The Circulatory System:Blood Vessels

List the three layers of a vessel wall.

tunica externa, tunica media, tunica interna

This layer of the vessel wall contains smooth muscle and is where constriction occurs.

tunica media

Name the layer of the vessel wall that has loose connective tissue and is the outer layer.

tunica externa

This layer of the vessel wall contains endothelium and lines the lumen.

tunica interna

List the circulatory organization.

large artery(aorta)->distributing medium artery->smaller artery(arteriole)->capillary(gas exchange)->venule(small veins)->medium vein->large veins(inferior and superior vena cava)

___functions includes gas and nutrient exchange between the blood and tissues.


___ regulate whether capillaries are open or not.

precapillary sphincters

When the precapillary sphincter are ___, blood flow _____capillaries.


When the precapillary sphincters ____, blood flow right to ___(not through capillaries)

closed; venule

Name the two types of capillaries that is involved in capillary exchange.

contiunuous capillary and fenestrated capillary

This type of capillary is found in most tissues.

continuous capillary

___are found in small intestines, allows for rapid exchange of gases and nutrients, and a more chance for things moving back and forth.

fenestrated capillary

During ___, oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, hormones, antibodies can be exchanged in and out of blood.

capillary exchange

List the three types of circulatory routes.

simplest, portal, and anastomoses

__is the most common circulatory route and has one capillary bed.


List the steps of simplest route of circulation.


The ___ circulatory route is between the kidney, hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary and had 2 capillary beds.


___circulatory route is found in heart, fingers/toes and is shunt. If you have a blockage in one , you can use another artery-> in veins bypasses capillaries,


Where is blood found the most?


Where is blood found the least?


___is when blood exerts against a vessel wall.

blood pressure

During ___blood pressure, ventricles contracts(out of heart and into arteries)


During ___blood pressure, ___is relaxed

diastolic; ventricles

___is systolic blood pressure minus diastolic blood pressure.

pulse pressure

__is type of peripheral resistance

blood pressure

____is cardiac output times total peripheral resistance.

blood pressure

___, __, ___ are three factors that affect peripheral resistance.

blood viscosity, vessel length, and vessel radius

With ____ you have thicker blood, which ___resistance.

blood viscosity; increases

___increases in length increases friction -> increases resistance

vessel length

vessel radius ___ radius which ___ resistance

decreases; increases

_ is sustained increased blood pressure at rest.


at or above ___= hypertensive

140 mmHg/90mmHg

prehypertensive is between___mmHg/___mmHg

120-139mmHg/ 80-89mmHg

__sense changes in pressure around the heart


List how baroreceptor control blood pressure using the cardioinhibitory center.

arteries stretched->baroreceptor increase firing rate->cardioinhibitory center is stimulated->reduced heart rate->reduced blood pressure

List how baroreceptors control blood pressure using the vasomotor center.

arteries stretched->baroreceptors increase firing rate->vasomotor center is inhibited->reduced sympathetic tone->reduced vasomotor tone->vasodilation->reduced blood pressure

Name five ways in which hormones controls blood pressure.

Angiotensin II, Aldosterone, Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, Antidiuretic hormone, epinephrine

___ hormone controls the blood pressure by increasing vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure

Angiotensin II

List how two related pharmaceuticals of Angiotensin II controls blood pressure.`

ACE(angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors and Angiotensin receptor blockers

__ hormone controls blood pressure with sodium retention, increased cardiac output->blood pressure


___hormones controls blood pressure lower cardiac output, lower blood pressure , sodium excretion

Atrial Natriuretic Peptide

___hormones controls water retention, increase cardiac output, vasopressin(increase vasoconstriction)

Antidiuretic Hormone

List how related pharmaceuticals of Antidiuretic controls blood pressure.

diuretics lowers blood pressure by getting rid of excess water

Which hormone increases blood pressure by increasing vasoconstriction?


List how related pharmaceuticals of epinephrine controls blood pressure.

beta blockers ( block beta receptors)

Name the capillary exchange that is blood->tissue.


Name the type of capillary exchange:tissue->blood


___is physical force exerted by a liquid against a surface

hydrostatic pressure

__is the amount of pressure that would have to be applied to one side of a selectively permeable membrane to stop osmosis

osmotic pressure

__ blood colloid osmotic pressure(COP)-tissue fluid (COP)

oncotic pressure

___hydrostatic pressure-oncotic pressure

net filtration pressure

____ mmHg towards the tissue on the arterial end of capillary

13 mmHg

__mmHg towards the blood on the venous end of capillary,

7 mmHg

__is the accumulation of excess fluid in a tissue


___is filtration> reabsorption


___is caused by increase in capillary filtration, decrease in capillary reabsorption and obstructed lymphatic drainage


List two characteristics of veins.

less muscular and easily collapsible

How does blood flow up to the heart?

valves(one way), pressure gradient, gravity,skeletal muscle pump, thoracic pump, and cardiac suction

__ is a weak point in a blood vessel.


__may rupture->hemorrhaging(release blood)


__is a sudden loss of brain function caused by a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel to the brain.


__is the 3rd most common cause of death and if ruptured is the most fatal


List two forms of stroke.

ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.

__blockage in an artery feeding the brain and is more common.

ischemic stroke

__blood vessels rupture.

hemorrhagic stroke

list 2 signs of hemorrhagic stroke

one side drooping ,confusion