Cardiovascular System

heart contraction

The AV valves and semilunar valves are closed.

systolic and diastolic blood pressure



measures blood pressure

5 types of blood vessels

1. arteries 2. arterioles 3. capillaries 4. venules 5. veins


blood vessels that carry blood AWAY from the heart


Small vessels that receive blood from the arteries


tiny vessels that join arterioles and venules


small vessels that gather blood from the capillaries into the veins


blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart


a double-layered serous membrane that surrounds the heart


the innermost of the two layers of the pericardium


the middle muscular layer of the heart wall


inner lining of the heart

papillary muscles

contract when ventricles contract to prevent AV valves from opening

cardiac output

the amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time

coronary sinus

a short sinus receiving most of the veins of the heart

cardiac cycle

the complete cycle of events in the heart from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next


record of the electrical activity of the heart

stroke volume

the volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat

pulmonary circuit

carries blood to the lungs for gas exchange and returns it to the heart

systemic circuit

Circuit of blood that carries blood between the heart and the rest of the body.


the two upper chambers of the heart- the receiving areas that pool incoming blood.


ear-like projections, sensitive to chemicals and touch


the two lower chambers of the heart, and they pump blood out to the lungs and body.


the contraction of the chambers of the heart (especially the ventricles) to drive blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery


the widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood

cardiac conduction system

fibers of cardiac muscle tissue which distribute impulses over the entire heart

s-a node

sinoatrial node (pacemaker of the heart)


a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat

a-v node

picks up electrical impulse from the SA node and causes ventricles to contract, causing blood to move into arteries

a-v bundle

group of fibers which receive impluse from the atrioventricular node; also known as the bundle of His

purkinje fibers

fibers in the ventricles that transmit impulses to the right and left ventricles, causing them to contract

cardiac conduction steps

1: sinoatrial (SA) node fires (the pacemaker)
2: excitation speeds through atrial myocardium
3: atrioventricular node fires
4: excitation speeds through AV bundle
5: purkinge fibers distribute excitation though ventricular myocardium

smallest group of blood vessels


veins vs arteries

*Veins - Carry blood to the heart.
*Arteries - Carry blood away from the heart

flaps in front of atria


only artery that carries deoxygenated blood

pulmonary artery

inner open space of a tubular organ


increase of volume of blood


large vessels in front of heart that lie in front of aorta

pulmonary trunk/artery

where does blood go after leaving right ventricle

aorta, then rest of body

disease of arteries causes fatty deposits of cholesterol in arteries


tendons that connect valve to muscles of heart

cordae tendinae

arteries that supply blood to legs
