

The trabeculae carneae are located in the
A. ventricles.
B. endocardium.
C. epicardium.
D. atrium.

A. ventricles.

What part of the heart is considered the systemic circuit pump?
A. the left atrium
B. the left ventricle
C. the right atrium
D. the right ventricle

B. the left ventricle

If the circumflex artery of the heart was blocked, the myocardium in the _________________ would be ischemic.
A. the apex
B. the left atrium and the posterior wall of the left ventricle
C. the lateral aspects of the heart
D. interventricular septum and th

B. the left atrium and the posterior wall of the left ventricle

Attached to the AV valve flaps are the
A. pectinate muscles.
B. chordae tendineae.
C. papillary muscles.
D. trabeculae carneae.

B. chordae tendineae.

Blood spurts back into the _____________ when the right atrium contracts
A. pulmonary trunk
B. pulmonary veins
C. venae cavae
D. aorta

C. venae cavae

Which of the following valves is most often faulty in the heart?
A. the pulmonary semilunar valve
B. the aortic semilunar valve
C. the mitral or bicuspid valve
D. the tricuspid valve

C. the mitral or bicuspid valve

The myocardium functions as a functional syncytium due to
A. branching of myocardial cells.
B. the presence of striations in the myocardium.
C. the presence of desmosomes.
D. the presence of gap junctions.

D. the presence of gap junctions.

Which of the following factors gives the myocardium its high resistance to fatigue?
A. the coronary circulation
B. a very large number of mitochondrion in the cytoplasm
C. the presence of intercalated discs
D. gap junctions

B. a very large number of mitochondrion in the cytoplasm

All but which of the following statements about autorhythmic myocardial cells are correct?
A. They have special ion channels in their sarcolemma.
B. They do not maintain a stable resting membrane potential.
C. They are the first myocardial cells to contra

C. They are the first myocardial cells to contract.

Autorhythmic cardiac cells are found in all the following location except the
A. SA node.
B. Purkinje cells.
C. AV node.
D. interatrial septum.

D. interatrial septum.

Which of the following is clinically significant as an ectopic pacemaker of the heart?
A. drinking several cups of caffeinated coffee
B. excessive smoking
C. anxiety
D. extrasystole contractions associated with angina pectoris

D. extrasystole contractions associated with angina pectoris

The _________ nerve carries parasympathetic fibers to the SA node.
A. facial
B. vagus
C. hypoglossal
D. accessory

B. vagus

The cardioacceleratory center fibers are part of the
A. cranial peripheral nervous system.
B. sympathetic nervous system.
C. somatic peripheral nervous system.
D. parasympathetic nervous system

B. sympathetic nervous system.

An enlarged R wave on an ECG would indicate
A. cardiac ischemia.
B. a myocardial infarction.
C. an enlarged ventricle.
D. repolarization abnormalities.

C. an enlarged ventricle.

The pacemaker potential produced in autorhythmic cells is due to the presence of
A. intercalated discs at cell junctions.
B. desmosomes.
C. many large mitochondria in the cytoplasm.
D. a continuously depolarizing membrane that slowly reaches threshold

D. a continuously depolarizing membrane that slowly reaches threshold

Which of the following ions has the greatest affect on the autorhythmic capabilities of the myocardium?
A. K+
B. Cl-
C. Na+
D. Ca2+

D. Ca2+

Which of the following events would cause the gap junctions between cardiac cells to close?
A. atrial fibrillation
B. arrhythmia
C. ischemia
D. premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)

C. ischemia

A doctor puts his stethoscope on a patient's chest over the location of the heart and hears a swishing sound. Which of the following conditions is the best diagnosis for the patient's condition?
A. incompetent cardiac valve
B. angina pectoris
C. cardiac t

A. incompetent cardiac valve

The end diastolic volume is the
A. volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of ventricular relaxation.
B. volume of blood in the atria at the end of atrial relaxation.
C. volume of blood in the atria at the end of atrial contraction.
D. volume of blood

A. volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of ventricular relaxation.

The phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles are completely closed and the volume of blood in them is constant is referred to as the
A. isovolumetric relaxation phase.
B. quiescent period.
C. isovolumetric contraction phase.
D. ventricular eject

C. isovolumetric contraction phase.

The dicrotic notch observed on tracing of blood pressure recording is due to
A. pulmonary semilunar valve closure.
B. mitral valve closure.
C. tricuspid valve closure.
D. aortic semilunar valve closure.

D. aortic semilunar valve closure

Positive inotropic agents
A. cause hemolysis of blood clots.
B. increase the contractility of the heart.
C. decrease the contractility of the heart.
D. prevent blood clotting.

B. increase the contractility of the heart.


situation in which the heart fails to contract

EXTRA CRED TERM cardiac catheteriztion

diagnostic procedure involving passage of a fine catheter through a blood vessel into the heart, blood samples are drawn, allowing oxygen content, blood flow, and pressures within the heart to be measured. Findings help to detect valve problems, heart def

EXTRA CRED TERM commotio cordis

concussion of the heart" situation in which a mild blow to the chest causes heart failure and sudden death because it occurs during a vulnerable interval (2ms) when the heart is repolarizing.

EXTRA CRED TERM cor pulmonale

a condition of right sided heart failure resulting from elevated blood pressure in the pulmonary circuit. Acute cases may develop suddenly due to pulmonary embolism, chronic cases are usually associated with chronic lung conditions

EXTRA CRED TERM endocarditis

inflammation of the endocardium. usually confined to the endocardium of the heart valves. often results from bacterial infection in the bloodstream, but may result from fungal infection or an autoimmune response. Drug addicts may develop from contaminated

EXTRA CRED TERM heart palpatation

a heart beat that is unusually strong, fast, or irregular so that the person is aware of it. may be caused by drugs, emotional pressure, or heart disorders

EXTRA CRED TERM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

the leading cause of sudden death in young athletes, this condition, which is usually inherited, causes the cardiac muscle to enlarge, thickening the heart wall. The heart pumps strongly, but does not relax well during diastole when the heart is filling

EXTRA CRED TERM mitral valve prolapse

Valve disorder affecting up to 1% of the population. most often seen in young women. appears to have genetic basis resulting in abnormal chordae tendinae or a malfunction of the pappillary muscles. one or more of the flaps of the mitral valve become incom

EXTRA CRED TERM myocarditis

inflammation of the cardiac muscle layer of the heart. sometimes follows an untreated streptococcal infection in children. may weaken the heart and impair its ability to act as a pump

EXTRA CRED TERM paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT)

Bursts of atrial contraction with little pause between them

EXTRA CRED TERM Ventricular tachycardio (VT or VTac)

Rapid ventricular contractions that are not coordinated with atrial activity.

true or false; the myocardium receives its blood supply from the coronary arteries.


true or false; cardiac muscle has more mitochondria and depends less on a continual supply of oxygen than does skeletal muscle.


true or false; anastomoses among coronary arterial branches provide collateral routes for blood delivery to the heart muscle.


true or false; tissues damaged by myocardial infarction are replaced by connective tissue


true or false; the left side of the heart pumps the same volume of blood as the right


true or false; the papillary muscles contract after the other ventricular muscles so that they can take up the slack on the chordae tendineae before the full force of ventricular contractions sends blood against the AV valve flaps.


true or false; an ECG provides direct information about valve function.


true or false; as pressure in the aorta rises due to atherosclerosis, more ventricular pressure is required to open the aortic valve.


true or false; autonomic regulation of heart rate is via two reflex centers found in the pons.


Which of the following is not an age-related change affecting the heart?
A. thinning of the valve flaps
B. decline in cardiac reserve
C. fibrosis of cardiac muscle
D. atherosclerosis

A. thinning of the valve flaps

true or false; congestive heart failure means that the pumping efficiency of the heart is depressed so that there is inadequate delivery of blood to body tissues


Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events?
A. excitation of the SA node
B. closure of the heart valves
C. friction of blood against the chamber walls
D. opening and closing of heart valves

B. closure of the heart valves

Which of the events below does not occur when the semilunar valves are open?
A. ventricles are in diastole
B. blood enters pulmonary arteries and the aorta
C. AV valves are closed
D. ventricles are in systole.

A. ventricles are in diastole

Hemorrhage with a large loss of blood causes...
A. lowering of blood pressure due to change in cardiac output
B. A rise in blood pressure due to change in cardiac output
C. no change in blood pressure, but a slower heart rate
D. no change in blood pressur

A. lowering of blood pressure due to change in cardiac output

The left ventricular wall of the heart is thicker than the right wall in order to...
A. accomodate a greater volume of blood
B. expand the thoracic cage during diastole
C. pump blood with greater pressure
D. pump blood through a smaller valve

C. pump blood with greater pressure

Damage to the __________ is referred to as a heart block.
A. SA node
B. AV valves
C. AV bundle
D. AV node

D. AV node

The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates...
A. ventricular repolarization
B. ventricular depolarization
C. atrial repolarization
D. atrial depolarization

D. atrial depolarization

Blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the...
A. right atrium
B. left atrium
C. right ventricle
D. left ventricle

B. left atrium

Small muscle masses attached to the chordae tendineae are the...
A. trabeculae carneae
B. pectinate muscles
C. papillary muscles
D. vena cava

C. papillary muscles

The term for pain associated with deficient blood delivery to the heart that may be caused by the transient spasm of coronary arteries is...
A. ischemia
B. pericarditis
C. myocardial infarct
D. angina pectoris

D. angina pectoris

To auscultate the aortic semilunar valve, you would place your stethescope in the ...
A. second intercostal space to the right of the sternum
B. second intercostal space to the left of the sternum
C. 5th intercostal space, inferior to the left nipple
D. 5

A. second intercostal space to the right of the sternum

The source of blood carried to capillaries in the myocardium would be the...
A. coronary sinus
B. fossa ovalis
C. coronary arteries
D. coronary veins

C. coronary arteries

If the length of the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells was the same as it is for skeletal muscle cells...
A. it would be much longer before cardiac cells could respond to a second stimulation
B. contractions would last as long as the refr

C. tetanic contractions might occur, which would stop the hearts pumping action.

Norepinephrine acts on the heart by
A. decreasing heart contractility
B. causing a decrease in stroke volume
C. blocking the action of calcium
D. causing threshold to be reached more quickly

D. causing threshold to be reached more quickly

If the vagal nerves to the heart were cut, the result would be that...
A. the heart would stop, the vagal nerves trigger the heart to contract
B. the heart rate would increase about 25 beats per minute
C. the AV node would become the pacemaker of the hear

B. the heart rate would increase about 25 beats per minute

The tricuspid valve is closed when...
A. the ventricle is in diastole
B. the ventricle is systole
C. the atrium is contracting
D. the blood is moving from atrium to ventricle

B. the ventricle is systole

select the correct statement about the heart valves
A. the mitral valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle
B. the tricuspid valve divides the left atrium from the left ventricle
C. aortic and pulmonary valves control the flow of blood int

D. The AV valves are supported by chordae tendineae so that regurgitation of blood into the atria during ventricular contraction does not occur.

The second heart sound is heard during which phase of the cardiac cycle
A. isovolumetric relaxation
B. isovolumetric contraction
C. ventricular ejection
D. ventricular filling

A. isovolumetric relaxation

The time of day most hazardous for heart attack is...
A. morning
B. noontime
C. evening
D. during sleep

A. morning

If we were able to artificially alter the membrane permeability of pacemaker cells so that sodium influx was more rapid...
A. threshold is reached more quickly and heart rate would increase
B. potassium channels compensate and no change in heart rate woul

A. threshold is reached more quickly and heart rate would increase

Isovolumetric contraction...
A. refers to the short period during ventricular systole when the ventricles are completely closed chambers.
B. occurs while the AV valves are open
C. occurs immediately after the aortic and pulmonary valves close
D. occurs on

A. refers to the short period during ventricular systole when the ventricles are completely closed chambers.

Commotio cordis is heart failure due to a...
A. mild electrical shock to the heart itself
B. severe electrical shock to the body
C. relatively mild blow to the chest that occurs during a vulnerable interval (2ms) when the heart is repolarizing
D. loss of

C. relatively mild blow to the chest that occurs during a vulnerable interval (2ms) when the heart is repolarizing

cardioacceleratory center

located in the medulla oblongata, projects to sympathetic neurons

cardioinhibitory center

located in the medulla oblongata, projects to parasympathetic neurons

cardiac output, how do you calculate CO

HR x SV , amout of blood pumped out by each ventricle per minute

stroke volume, sv

EDV - ESV , volume of blood pumped out by one ventricle during one beat

end diastolic volume

amt of blood that collects in ventricle during diastole

end systolic volume

amt of blood remaining in ventricle. after contaction