Circulatory System


Receiving chambers of the heart


Discharging chambers of the heart

Tricuspid Valve

Valve separating the right atrium from the right ventricle

Bicuspid Valve

Valve separating the left atrium from the left ventricle

Chordae Tendinae

Stringlike structures that attach to the atrioventricular valves of the heart


Valve between a ventricle and an artery

Parietal Pericardium

Fibrous sac surrounding the heart


Muscle layer of the heart


Another term for the visceral pericardium


Innermost layer of the heart wall


Contraction of the heart muscle


Relaxation of the heart muscle

Cardiac Cycle

Each complete heartbeat

Stroke Volume

Volume of blood ejected from the ventricle during each beat

Cardiac Output

Volume of blood pumped by one ventricle in 1 minute

SA Node


Purkinje Fiber

Last structure in the heart conduction system; stimulates the ventricles to contract

P Wave

ECG tracing indicating depolarization of the atria

QRS Complex

ECG tracing indicating depolarization of the ventricles

T Wave

ECG tracing indicating repolarization of the ventricles


Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart


Blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart


Blood vessels that exchange substances between the blood and the tissues

Tunica Adventitia/Externa

Outermost layer of an artery or vein

Tunica Intima

Innermost layer of an artery or vein

Tunica Media

Muscle layer of an artery or vein

Ductus Arteriosus

Blood vessel that allows fetal blood to bypass the lungs

Ductus Venosus

Blood vessel that allows fetal blood to bypass the immature liver

Hepatic Portal System

Second capillary bed in the liver, containing blood coming from the digestive system


Expanding and recoiling of an artery due to the force of blood

Right Atrium

Heart chamber into which blood from the superior vena cava enters

Right Ventricle

Blood passing though the tricuspid valve enters this chamber

Left Atrium

Chamber that blood from the pulmonary vein enters

Left Ventricle

Chamber that pushes blood through the aortic semilunar valve when contracted

Tricuspid Valve

Valve that blood in the right ventricle passes through

Mitral Valve

Valve that blood in the left ventricle passes through

Aortic Semilunar Valve

Valve that prevents blood from falling back into the left ventricle

Pulmonary Semilunar Valve

Valve that prevents blood from falling back into the right ventricle


The left ventricle pushes blood into this blood vessel

Pulmonary Artery

Blood vessel into which blood in the right ventricle is pushed

Pulmonary Vein

Blood vessel that returns blood to the left atrium

Inferior Vena Cava

Blood vessel from which blood empties into the right atrium.