Chapter 25 Urinary System

Functions of the urinary system



Two types of nephrons

cortical (85%) and juxtamedullary (15%)


peritubular capillaries

The network of tiny blood vessels that surrounds the proximal and distal tubules in the kidney

vasa recta

the capillary system in the kidney that serves the loop of Henle

Urine formation

1. Glomerular filtration
2. Tubular reabsorption
3. Tubular secretion

1. Glomerular Filtration

a passive process in which hydrostatic pressure forces fluids and solutes through a membrane

Filtration membrane

1. fenestrated endothelium
2. basement membrane
3. filtration slits - foot processes of podocytes

Pressures that affect filtration

1. outward pressures
2. inward pressures

Outward pressures


Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries
HP g

chief force pushing water and solutes out of blood and across filtration membrane
55 mm Hg

Inward pressures

Two inward forces inhibit filtrate formation
-Hydrostatic pressure in the capsular space
- Colloid osmotic pressure in glomerular capillaries

Hydrostatic pressure in the capsular space
HP c

pressure exerted by filtrate in the glomerular capsule
15 mm Hg

Colloid osmotic pressure in glomerular capillaries
OP g

pressure exerted by the proteins in the blood.
30 mm Hg

Net Filtration Pressure

Forces fluid out of blood
Outward pressure - inward pressure
(55) - (15+30) =
10 mm Hg

Glomerular Filtration Rate

The volume of filtrate formed each minute by the combined activity of all glomeruli in the kidneys.
Directly proportional to:
-Net filtration pressure
-Total surface area available for filtration
-Filtration membrane permeability

Increased arterial blood pressure does what to GFR

It increases GFR

Vasoconstriction of afferent arteriole

decreases NFP and decreases GFR

Vasodilation of afferent arteriole

Increases NFP and increases GFR

Intrinsic control of GFR

Renal auto regulation:
1. Myogenic mechanism
2. Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism
Goal: maintain GFR despite normal fluctuations in blood pressure

Myogenic mechanism

Smooth muscle cells in afferent arterioles contract in response to stretch and relax when not stretch

tubuloglomerular feedback

Macula dense cells detect NaCl concentration in the filtrate.
- If NaCl too high, GFR too high - macula dense stimulate vasoconstriction of afferent arteriole
- If NaCl too low, GFR too low- macula dense stimulate vasodilation of afferent arteriole

Extrinsic control of GFR

Neural control
- sympathetic nervous system controls, NE
Hormonal control
- Renin-angiotensin mechanism
Goal: Modify GFR to raise blood pressure

Sympathetic N.S control of GFR

Causes afferent arterioles to constrict, increasing peripheral resistance, and increasing blood pressure
NE is released during sever hemorrhage

Renin-angiotensin mechanism

The body's main mechanism to increase blood pressure. Regulates GFR indirectly
- Low blood pressure causes renin to be released by granular cells
- Renin leads to the production of angiotensin II

What does angiotensin II do?

Raises blood volume and blood pressure:
- Stimulates release of aldosterone
- Stimulates release of ADH

What does aldosterone reabsorb?

Na + and H2O

What does ADH reabsorb?


2. Tubular reabsorption

Most solutes and water in filtrate are reabsorbed back into the blood via

Transcellular tubular reabsorption

Transported substances move through the apical membrane, the cytosol, and the basolateral membrane of the tubule cell and then the endothelium of the peritubular capillaries.

Paracellular tubular reabsorption

Movement of substances between the tubule cells, which is limited by the tight junctions connecting the cells. In the proximal nephron they are leaky and allow H2O and important ions to pass through.

Active tubular reabsorption

Requires ATP either directly (primary) or indirectly (secondary) for at least one of its steps.

Passive tubular reabsorption

encompasses diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis - processes in which substances move down their electrochemical gradients

Sodium transport across the basolateral membrane

Na+ is actively transported out of the tubule cell by primary active transport a Na+ K+ ATPase pump. This bulk flow of H2O sweeps Na+ into peritubular capillaries.
- Bulk flow of H2O and solutes in the cap. is very rapid due to low hydrostatic pressure and high osmotic pressure.

Sodium transport across the apical membrane

Active pumping of Na+ creates a strong electrochemical gradient that favors the entry at the apical face via secondary active transport.
- The pump maintains the intracellular Na+ concentrations at a low level
- The K+ pumped into the tubule cells diffuses out into the IF via leakage channels, leaving the interior of the tubule cell with a net negative charge.

Passive tubular reabsorption of water and anions

The movement of Na+ and other solutes establishes a strong osmotic gradient, and water moves into the peritubular capillaries by osmosis. Aquaporins aid in the process by acting as water channels across cell membranes.

Where are aquaporins always present?

PCT, their presence obliges the body to absorb water in the proximal nephron regardless of its state of over or under hydration.

Where are aquaporins virtually absent?

The apical membranes of the collecting duct unless ADH is present.

Secondary active transport

Glucose, amino acids, some ions, and vitamins. An apical carrier moves Na+ down its concentration gradient as it cotransports another solute. These cotransported solutes move across the basolateral membrane by facilitated diffusions via other transport proteins.

Transport maximum

Reflects the number of transport proteins in the renal tubules available to ferry a particular substance. When transporters are saturated the excess substances are excreted in urine.

Absorptive capabilities of renal tubules

PCT - most active reabsorbs and most events occur in this segment.
Loop - water absorption is not coupled to solute reabsorption
DCT & Collecting - dependent on hormones

3. Tubular secretion

Moves selected substances such as: H+, K+, metabolic wastes - ureas & uric acid, from the peritubular capillaries through the tubule cells into the filtrate.
- Disposing substances: drugs and metabolites that are bound to plasma proteins.
- Eliminating undesirable substances that were reabsorbed by passive processes.
- Riding the body of excess K+.
- Controlling blood pH


-Concentration of solutes particle per kg or H2O
- Reflects the solution's ability to cause osmosis

What controls the osmolality of body fluids?

The kidneys

Body fluids are maintained at

300 mOsm

Countercurrent Mechanism

Regulate urine volume/concentration

What creates the osmotic gradient in the kidneys

The long loop of Henle - juxtamedullary nephrons
-Acts as countercurrent multiplier

What preserves the gradient

Vasa recta
-Acts as the countercurrent exchangers

What uses the osmotic gradient to adjust urine osmolality?

Collecting ducts

countercurrent multiplier

The more NaCl the ascending limb extrudes, the more water diffuses out of the descending limb and the saltier the filtrate in the descending limb becomes.
The ascending limb then uses the increasingly salty filtrate left behind in the descending limb to raise the osmolality of the medullary interstitial fluid even further. Positive feedback.

The descending loop of Henle is

impermeable to solutes
permeable to water

The ascending loop of Henle is

permeable to solutes
impermeable to water

countercurrent multiplier cycle


countercurrent exchangers

Vasa recta maintain osmotic gradient
-prevents removal of salt from the interstitial space
- removes reabsorbed water

Urine concentration and volume

collecting ducts use osmotic gradient to regulate filtrate concentration.
-variable water reabsorption is controlled by ADH

Formation of dilute urine

- if ADH no present ducts are impermeable to water and large volume of dilute urine is excreted
-if overhydrated, ADH production decreases and osmolality of urine falls as low as 100 mOsm

Formation of concentrated urine

ADH inserts aquaporins into cells of collecting ducts, water is reabsorbed due to a high osmotic gradient in the medulla
dehydrated, ADH production increases and osmolality of urine can rise to 1200 mOsm


Chemicals that enhance urinary output
- substances not adequately reabsorbed
-substances that inhibit ADH
-substance that inhibit Na+ reabsorption

renal clearance

-Volume of plasma that kidneys clear of substance in 1 min.
-used to determine GFR and asses kidney function

normal renal clearance

125 mL/min

Chronic renal disease

less than 60 mL/min

Renal failure

less than 15 mL /min

Characteristics of urine

-Color - clear; pale to deep yellow
-Transparency - cloudy urine can indicate infection
-Odor - slightly aromatic

pH of urine

slightly acidic 6
range 4.5-8.0

Specific gravity

measure of solute concentrations

Chemical composition of urine

95% water
5% solutes: (nitrogenous waste)
-uric acid


the act of emptying the bladder

detrusor muscle

contracts and internal urethral sphincters open