A & P 2 Chapter 17: Heart Quiz Review

The lub-dup heart sounds heard during auscultation of the heart are associated with:
SA node
heart valves opening
blood flowing from atria to ventricles
heart valves closing

heart valves closing

All of these structures can be identified in the ventricles EXCEPT:
trabeculae carneae
papillary muscles
pectinate muscles
chordae tendineae

pectinate muscles

Blood being pumped out of the left ventricle enters the:
coronary sinus
venae cavae
pulmonary artery


Deoxygenated blood from the myocardium enters the right atrium through the:
cardiac veins
coronary arteries
coronary sinus
superior vena cava

coronary sinus

Nerve impulses are directly supplied to the papillary muscles by the:
AV node
Purkinje Fibers
bundle of His
SA node

Purkinje Fibers

Blood is prevented from flowing back into the left ventricle by the:
mitral valve
tricuspid valve
aortic semilunar valve
pulmonary semilunar valve

aortic semilunar valve

These structures prevent prolapse of the AV valves

chordae tendineae

Atrial repolarization occurs during this period of time, seen on an EKG
QRS complex
P wave
S-T segment
T wave

QRS complex

The amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle in one minute is called:
stroke volume
cardiac output
cardiac reserve
end diastolic volume

cardiac output

Blood flow during ventricular filling is most dependent upon _________
pressure changes
pumping actions
thyroxine (T4)
bundle of His

pressure changes