Blood Vessels & Circulation

The muscular layer of a blood vessel is the ___________.
A)tunica intima
B)tunica externa
C)tunica media
D)tunica interna
E)tunica adventitia

tunica media

Compared to the arteries, veins______
A)are more elastic
B)have more smooth muscle in their tunica media
C)have a pleated endothelium
D)have thinner walls
E)hold their shape better when cut

have thinner walls

Capillaries that have a complete lining are called_______
A)continuous capillaries
B)fenestrated capillaries
C)sinusoidal capillaries
E)vasa vasorum

continuous capillaries

Capillaries with an incomplete lining are called__________
a)incomplete capillaries
b)continuous capillaries
c)fenestrated capillaries
e)vasa vasorum

fenestrated capillaries

The only blood vessels whose walls permit exchange between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluids are ___________


Materials can move across capillary walls by
a)diffusion and osmosis
b)active transport and bulk transport
c)secretion and adsorption
d)all of the above
e)A&B only

A&B only (diffusion, osmosis, active transport & bulk transport)

Blood flow through a capillary is regulated by the __________
a)vasa vasorum
b)capillary plexus
c)precapillary sphincter
d)arterial anastomosis
e)central channel

precapillary sphincter

Blood moves forward through veins by all the following, except
a)because the pressure in the veins is lower than in the arteries
b)b/c of contraction relaxation pumping of the smooth muscle in the wall of the vein
c) with the aid of the thoracoabdominal p

b/c valves in the veins prevent the backflow of blood

Blood flow through the circulatory system is affected by all the following, except
a)the presence or absence of collateral systems
B)the viscosity of the blood
c)the amount of friction in the blood vessels
d)the length and diameter of the blood vessels

the presence or absence of collateral systems

As blood travels from the aorta toward the capillaries, the
a)pressure increases
b)resistance increases
c)flow increases
d)viscosity increases
e)diameter of the blood vessels increases

resistance increases

Blood flow to a tissue will increase if
a)level of oxygen at the tissue increases
b)level of CO2 ate the tissues increases
c)pH rises
d)vessel constricts
e)both A & C

level of CO2 ate the tissues increases

Blood pressure is determined by measuring the
a)size of the pulse
b)pressure in the left ventricle
c)force exerted by blood in a vessel against air in a closed cuff
d)degree of turbulence in a closed vesel
e)force of contraction of the right ventricle

force exerted by blood in a vessel against air in a closed cuff

Blood pressure is influenced by all of the following except
e)time of day
d)body size

capillary density in the skin

Blood pressure increases with all of the following except increased
a)cardiac output
b)periperal resistance
c)blood volme
d)parasympathetic innervation
e)force of cardiac contraction

parasympathetic innervation

The differences between the systolic and diastolic pressures is called the
a)crtical clossing
b)mean arterial


The blood osmotic pressure is most affected by changes in the
a)concentration of plasma sodium ions
b)concen. of plasma glucose
c)concen. of plasma waste products
d)concen. of plasma proteins
e)# of white blood cells

concen. of plasma proteins

Which of the following statements is false concerning the movement of fluid between capillaries and interstitial space?
a)blood hydrostatic pressure forces fluid from the capillary to the interstitial space
b)blood osmotic presure moves fluid from the int

a)blood hydrostatic pressure forces fuid from the capillary to the interstitial space
b)blood osmotic presure moves fluind from the interstitial space to the capillary
c)the osmotic pressure to the interstitial fluid is less than the blood osmotic pressur

Pulmonary arteries carry blood to the
A) right atrium.
B) left atrium.
D) aorta.
E) systemic circuit.


Pulmonary veins carry blood to the

left atrium

Each of the following arteries carries blood to the heart, except the
A) right coronary artery.
B) left circumflex artery.
C) common carotid artery.
D) marginal artery.
E) left descending artery.

common carotid artery.

An important artery that supplies blood to the brain is the _____ artery.
A) external carotid
B) subclavian
C) vertebral
D) azygos
E) maxillary

vertebral artery

Blood from the brain returns to the heart by way of the _____ vein.
A) vertebral
B) azygos
C) innominate
D) internal jugular
E) external jugular

internal jugular

Stimulation of the aortic baroreceptors results in
A) stimulation of the cardioaccelerator center in the brain.
B) increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart.
C) increased activity by the parasympathetic nervous system.
D) stimulation of the vasomotor

increased activity by the parasympathetic nervous system.

Anxiety can result in
A) increased stimulation of the cardioinhibitory center by higher brain centers.
B) increased stimulation of the cardioaccelerator center by higher brain centers.
C) decreased heart rate.
D) decreased blood pressure.
E) both C and D

B) increased stimulation of the cardioaccelerator center by higher brain centers.

During increased exercise
A) vasoconstriction occurs at the active skeletal muscles.
B) venous return increases.
C) both cardiac output and stroke volume decrease.
D) all of the above
E) A and C only

venous return increases

Symptoms of shock include all of the following, except
A) hypotension.
B) rapid, weak pulse.
C) decreased urine formation.
D) acidosis.
E) profuse sweating.

profuse sweating

Branches off the aortic arch include the
A) right and left subclavian arteries.
B) left subclavian artery.
C) left common carotid and right axillary arteries.
D) brachio and right axillary arteries.
E) both A and C

left subclavian artery

After passing the first rib, the subclavian artery becomes the _____ artery.
A) radial
B) ulnar
C) brachial
D) axillary
E) digital


In the upper arm, the axillary artery becomes the _____ artery.
A) radial
B) ulnar
C) brachial
D) subclavian
E) digital


The brachial artery branches to form the radial and _____ arteries.
A) axillary
B) digital
C) ulnar
D) subclavian
E) brachiocephalic


The two vertebral arteries fuse to form the
A) circle of Willis.
B) common carotid artery.
C) external carotid artery.
D) internal carotid artery.
E) basilar arteryorm a large artery, the

basilar artery

The internal carotids and the basilar artery are interconnected by an anastomosis
A) common carotid artery.
B) cerebral ring.
C) circle of Willis.
D) external carotid artery.
E) none of the above

circle of willis

At the carotid sinus
A) the common carotid forms an internal and an external branch.
B) the internal carotids fuse with the vertebral arteries.
C) the external carotid forms the internal carotid.
D) veins and arteries anastomose.
E) the aorta gives rise t

the common carotid forms an internal and an external branch

The _____ divides the aorta into a superior thoracic aorta and an inferior abdominal aorta
A) pericardium
B) mediastinum
C) diaphragm
D) peritoneum
E) pleura


Branches of the thoracic aorta include all of the following, except the _____ arteries.
A) gastric
B) superior phrenic
C) esophageal
D) bronchial
E) intercostal


Near the level of vertebra L4, the aorta branches to form the _____ arteries.A) common carotid
B) common iliac
C) femoral
D) tibial
E) popliteal

common illiac

The external iliac artery branches to form the _____ arteries.
A) radial and ulnar
B) femoral and popliteal
C) femoral and tibial
D) tibial and popliteal
E) femoral and deep femoral

femoral and deep femoral

In the lower leg, the femoral artery becomes the _____ artery.
A) iliac
B) deep femoral
C) popliteal
D) tibial
E) peroneal


The vessel that receives blood from the head, neck, chest, shoulders, and arms is the
A) internal jugular vein.
B) external jugular vein.
C) superior vena cava.
D) inferior vena cava.
E) coronary sinus.

superior vena cava

The radial and ulnar veins fuse to form the _____ vein.

A) azygos
B) hemiazygos
C) axillary
D) brachial
E) basilic

At the level of the first rib, the axillary vein becomes the _____ vein.

A) cephalic
B) azygos
C) subclavian
D) innominate
E) external jugular

The fusion of the brachiocephalic veins forms the

A) inferior vena cava.
B) superior vena cava.
C) innominate vein.
D) subclavian vein.
E) azygos vein.

When the popliteal vein reaches the femur, it becomes the _____ vein, before penetrating the abdominal wall.

A) femoral
B) deep femoral
C) internal iliac
D) external iliac
E) lumbar

The two common iliac veins form the

A) femoral vein.
B) greater saphenous vein.
C) inferior vena cava.
D) hepatic portal vein.
E) innominate vein.

Nutrients from the digestive tract enter the

A) inferior vena cava.
B) superior vena cava.
C) hepatic portal vein.
D) hepatic vein.
E) azygos vein.

Elderly individuals usually have

A) elevated hematocrits.
B) stiff inelastic arteries.
C) decreased blood pressure.
D) increased venous return.
E) all of the above

Elderly individuals are more prone than are younger individuals to have all of the following, except

A) hypertension.
B) venous thrombosis.
C) air embolisms.
D) problems with the conducting system of the heart.
E) arteriosclerosis.

The smallest arterial branch is called the

A) arteries.
B) arterioles.
C) capillaries.
D) venules.
E) veins.