Lymphatic System

What is the function of the lymphatic vessels

to pick up and return excess tissue fluid to the blood vascular system


tissue fluid or leaked plasma that has entered lymphatic vessels

Thoracic Duct

the terminal duct draining most of the body

Cisterna Chyli

the enlarged terminus of the thoracic duct that receives lymph from the digestive viscera

The right lymphatic duct drains

right arm and right half of upper torso and head

Three areas where lymph are closely clustered

axillary, cervical, and groin regions

Two main functions of lymph nodes

to remove debris from the lymph and multiplication of lymphocytes

What is the function of B Cells

they clone to produce daughter cells, most of which are plasma cells that release antibodies to the blood (humoral)

What is the role of T Cells

attack virus-infected cells, tumor cells, bacteria. Also activate B cells and enhance the migration of other WBCs into the area to destroy antigens

Immunological memory

ability of the immune system to respond very quickly to antigens that it recognizes as they have entered the body before


ability to distinguish between closely related antigens

Autoimmune disease

the inability of the immune system to recognize self, resulting in the attack of self cells by the immune system

Lymph nodes

bean-shaped filters that cluster along the lymphatic vessels of the body. They function as a cleanser of lymph as wells as a site of T and B cell activation


a molecule capable of provoking an immune response


a protein produced by plasma cells that acts with a particular antigen to form a complex


the largest lymphoid organ, cleanses the blood of aged cells and platelets and debris, site of immune surveillance and response, red pulp and white pulp

Lymphatic ducts

lymph is delivered into two large ducts, right duct drains the upper arm and right side of head and thorax, the other arises from the cisterna chyli and drains the rest of the body