
Which chamber of the heart receives blood from the superior and inferior venae cavae?

right atrium

The left ventricle pumps blood into the __________.

ascending aorta

The right and left coronary arteries originate at the base of the __________.

ascending aorta

A large vein that opens into the right atrium and brings in venous blood from the heart tissue is the __________.

coronary sinus

What structures in the conduction system conduct impulses very rapidly to the ventricular myocardium?

Purkinje fibers

The QRS complex on the ECG represents __________.

The QRS complex on the ECG represents ventricular depolarization.

The plateau in the action potential is caused by the entry of ________ ions.


Which of the following occurs during the first phase of ventricular systole?

The AV valves close, and ventricular pressure rises.

What produces the "lubb" of the first heart sound?

closing of the atrioventricular valves

Which of the following could increase the strength of the contraction of a ventricle?

increased stretch on the ventricle

The right atrium receives blood from the __________.

All of the listed responses are correct: inferior vena cava, superiorvena cava, coronary sinus

The left atrium collects blood from the __________ and empties into the left ventricle.

pulmonary circuit

When blood is ejected from the heart, it is pushed from the ____ to the _____.

apex; base

The epicardium of the heart is the same as the __________.

visceral pericardium

The AV valves prevent the backflow of blood into the _____, and the semilunar valves prevent backflow of blood into the _____.

atria; ventricles

The left atrium receives blood from the __________.

pulmonary veins

Deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle through a semilunar valve and enters the __________.

pulmonary trunk

Which of the following statements concerning the heart is FALSE?

The heart is rotated toward the right.

Compared to the right ventricle, the left ventricle __________.

has a thicker wall

Marginal branches are extensions of the __________.

right coronary artery

The SA node acts as the pacemaker of the heart because these cells are __________.

the cells that depolarize and reach threshold first

The refractory period of cardiac muscles is __________ than that of skeletal muscles.


The Purkinje fibers __________.

conduct impulses rapidly

Which of the following correctly describes conducting cells of the SA node?

All of the listed responses are correct.

The contractile cells of the myocardium reach threshold because of an influx of ____.


Which of the following statements concerning contractile cells and the heartbeat is INCORRECT?

The plateau phase of the contractile cell's action potential is the result of calcium ions moving out of the cell.

The conduction delay that occurs at the AV node allows __________.

the atria to contract before the ventricles begin to contract

An elderly man is brought into the hospital on a hot, sunny day complaining of light-headedness. You administer an ECG and notice that the P-R interval is 350 msec. His heart sounds are normal. His blood tests indicate that the LDH, SGOT, CK, and CK-MB le

The man has a problem with the conduction system of the atria or possibly with the AV node.

During ventricular filling, the AV valves are ____, and the semilunar valves are _______.

open; closed

The dicrotic notch marks the point when the __________.

aortic valve closes

Which of the following statements concerning atrial systole is FALSE?

At the start of atrial systole, there is very little blood in the ventricles.

Which of the following statements concerning ventricular diastole is FALSE?

As the ventricles begin to fill with blood, the pressure in the chamber rises.

Stroke volume is defined as __________.

the amount of blood ejected from each ventricle during ventricular systole

Which statement(s) is (are) true with regard to preload?

If EDV is greater and ESV is lower, then the stroke volume increases; AND during exercise, increased venous return increases EDV.

Starling's law of the heart refers to the relationship between __________.

EDV and SV

Which of the following would be considered a positive inotropic agent?


Which of the following is NOT a factor that controls stroke volume?

cardiac output

What does the Frank-Starling principle state?

There is a direct relationship between the EDV and the SV.

Which statement is true?

If the pacemaker of the heart stops, the AV node will take over.

The left atrium receives blood from the pulmonary circuit and empties it into the __________.

left ventricle

The "double pump" function of the heart includes the right side, which serves as the __________ circuit pump, while the left side serves as the __________ pump.

pulmonary; systemic

The coronary arteries emerge at the base of the __________.


Blood from the coronary circuit is collected on the posterior aspect of the heart in a blood vessel known as the __________.

coronary sinus

During the action potential in a contractile cardiac muscle cell, the opening of slow calcium channels results in the______ phase.


When deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle through a semilunar valve, it is forced into the __________.

pulmonary arteries

The passageways between cardiac muscle cells that allow ions to pass freely are called __________.

gap junctions

Cardiac muscle tissue __________.

has its own intrinsic conduction system that can set the pace of the beating heart

The right coronary artery generally gives rise to __________.

the marginal branches and the posterior interventricular artery

The left coronary artery supplies blood to __________.

the anterior interventricular artery and the circumflex branch

What is the correct sequential path of a normal action potential in the heart?

SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

Blood flows from the left atrium through the _______ to the left ventricle.

mitral valve

The P wave on the ECG indicates __________.

the electrical events spreading out over both atria

After the AV node is depolarized and the impulse spreads through the atria, there is a slight delay before the impulse spreads to the ventricles. The reason for this delay is to allow __________.

the atria to contract

Valvular heart disease can be a result of __________.

All of the listed responses are correct.

During the isovolumetric contraction phase, the pressure in the _____ has to rise above aortic pressure for ventricular ejection to occur.

left ventricle

Under normal circumstances, the factors responsible for making delicate adjustments to the heart rate as circulatory demands change are __________.

autonomic activity and circulatory hormones

The cardiac centers in the medulla oblongata monitor baroreceptors and chemoreceptors innervated by the __________.

glossopharyngeal N IX and vagus N X

The difference between the end-diastolic volume (EDV) and the end-systolic volume (ESV) is the __________.

stroke volume

Which of the following statements is part of Starling's law of the heart?

All of the listed responses are correct.

Physicians are interested in cardiac output because it provides a useful indication of __________.

ventricular efficiency over time

What is the function of the chordae tendineae?

to anchor the AV valve flaps and prevent backflow of blood into the atria

Which of the following would NOT show up on an electrocardiogram?


During ventricular systole , what occurs when the pressure in the left ventricle rises above that in the left atrium?

The left AV valve closes.

During ventricular systole, the blood volume in the atria is __________, and the volume in the ventricle is __________.

increasing; decreasing

Cardiac muscle cells are nourished via blood supply provided from the __________.

coronary circuit

Pulmonary arteries carry blood to the __________.


Which of the following statements is (are) true?

During ventricular systole, the papillary muscles contract to keep the AV valves shut and prevents them from swinging up into the atria.

The heart sound associated with S2 occurs as the ventricles ____ and the semilunar valves ______.

relax; close

During isovolumetric systole, pressure is highest in the __________.

left ventricle

Blood pressure in the large systemic arteries is greatest during __________.

ventricular ejection

Serious arrhythmias that reduce the pumping efficiency of the heart may indicate __________.

All of the listed responses are correct.

During exercise, the most important control mechanism to increase cardiac output is __________.

increased sympathetic activity to the ventricles

Which of the following does NOT control the movement of blood through the heart?

size of the atria and ventricles

Valvular malfunction in the heart __________.

interferes with movement of blood through the heart

If the bicuspid valve is defective and valvular regurgitation occurs, the end result is __________.

an insufficient amount of blood available to be moved into the aorta and systemic circulation

Which network of blood vessels carries blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces in the lungs?
Your Answer:
renal circuit
Correct Answer:
pulmonary circuit
The pulmonary circuit carries blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces in the lungs.


Incorrect Vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called __________.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
Incorrect When the heart beats, the __________ contract first.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
Correct The


Incorrect The blood vessels in the cardiovascular system are subdivided into three circuits known as the __________.
Your Answer:
lymphatic, pulmonary, and systemic circuits
Correct Answer:
coronary, pulmonary, and systemic circuits
Incorrect Which sta


Incorrect Bradycardia is the term used to describe a faster than normal heart beat.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
Incorrect. Bradycardia is the term used to describe a slower than normal heart rate.
Correct Starling's law of the heart stat


Incorrect The ependymal cells line the blood vessels that supply the neural tissues of the brain, thereby forming the blood-brain barrier
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
Incorrect. Ependymal cells line the central canal and brain ventricles and
