Respiratory System

The function of the respiratory system include:
-Providing an area for gas exchange between air and blood
-moving air to and from exchange surfaces and defending against pathogens
-producing sound and providing olfactory sensations to the CNS
-all of the

all of the above

The breathing process is called:
-cellular respiration
-pulmonary ventilation
-systemic ventilation


The two pulmonary gases involved in the respiratory process are:
-oxygen and carbon dioxide
-carbon and nitrogen
-oxygen and nitrogen
-all of the above are correct

oxygen and carbon dioxide

The movement of gases into the blood from the lungs occurs by:
-net diffusion
-cellular respiration

net diffusion

Large airborne particles are filtered by the:
-external olfactory meatuses
-soft plate
-nasal sinuses
-nasal hairs in the vestibule of the nose

nasal hairs in the vestibule if the nose

Creating turbulence in the air to trap small particles in mucus is the function of the:
-nasal conchae
-soft palate
-nasal sinuses
-nasal hairs

nasal conchae

Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the
a. upper respiratory tract
b. lower respiratory tract
c. lungs
d. alveoli

upper respiratory tract

The pharynx contains _____ which at times swell and become infected.


The respiratory system consists of structures that:
-provide defense from pathogenic invasion
-permit vocalization and production of other sounds
-provide olfactory sensations to the CNS
-all of the above

all of the above

Structures in the trachea that prevent its collapse or over expansion as pressure changes in the respiratory system are:
-O-shaped tracheal cartilages
-C-shaped tracheal cartilages
-irregular circular bones
-S-shaped tracheal bones

C-shaped tracheal cartilages

The openings to the nostrils are the _____.

external nares

The portion of the pharynx that receives both air and food is the _____.


The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the _____.


During exhalation, the diaphragm moves:
-upward and the ribs move downward
-downward and the ribs move upward
-downward and the ribs move downward
-upward and the ribs move upward

upward and the ribs move downward

The amount of air exhaled with one forceful breath is the:
-tidal volume
-vital capacity
-residual volume
-expiratory reserve volume

vital capacity

Most of the oxygen transported by blood is:
-dissolved in plasma
-bound to hemoglobin
-carried by white blood cells
-in ionic form in the plasma

bound to hemoglobin

Increase in blood CO2


Decrease in blood O2


Increase in blood pH


Decrease in blood pH


Raising Altitude




What is vital capacity?

Maximum amount of air a person can move in or out of the respiratory system

How can vital capacity be calculated?

Expiratory Reserve + Tidal Volume + Inspiratory Reserve

In back of mouth, filters bacteria

Palatine tonsils

as pressure increases volume decreases

Boyle's Law

diaphragm flattens, more lung area, decrease in pressure, diffusion helps air from high to low concentration


diaphragm un-inflated decreases volume increasing pressure


air that is moved in and out of the lungs during quiet breathing

Tidal Volume

amount of air that is always in your lungs

Residual reserve

Maximum amount of air in lungs plus tidal volume

inspiration capacity

maximum amount of air that a person can move in or out of the respiratory system

vital capacity

the volume of air in the lungs after a maximal inspiration

total lung capacity

external openings into the nasal cavity

external nares

Each molecules of hemoglobin has the capacity to carry _____ molecules of oxygen.


During expiration, an _____ occurs

increase in pulmonary pressure


long term disease that narrows the airways making it hard for a person to breath

Lung Cancer

growth of abnormal cells that interfere with the lungs capabilities to perform its job


an infection in the lungs, It lasts usually 2-3 weeks and you can get it from your daily life