Bio 108 Final

P wave

atrial depolarization

QRS complex

Signals onset of ventricular contraction

T wave

Ventricular depolarization

P-R interval

Time needed for atria to contract and ventricles to begin to contract

Q-T interval

Time needed for ventricle to contract and relax

What is it about a cell that identifies it as a target cell for a hormone

the presence of a receptor specific for that hormone

Which chemical class of hormone is more likely to need a binding protein for transport in the blood?


Which pattern of hormone secretion, exemplified by thyroid hormones, remains relatively constant over long periods of time?

chronic hormone secretion

Hormonal secretion can be regulated by

the action of a substance other than a hormone, the nervous system, and other hormones (ALL THE ABOVE)

The role of cAMP when it acts as an intracellular mediator in cells is to

bind to and activate protein kinase.


produces an increase in the sensitivity of the target cell to the hormone.

The posterior pituitary

has a direct connection with neurons of the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamohypophysial portal system carries hormones from the

hypothalamus and anterior pituitary

Oxytocin release is stimulated by

nursing a baby

Chronic hypersecretion of growth hormone as a child would result in


Which of the following is NOT an action of parathyroid hormone?

Decreases the release of phosphate from bone.

An injection of epinephrine would

increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, and decrease gastric tract motility.

All leukocytes arise from

hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)

The only formed elements that possess a nucleus when mature are the


An increase in hemoglobin increases

the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to various tissues.

Which blood component is NOT correctly matched with its function?

platelets - phagocytize bacteria

When the antigens on erythrocytes bind with antibodies in the plasma

agglutination of erythrocytes occurs.

A person with type O blood should receive a blood transfusion from a donor with

Type O blood

The function of pericardial fluid is to

reduce friction between the pericardial membranes

Blood in the superior vena cava will enter the _____.

right atrium

Which of the following is a function of the heart skeleton?

Provides electrical insulation between atria and ventricles, supplies support and reinforcement for the valves, provides a rigid site for cardiac muscle attachment (ALL THE ABOVE)

The long refractory period observed in cardiac muscle

prevents tetanic contractions of the cardiac muscle.

Which cardiac arrhythmia will have no QRS complex as a symptom?

Ventricular fibrillation

During the cardiac cycle,

The two atria relax while the two ventricles contract

What is the order of the blood vessels that a red blood cell would pass through as the blood leaves the heart, travels to a tissue, and then returns to the heart?

artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, vein

Which of the following enhances the exchange between capillary walls and the interstitial spaces?

the thinness of the capillary wall

Which of the following organs would be most likely to contain fenestrated capillaries


precapillary sphincters

control the blood flow into capillary beds.

Arteries can constrict or dilate as needed because of the smooth muscle found in the

tunica media


deposition of plaque in arterial walls

Blood pressure is the

Measure of force blood exerts again blood vessel walls

In capillary exchange, which of the following statements is true?

Most fluid that leaves the arterial end of a capillary reenters the venous end of a capillary.

Which of the following would lead to relaxation of the precapillary sphincter?

decreased oxygen levels in tissue cells served by the capillary

Which of the following events would cause a decrease in mean arterial blood pressure?

release of atrial natriuretic factor

When there is a drop in blood pressure, the body reacts immediately by way of the

baroreceptor mechanism

Increased pressure in the aortic arch will activate the aortic arch reflex and cause

increased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart

Which of the following is NOT involved in short-term regulation of blood pressure?

alteration in blood volume

Which of the following would occur as a result of increased renin release by the kidneys?

an increase in blood volume

atrial natriuretic hormone

Is released in response to elevated atrial pressure

The lymphatic system plays a role in maintaining fluid balance within the body by

returning interstitial fluid to the blood

The lymphatic system differs from the cardiovascular system in that

the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissues.

The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the

right arm, right chest, and right side of head


provide protection against bacteria entering the oral and nasal cavities

Bacteria and debris are actively removed from the lymph by _____ in the sinuses of lymph nodes.


When inmate immunity is activated,

Each exposure produces the same response

Which of the following is true of adaptive immunity?

The second response is faster and stronger than the first response.

Which of the following would be classified as an innate physical barrier?

washing action of tears and saliva

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of complement action?

produces cytokines

A protein that helps to protect the body against viral infections is


A patients blood analyses indicated an increase in the number of eosinophils. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

Parasitic worm infection

The redness and heat seen in an inflamed area are the result of

increased blood flow to the area

adaptive immunity is stimulated by


The effects of cell-mediated immunity are the result of activities of

Cytotoxic T cells

The thymus is where ____ mature and become functional immune cells.

pre-T cells

Ventilation refers to the

movement of air into and out of the lungs

Which of the following is NOT a function of the respiratory system?


During swallowing, the opening of the larynx is covered by the


Which type of alveolar cells produce surfactant?

Type II pneumocytes

When the inspiratory muscles contract,

thoracic volume increases

During expiration, the alveolar pressure must be

greater than atmospheric pressure

Which law explains that an increase in volume causes a decrease in pressure?

Boyle's Law

Marcus exhales normally; then, using forced expiration, he exhales as much air as possible. The volume of air still remaining in his lungs is called ____.

Residual volume

Which of the following increases the rate of gas exchange across the respiratory membrane?

increased surface area of the respiratory membrane

Oxygen diffusion from the alveolus to the pulmonary capillary occurs because

alveolar PO2 is greater than capillary PO2.

Which of the following is an accessory organ of the digestive tract?


Which of the following is NOT a type of propulsion in the digestive tract?

segmental contraction

Which of following is NOT a function of the small intestine?

mastication of food

Which of the following is correctly matched?

muscularis - responsible for peristalsis

Secretions that are added as food moves through the GI tract assist in

liquefying and digesting the food.

The tongue

Plays a major role in swallowing

Which of the following are secreted by the stomach?

pepsinogen and intrinsic factor

The villi, microvilli, and plicae circularis function to

increase surface area for absorption

Where does the majority of nutrient absorption occur?

The jejunum and duodenum

The defection reflex

Is stimulated by the distention of the rectum

The kidney functions in

excretion of metabolic wastes

The structural and functional units of the kidney are called _____.


An obstruction in the afferent arteriole would reduce the flow of blood into the _____.


The urinary bladder

stores urine until it is voided.

Urine formation involves

filtration of the plasma, reabsorption from the filtrate, and the secretion into the filtrate. (ALL THE ABOVE)

Formation of filtrate depends on a _____ gradient


Which of the following events would increase filtration pressure?

constriction of the efferent arteriole

The proximal convoluted tubule is

the site of glucose and amino acid reabsorption.

The collecting duct becomes more permeable to water when

ADH production increases

Tubular reabsorption and tubular secretion differ in that

tubular secretion adds materials to the filtrate; tubular reabsorption removes materials from the filtrate.