lympathic system

Lymphatic system function

returns excess interstitial fluid (lymph) to blood
transports dietary lipids from digestive system to blood
carries out immune responses

Lymphatic system components

lymph: fluid
lymphatic vessels
lymphatic organs and tissues

Lymphatic vessels function?

transport lymph
-capillaries, vessels, trunks , and ducts

Lymphatic Organs and tissues two types?

PRIMARY: red bone marrow and thymus
SECONDARY: lymph nodes spleen lymphatic nodules

Primary ?

red bone marrow and thymus


lymph nodes, spleen, lymphatic nodules

what is within lymph vessels?

interstitial fluid

What are components of lymoh?

includes most components of blood plasma; reduced protein

_____ fluid filters out of blood capillaries then is _____?

More fluid filters out of blood capillaries then in reabsorbed

How many liters of interstitial fluid drains into lymph vessels daily?

3 liters

Through what is interstitial fluid drained back into blood stream?

lymph vessels

Same pump that assist with venous returns assist with ?

lymph flow

Lymphatic capiilaries

smallest component
closed ended tubes located near most blood capillaries
endothelial cells overlap

endothelial cells overlap in lymphatic capillaries allowing?

allow interstitial fluid to flow in but not out

Lymphatic capillaries merge to form ?

lymph vessels


LYMPH capillaries in small intestine (carry chyle)

Lymphatic vessels form from?

lymph capillaries

Lymphatic vessels contain ?

valves to prevent back flow
resemble veins (thinner walls more valves)
lymph nodes along vessels

Lymphatic vessels tend to?

Follow same route as veins in hypodermis and arteries in viscera

Lymphatic trunks merge from ?

LYMPHATIC vessels after lymphatic vessel exits lymph nodes

Lymphatic drain major body region into one of two typles of ducts?

Thoracic duct
Right lymphatic duct

What are the types of principal trunks?


Two main channels drain lymph into veins ?

thoracic duct
right lymphatic duct

thoracic duct?

begin at cicterni chyli
largest duct
main duct for returning lymph to blood ; recieves from all left trunks and lower right trunks

Thoracic duct drians into what junctions?

Left internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein

Right lymphatic duct recieves from ?

right jugular, right subclavian, right brochomediastinal trunks

Right lymphatic duct drains into?

right internal jugular vein, right subclavian vein

Lyphatic organs/tissues Primary

site of stem cell division and immuncompetece (developing a sense of self vs non self antigens)

Lyphatic organs/tissues Primary develop ability to ?

mount immune response

Lyphatic organs/tissues Primary
Red bone marrow contians?

Mature B cells and Immature T cells

Lyphatic organs/tissues Primary
In thymus T cells?

mature and differientiate

Where is the thymus located?

mediastinum, between sternum and aorta

The thymus _____ after puberty?
Populates secondary lymphatic organs and tissues with ?

T cells

Lyphatic organs/tissues Secondary are where ? and include

most immune responses occur and include lymph nodes, spleen, lymphatic nodules

Lymph nodes location?

along lymoh vessels often in clusters receiving from regions

Lymph enter through _____ vessels and is ______, and exits through ______ vessels/

afferent, filtered and efferent

Lymph nodes are the site of?

proliferation of B cells and T cells

What is the largest of the lymphatic tissue?


What is the function of the spleen ?

to filter blood

How does the spleen filter blood?

Macrophages destroy pathogens, B cells and T cells perform immune functions.

Macrophages in spleen remove what?

worn RBC anf platelets (red pulp)

Lyphatic Nodules are not _____, but rather ?

capsule or organ but a tissue

Lymphatic nodules are scattered through?


tonsils is an example of ?

lymphatic nodules
located around pharynx
protect against inhaled/ingested foreign substances

Lymphatic/Lymphoid cells are located in ?

lymphatic and cardiovascular systems

Lymphatic/Lymphoid cells function

work together to elicit an immune response

types of Lymphatic/Lymphoid cells?

Macrophages and dendritic cells that are derived from monocytes
Epithelial cells

Function of Epithelial cells in lymphatic cells?

secrete hormones and aid in t cell matuaration

lymphocytes function?

create B cells, T cells and NK cells (natural killer)

Types of lymphocytes

B cells
NK cells
T cells

B cells function?

present antigen to help T cells initiate immune response
Bacterial destruction and toxin inactivation

B cells divide and form ?

plasma cells (produce antiboides)
Memory B cells (provide long-term immunity)

NK cells function ?

attack any body cell with abnormal or unusal plasma membrane proteins

T cells types

helper T
Cytotoxic T
Memory T
supressor T

T cells function

attack viruses, fungi, transplanted cells, cancer cells and some bacteria

Helper T

secrete multiple regulatory substances affecting activity of other T cells and B cells

Cytoxic T

directly destroys microbes

Memory T

recognize foriegn antigen after initial exposure

Supressor regulartory T

inhibits B cell activity


may introduce mildr or dead forms of an antigen

Vaccines create immune response to be

quicker and more intense after subsequent exposure

With vaccine pathogen may be ?

eliminated before symptoms bevelop

Vaccine may require _____ based on life span of particular memory B cells.

booter shots

A lymphatic capillary that picks up dietary lipids in the small intestine is called a(n)


Which type of lymphocyte produces and secretes antibodies?

plasma bodies

Regions of MALT called Peyer patches are found in the

small intestine

Trace the path of lymph from the time it leaves the interstitial spaces to the time that it leaves the lymph nodes.
Lymphatic ducts
Lymph nodes
Lymphatic capillaries
Afferent lymphatic vessels
Lymphatic trunks
Efferent lymphatic vessels

Lymphatic capillaries
affterent lymphatic vessels
lymph nodes
efferent lymphatic vessels
lymohatic trunks
lymphatic ducts