A & P final exam study guide II

functions of the conchae and nasal mucosa during inhalation

-filter air
-moisten air
-heat air

type II alveolar cells

respiratory cells that secrete surfactant and antimicrobial proteins

occurs in the mitochondria

Krebs cycle and electron transport chain

intrinsic factor

secreted by the parietal cells

required trace minerals in the body


alveolar dead space

alveoli that cease to act in gas exchange due to collapse or obstruction


causes slow steady mixing and moving of contents in the small intestine

At sea level, atmospheric pressure is measured at approximately ______.

760mm Hg

Within glycolysis, the net gain of ATP is ___.


functions of the larynx

-voice production
-routes air into the proper channel
-provide a patent airway
-routes food into the proper channel

internal respiration

the term used for exchange of O2 and CO2 between systemic blood vessels and tissues

pancreatic juice

watery alkaline solution that neutralizes chyme

subdivisions of the small intestine

ileum, duodenum, jejunum

hepatic portal vein

transports absorbed components of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids to the liver


causes intrapulmonary pressure to fluctuate

absorptive state

during and shortly after eating when absorption of nutrients is occurring

Henry's law

states that when a mixture of gases is in contact with a liquid, each gas will dissolve in the liquid in proportion to its partial pressure


hormone which causes facilitated diffusion of glucose into muscle and adipose cells as well as glycogen formation


hydrolysis of complex structures to simpler ones

ATP synthase

uses released energy to make ATP


arterial blood pH>7.45

principal cells

help maintain the body's water and salt balance


function as both a weak acid and a weak base

chemical buffer systems

the first line of defense in regulating hydrogen ion concentration

K+ (potassium)

the major cation of intracellular fluid (ICF)


the structural and functional units that form urine

voluntary sphincter

the external urethral sphincter

ECF Na+ concentration remains stable even if Na+ content changes because of ______.


Renin catalyzes the production of _____.

angiotensin II

A system of one or more compounds that act to resist pH changes when strong acid or base is added is termed a _____.

chemical buffer

The metabolism of glutamine causes the production of ______.

NH4+ and HCO3-


the act of urination or voiding of urine

phosphate buffer system

the most effective buffer system in urine and intracellular fluid (ICF)

nitrogenous waste found in urine

urea, uric acid, and creatinine

mechanisms of urine formation

tubular secretion, glomerular filtration, and tubular reabsorption

urinary bladder

the structure that expands and rises during filling and collapses when empty

intercalated cells

the cell type that functions in maintaining the acid-base balance of the body

Potassium (K+) concentration decreases in extracellular fluid leads to ______and _____.

hyperpolarization and nonresponsiveness

During menstrual cycles and pregnancy, increased NaCl reabsorptin is due to _____.


proximal convoluted tubules (PCT)

the site of most reabsorption including nutrients, ions, small proteins, water, and Na+.