Chapter 20 the heart

Pulmonary circuit

Carries blood to and from gas exchange gas exchange surfaces of lungs

Systemic circuit

Carries blood to and from the body
Blood alternates between pulmonary circuit and systemic circuit

How many types of blood vessels

3 arteries, veins, capillaries


Carry blood away from the heart


Carry blood to the heart

(Single layer wall)

�Networks between arteries and veins
�exchange vessels-exchange materials between blood and tissue
�materials include dissolved gases nutrients waste products

How many chambers in the heart


Right atrium

Collects blood from systemic circuit

Right ventricle

Pumps blood to pulmonary circuit

Left atrium

Collects blood from pulmonary circuit

Left ventricle

Pumps blood to systemic circuit

Anatomy of the heart

�great veins and arteries at the base
�pointed tip is apex
�surrounded by pericardial sac
�sits between to plural cavities in the mediastinum

The heart is actually(1,2,3) pumps?

Two pumps

Which chamber receives blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae?

Right atrium

Which chamber receives blood from the pulmonary veins?

Left atrium

Which heart chamber pumps unoxygenated blood out the pulmonary trunk?

Right ventricle

Which chamber pumps oxygenated blood out of the aorta to the systemic circuit?

Left ventricle

The epicardium is also known as the

Visceral pericardium

The papillary muscles function to

Prevent the AV valves from reversing into the atria

The pulmonary veins carry ___blood to the ____atrium

Oxygenated ; left

The adult heart is roughly the size of

A mans clenched fist

Tetanic muscle contractions don't occur in a normal cardiac muscle because

The refractory period lasts until muscle relaxes

Intercalated discs serve to transfer____from cell to cell

�electrical signals
�action potentials
�the force contraction
�ionic currents

The cusps of atrioventricular valves attach directly to

Chordae tendineae

The right ventricle pumps blood to the

Right and left lungs

Coronary veins empty into the

Right atrium

The ____ delivers blood to the myocardium

Coronary arteries

The ____ valve prevents backward flow into the left atrium


The foramen ovale in the fetal heart is located in the

Interatrial septum

The circumflex branch and the anterior inter ventricular artery are branches of the

Left coronary artery

The___ is a remnant of an important fetal blood vessel that once linked the pulmonary and systemic circuits

Ligamentum arteriosum

Heart rate is controlled by

Both right vagus and sympathetic nerves

The plateau phase of the ventricular action potential corresponds to the __ phase of the electrocardiogram

ST segment

Which wave is the largest in the EKG


The normal pacemaker of heart is located in

The sinotrial node

If the connection between the SA node and AV node became blocked

The ventricles will beat more slowly

The T wave on an ECG tracing represents

Ventricle repolarization

____is to slow the heart rate as___is to fast the heart rate

Bradycardia ; tachycardia

The property of heart muscle contraction in the absence of neural or hormonal stimulation is called


The volume of blood remaining in the ventricle as diastole begins is called

End systolic volume

The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right; the left ventricle pumps more blood than the right. Are these two statements true

The first is true

During ventricle systole the blood pressure___and ventricle volume____

Increases; decreases

The first heart sound "lub

Associated with closing of the mitral valve

A heart murmur might be caused by

�swirling of blood in ventricle
�pulmonic valve insufficiency
�mitral valve insufficiency
�aortic valve insufficiency

At a heart rate of 60 beats/minute a cardiac cycle lasts

1 second

The contraction phase of the cardiac cycle is called


As the heart rate slows____gets longer


Which of these is not needed to determine cardiac output

Blood pressure

The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the

Stroke volume

The heart is innervated by___nerves

Both parasympathetic and sympathetic

Drugs that block the beta one adrenergic receptors will

Decrease heart rate

___is when the heart can't maintain adequate cardiac output

Heart failure

The amount of blood returning to the heart is

Venous return

The qrs complex represents

Ventricular depolarization

The p wave represents

Atrial depolarization

The P wave represents

Atrial depolarization

The T wave represents

Ventricular depolarization

The contractile cells of the myocardium reach threshold because of an influx of


The conduction delay that occurs at the AV node allows

The atria to contract before the ventricles begin to contract

QRS complex

Represents the depolarization of ventricles

Contraction of the chambers of the heart is


Relaxation of the chambers of the heart is


The first sound lubb marks the point when

The atrioventricular valves close

There are ___ heart sounds


The stroke volume of the heart is approximately


Stroke volume

The amount of blood ejected from each ventricle during ventricular systole