BIO215 Cardiovascular System


ventricles contract, blood ejects


ventricles relax, refill

2 periods of systole

1. isovolumetric ventricular contraction
2. ventricular ejection

isovolumetric ventricular contraction

ventricular walls develop tension; volume constant; ventricular pressure increasing; muscle fibers can't shorten

ventricular ejection

happens once intraventricular pressure exceeds that in aorta and pulmonary trunk, aortic and pulmonary semilunar values open, blood forced into aorta/trunk as muscle fibers shorten

volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during systole is called

stroke volume

2 periods of diastole

1. isovolumetric ventricular relaxation
2. ventricular filling

isovolumetric ventricular relaxation

ventricles relax, valves close, pressure in aorta and pulmonary trunk exceed intraventricular pressure, AV valves closed ; no blood entering or leaving

ventricular filling

AV valves open because pressure in atria comes to exceed that in ventricles and ventricular filling occurs; atrial contraction comes at end of ventricular diastole

Cardiac Output

the volume of blood that each ventricle pumps ; volume of blood flowing through the pulmonary or systemic circuit per minute

Cardiac Output dependent on...

heart rate & stroke volume (CO = HRxSV)

Sympathetic stimulation causes heart rate to:

increase; increases slope of pacemaker potential by increasing permeability of Na+ channels

Parasympathetic stimulation causes heart rate to:

decrease; decreases slope of pacemaker potential and hyper polarizes plasma membranes of SA cells by increasing permeability to K+

End-diastolic volume

volume of blood in ventricles just before contraction

Changes in stroke volume are produced by.....

1. Changes in preload (end-diastolic volume)
2. Changes in magnitude of sympathetic nervous system input into ventricles
3. Changes in afterload (arterial pressure against which ventricles pump)

what is the Frank Starling Mechanism?

as end-diastolic volume increases, stroke volume increases, stretch in sarcomeres increases; greater the stretch in sarcomeres, the greater the force of contraction

an important consequence of the Frank Starling mechanism is that it...

helps maintain equality of flow between the systemic and pulmonary circuit

if the right side of the heart begins to pump more blood than the left: venous return from pulmonary circulation to left atrium will _________, end-diastolic volume in left ventricle will ___________, left ventricular output(SV) will ___________


ventricular contractility

strength of contraction at given end-diastolic volume (EDV)

neurotransmitter norepinephrine acts on B1 adrenergic receptors of myocardial cells to:

increase ventricular contractility

Ejection fraction equation