Urinary System


lies on either side of the verbal column in the RETROPERITONEAL space with left slightly higher on left. Filters blood and process filtrate into tubular fluid then urine. lateral layer. convex

Order of blood flow in kidney

Renal artery-->segmental artery --> interlobular artyer --> arcuate artery-->interlobule artery --> afferent arteriole --> glomerus--> erfferent arteriole --> interlobular vein--> aruate vein--> interlobular vein--> renal vien.


only their anterior surface is covered with peritoneum and posterior aspect lies directly against the posterior abdominal wall..


the kidney's concave medial border where vessels nerves and the ureters connect to the kidney.

renal sinus

internal space within each kidney,.. it houses renal arteries, renal veins, lymph vessels nerves and the renal pelveis renal calyces and variable amount f adipose connective tissue. l

Kidney's 4 tissue layer

fibrous capsule, PERInephric fat, renal fascia,PARAnephric fat

Fibrous capsule

tissue layer of kidney composed of dense irregular connective tissue covers the outer surface of the kidney, maintains its shape, protects from trauma and prevent infections pathogens from entering.. inner most layer.

PERInephric fat

tissue layer also known as adipose casule, external to the fibrous capsule.. offers cushioning and insulation

renal fascia

external to the perinephric fat and is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. Anchors the kidney to the posterior abdominal call and peritoneum

paranephric fat

outermost layer surrounding the kidney composed of adipose connective tissue and lies between the rena fascia and the peritoneum

renal lobes

consists of medullary pyramid and some cortical substance front the renal columns adjacent to it on either side as well as the cortex external to the pyramids base.

renal artyery

blood carried to a kidney.. arises and extends from the lateral region of the descending abdominal aorta

renal vein

leave the kidney at its hilum a nd traverse horizontally to drain into the inferior vena cava.


considered as the fictional unit of the kidney

cortical nephrons

represent the majority of nephorns 85% because they have short loop of Henle are surround by PERITUBULAR CAPILLARIES and are located in their entirety in the cortical region of the kidney

juxatameduallary nephron

long loops of held that penetrates deep into the medulla and are surrounded by capillaries called vasa recta

Renal corpuscle

is a round structure composed of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule, Corpuscles are located in the cortex and serve as the site where filtration of blood occurs. Materials passing through the filtration membrane enters the space inside Bowman's capsule


structure in the renal corpuscle the thick tangled of capillaries

glomerular capsule

also known as the bowman capsule. epithelial capsule surround the glomerous

visceral layer of the glomerular capsule

directly overlies the glomerulus, composed of cells called podocytes

parietal layer of the glomerulus

bowman capsul layer is formed a simple shamus epithelium


specialized cells found in the visceral layer of the glomerulus. has long processes called pedicles or feet that wrap around the glomerural capillaries to support the capillary wall but not completely ensheathe it..

filtration slits

separates the pedicels which allow materials from the blood plasma to pass into the capsular space

Filtration membrane make up

the filtration slits of the podocytes and the fenestrated glomerulus endothelium collectively make up the whole ________

Fenestrated Endothelium

cells layers that have pores, allowing the materials to be filtered.


has filtration slits in between two ___ allowing allowing material from the blood plasma to pass into the capsular space.

basement membrane/basal lamina

designed to work with the fenestration of the capillary in selectively filtering materials front he blood plasma.

Proximal Convuloted tube

lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with tall microvilli helps increase reabsorption capacity absorbs a lot tf the nutrients approximately 60 to 65% of the water in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed by osmosis

Nephron loop / Loop of hence

loop has two limbs, descending limb and ascending limb. facilitate reabsorption of water solute front he tubular fluid. sodium ions and chloride ions are primary solutes

distal convoluted tubule

originates in the renal cortex, tubules cells has smaller microvilli lined with simple cuboidal epithelium. primary function secrete ions such as potassium and hydrogen into the tubular fluid under the influence of ADH (antidiuteric hormone) and aldostero

ADH and Aldosterone

are secreted in response to low blood volume or low solute concentration in the tubular fluid with in the kidney... causes distal convoluted tubule cell to increase water and sodium reabsorption form tubular fluid.

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

has two components, of the juxtaglomerural apparatus and juxtaglomerural cells and a macula densa. function is to release renin in response to low blood pressure and or decreased solute concentration

Juxtaglomerural cells

part of the juxtaglomerural apparatus, modified smooth muscle cells of the afferent arteriole

macula densa

part of the Juxtaglomerural apparatus, group of the modified epithelial cells in the distal convoluted tubule, monitor ion concentration in tubular fluid


this activates the __-angiostensinpathway resulting in aldosterone production which causes increase in blood ion concentration in blood volume and blood pressure homeostasis in the body.

Simple cuboidal epithelium

majority of the kidney tubule is lined with


long fibrimuscular tubes, conducts urine FROM the kidney to the bladder. its retropritoneal has 3 concentric tunics, mucosa, muscular is,a nd adventitia formed from transitional epithelium bothe distensible and starchy

Urinary bladder

expandable muscle container that serves as a reservoir for urine a retropreitneal oran,


expulsion of urine from the bladder , also called urination.... initiated by a complex sequence called _____ reflex


is a fibromuscular the that originates at the neck of the urinary bladder and conducts urine to the exterior of the bd. bundles of smooth muscle fibers surround the mucosa. mostly traditional type of epithelium.. stratified squamous epithelium lines the u

Urine transport

Papillary duct located int he renal papilla located in the pyramids. -> minor calyx --> major calyx (several of these for the renal pelvis) --> out of the kidney --> ureters--> urinary bladder

Transitional type of epithelium

cells lined by ureters, bladder and urethra