Ch 23 Respiratory Sytem

Functions of the RS

Ventilation, External respiration, Transport, Internal respiration


Movement of air into and out of lungs

2. External respiration

Gas exchange between air in lungs and blood

3. Transport

of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood

4.Internal respiration

Gas exchange between the blood and tissues


Regulation of blood pH, Production of chemical mediators, Voice production, Olfaction, Protection

1. Regulation of blood pH

Altered by changing blood carbon dioxide levels

2. Production of chemical mediators

ACE; Hormones that work in the blood vessels. The lungs produce an enzyme called angiotensin-converting (ACE). Important for blood pressure regulation

3. Voice production

Movement of air past vocal folds makes sound and speech

4. Olfaction,

Smell occurs when airborne molecules are drawn into nasal cavity

5. Protection

Against microorganisms by preventing entry and removing them from respiratory surfaces.

Anatomy and Histology of the Respiratory System

Divided by Upper Tract and Lower Tract

Upper Tract

Nose, pharnyx, and associated structures

Lower Tract

Larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and the tubing within the lungs

Nasal Cavity

From nares to choane, Vestibule, Hard Palate, Nasal Septum, Choanae, meastuses


(Nostrils) external openings of nasal cavity


bony ridges on lateral walls with meatuses between. Openings to paranasal sinuses and to nasolacrimal duct


(entry room) just inside nares

Hard Palate

floor of nasal cavity

Nasal Septum

partition dividing cavity. Anterior cartilage; posterior vomer and perpendicular plate of ethmoid


Passageway beneath choanae

Functions of Nasal Cavity

-Passageway for air
-Cleans the air
-Humidifies, warms air
-Along with paranasal sinuses are resonating chambers for speech


3 regions: Nasopharynx, Oropharynx. Laryngopharynx


pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells. Mucous and debris is swallowed. Openings of Eustachian (auditory) tubes. Floor is soft palate, uvula is posterior extension of the soft palate.


shared with digestive system. Lined with moist stratified squamous epithelium


epiglottis to esophagus. Lined with moist stratified squamous epithelium


located in the anterior part of the throat and extends from the base of the tongue to the trachea. Passageway for air between the pharynx and the trachea. Has paired and unpaired cartilages.

Unpaired Cartilages

Thyroid, Cricoid, Epiglottis


Largest; Adam's apple


most inferior, base of larynx


attached to thyroid and has a flap near base of tongue. Elastic rather than hyaline cartilage

Paired Cartilages

Arytenoids, Corniculate, Cuneiform


attached to cricoid


attached to arytenoids


contained in mucous membrane

Vestibular folds / False Vocal folds

Mucous membrane that cover the superior ligaments

True vocal cords / Vocal folds

sound production. Opening between is glottis

Functions of Larynx

-Maintain an open passageway for air movement: thyroid and cricoid cartilages
-Epiglottis and vestibular folds prevent swallowed material from moving into larynx
-Vocal folds are primary source of sound production. Greater the amplitude of vibration, loud

Vocal Folds

Inferior ligaments are covered by a mucous membrane, (true vocal cords) The vocal folds and the opening between them is called GLOTTIS


-Membranous tube of dense regular connective tissue and smooth muscle; supported by 15-20 hyaline cartilage C-shaped rings open posteriorly. Posterior surface is elastic ligamentous membrane and bundles of smooth muscle called the trachealis. Contracts du

Tracheobronchial Tree

-Trachea to terminal bronchioles which is ciliated for removal of debris.
>Trachea divides into two primary bronchi.
>Primary bronchi divide into secondary bronchi (one/lobe) which then divide into tertiary bronchi.
>Bronchopulmonary segments: defined by

Respiratory zone

site for gas exchange

Respiratory bronchioles

-branch from terminal bronchioles. Respiratory bronchioles have very few alveoli. Give rise to alveolar ducts which have more alveoli. Alveolar ducts end as alveolar sacs that have 2 or 3 alveoli at their terminus.
-No cilia, but debris removed by macroph

The Respiratory Membrane

-Three types of cells in membrane; Type I pneumocytes, Type II pneumocytes, Dust Cells
-Layers of the respiratory membrane
>Thin layer of fluid lining the alveolus
>Alveolar epithelium (simple squamous epithelium
>Basement membrane of the alveolar epithel

Type I pneumocytes

Thin squamous epithelial cells, form 90% of surface of alveolus. Gas exchange

Type II pneumocytes

Round to cube-shaped secretory cells. Produce surfactant (lipids+proteins, stabilize the alveoli)

Dust cells



Two lungs: Principal organs of respiration
-Right lung: three lobes. Lobes separated by fissures
-Left lung: Two lobes, and an indentation called the cardiac notch
Base, apex, hilus


sits on diaphragm


apex at the top


on medial surface where bronchi and blood vessels enter the lung. All the structures in hilus called root of the lung.

Divisions of lungs

Divided into lobes, bronchopulmonary segments, and lobules


(supplied by secondary bronchi

bronchopulmonary segments

supplied by tertiary bronchi and separated from one another by connective tissue partitions


supplied by bronchioles and separated by incomplete partitions


diaphragm, external intercostals, pectoralis minor, scalenes
-Diaphragm: dome-shaped with base of dome attached to inner circumference of inferior thoracic cage. Central tendon: top of dome
>Quiet inspiration: accounts for 2/3 of increase in size of thora


muscles that depress the ribs and sternum: abdominal muscles and internal intercostals
-Quiet expiration: relaxation of diaphragm and external intercostals with contraction of abdominal muscles
-Labored breathing: all inspiratory muscles are active and co


Pleural cavity, Visceral pleura, Parietal pleura, Pleural fluid, Mediastinum

Pleural cavity

surrounds each lung and is formed by the pleural membranes. Filled with pleural fluid

Pleural fluid

acts as a lubricant and helps hold the two membranes close together (adhesion).

Visceral pleura

adherent to lung. Simple squamous epithelium, serous


central region, contains contents of thoracic cavity except for lungs

Blood and Lymphatic Supply

-Two sources of blood to lungs:
>Pulmonary artery brings deoxygenated blood to lungs from right side of heart to be oxygenated in capillary beds that surround the alveoli. Blood leaves via the pulmonary veins and returns to the left side of the heart.


-Movement of air into and out of lungs
-Air moves from area of higher pressure to area of lower pressure
Boyle's Law
: P = k/V, where P = gas pressure, V = volume, k = constant at a given temperature
-If barometric pressure is greater than alveolar pres

Changing Alveolar Volume

Lung recoil causes alveoli to collapse resulting from
Elastic recoil, Surface tension

Elastic recoil

elastic fibers in the alveolar walls

Surface tension

film of fluid lines the alveoli. Where water interfaces with air, polar water molecules have great attraction for each other with a net pull in toward other water molecules. Tends to make alveoli collapse


Reduces tendency of lungs to collapse by reducing surface tension. Produced by type II pneumocytes.

Respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease).

Common in infants with gestation age of less than 7 months. Not enough surfactant produced.

Pleural Pressure


Measurement of Lung Function

Spirometry, Tidal volume, Inspiratory reserve volume, Expiratory reserve volume, Residual volume


measures volumes of air that move into and out of respiratory system. Uses a spirometer

Tidal volume

amount of air inspired or expired with each breath. At rest: 500 mL

Inspiratory reserve volume

amount that can be inspired forcefully after inspiration of the tidal volume (3000 mL at rest)

Expiratory reserve volume

amount that can be forcefully expired after expiration of the tidal volume (100 mL at rest)

Residual volume

volume still remaining in respiratory passages and lungs after most forceful expiration (1200 mL)

Pulmonary Capacities

The sum of two or more pulmonary volumes
Inspiratory capacity, Functional residual capacity, Vital capacity, Total lung capacity

Inspiratory capacity

tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume

Functional residual capacity

expiratory reserve volume + residual volume

Vital capacity

sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume

Total lung capacity

sum of inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes + tidal volume and residual volume.

Minute ventilation

total air moved into and out of respiratory system each minute; tidal volume X respiratory rate

Respiratory rate (respiratory frequency):

number of breaths taken per minute

Anatomic dead space

formed by nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal bronchioles

Physiological dead space

anatomic dead space + the volume of any alveoli in which gas exchange is less than normal.

Alveolar ventilation (VA)

volume of air available for gas exchange/minute

Dalton's law

total pressure is the sum of the individual pressures of each gas

Henry's Law

Concentration of a gas in a liquid is determined by its partial pressure and its solubility coefficient

Diffusion of gases / Gas Exchange, 4 Factors

1. Membrane thickness
2. Diffusion coefficient of gas
3. Surface Area
4. Partial Pressure Differences

1. Membrane Thickness

The thicker, the lower the diffusion rate

2. Diffusion coefficient of gas

(measure of how easily a gas diffuses through a liquid or tissue). CO2 is 20 times more diffusible than O2, surface areas of membrane, partial pressure of gases in alveoli and blood

3. Surface Area

Diseases like emphysema and lung cancer reduce available surface area

4. Partial pressure differences

Gas moves from area of higher partial pressure to area of lower partial pressure. Normally, partial pressure of oxygen is higher in alveoli than in blood. Opposite is usually true for carbon dioxide


-Moves from alveoli into blood. Blood is almost completely saturated with oxygen when it leaves the capillary
-PO2 in blood decreases because of mixing with deoxygenated blood
-Oxygen moves from tissue capillaries into the tissues

Carbon Dioxide

-Moves from tissues into tissue capillaries
-Moves from pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli

Hemoglobin and Oxygen Transport

-Oxygen is transported by hemoglobin (98.5%) and is dissolved in plasma (1.5%)
-Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve: describes the percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen at any given PO2
-Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve at rest shows that he

Bohr Effect

-Effect of pH on oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve: as pH of blood declines, amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin at any given PO2 also declines
-Occurs because decreased pH yields increase in H+ that combines with hemoglobin changing its shape and oxy

Effects of CO2 and Temperature

-Increase in PCO2 causes decrease in pH
-Carbonic anhydrase causes CO2 and water to combine reversibly and form H2CO3 which ionizes to H+ and HCO3-
-Increase temperature: decreases tendency for oxygen to remain bound to hemoglobin, so as metabolism goes u

Effect of BPG

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG)
: released by RBCs as they break down glucose for energy
-Binds to hemoglobin and increases release of oxygen

Fetal Hemoglobin

-Fetal hemoglobin picks up oxygen from maternal hemoglobin for several reasons
-Concentration of fetal hemoglobin is 50% greater than concentration of maternal hemoglobin.
-Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation of fetal hemoglobin is left of maternal; i.e., feta

Transport of Carbon Dioxide

-Carbon dioxide is transported as bicarbonate ions (70%) in combination with blood proteins (23%: primarily hemoglobin) and in solution with plasma (7%)
-Hemoglobin that has released oxygen binds more readily to carbon dioxide than hemoglobin that has oxy

Carbon Dioxide Transport

Tissue capillaries: as CO2 enters red blood cells, reacts with water to form bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. Chloride ions enter the RBC and bicarbonate ions leave:
chloride shift
. Hydrogen ions combine with hemoglobin. Lowering the concentration of b

Regulation of Ventilation

Medullary respiratory center, Pontine (pneumotaxic) respiratory group

Medullary respiratory center,

-Dorsal groups stimulate the diaphragm
-Ventral groups stimulate the intercostal and abdominal muscles

Pontine (pneumotaxic) respiratory group

-Involved with switching between inspiration and expiration
-Dorsal group controls the diaphragm
-When diaphragm is contracted you breathe IN
Intercostal = expiration
External intercostal = inspiration
Pontine = switching
Phrenic Nerve = diaphragm

Rhythmic Ventilation

1. Starting inspiration
2. Increasing inspiration
3. Stopping inspiration

1. Starting inspiration

-Medullary respiratory center neurons are continuously active
-Center receives stimulation from receptors and simulation from parts of brain concerned with voluntary respiratory movements and emotion
-Combined input from all sources causes action potentia

2. Increasing inspiration

More and more neurons are activated

3. Stopping inspiration

-Neurons stimulating also responsible for stopping inspiration and receive input from pontine group and stretch receptors in lungs. Inhibitory neurons activated and relaxation of respiratory muscles results in expiration.


Cessation of breathing. Can be conscious decision, but eventually PCO2 levels increase to point that respiratory center overrides
Apnea = happens when you're diving into water
If you've done apnea for a long time -> hyperventilation
Could faint


-Causes decrease in blood PCO2 level. Peripheral vasodilation causes decrease in BP. Fainting. Problem before diving.
-Cerebral and limbic system. Respiration can be voluntarily controlled and modified by emotions


Too much CO2


Not enough CO2

Hering-Breuer Reflex

Limits the degree of inspiration and prevents overinflation of the lungs
>Reflex plays a role in regulating basic rhythm of breathing and preventing overinflation of lungs
>Reflex important only when tidal volume large as in exercise

Effect of Exercise on Ventilation

Ventilation increases abruptly
-At onset of exercise
-Movement of limbs has strong influence
-Learned component
Ventilation increases gradually
-After immediate increase, gradual increase occurs (4-6 minutes)
-Anaerobic threshold: highest level of exercis

Effects of Aging

-Vital capacity and maximum minute ventilation decrease
-Residual volume and dead space increase
-Ability to remove mucus from respiratory passageways decreases
-Gas exchange across respiratory membrane is reduced