Chapter 14 - Family Systems Therapy

1. Who was the first person of the modem era to do family therapy? (p. 410)

a. Adler

2. Which family therapist made use of innovative interventions such as metaphor, reframing, rules for interaction, parts party, family reconstructions, family sculpting, and family maps?

c. Satir

3. Which of the following statements about strategic family therapy is not true? (p. 416)

e. Presenting problems are viewed as being symptomatic of a dysfunction within the system.

4. Alfred Adler was the first to notice that the development of children within family constellations was heavily influenced by: (p.414)

e. birth order.

5. Postmodern thought has contributed to family therapy by: (p.417)

b. stimulating the therapist's view of clients as the experts on their own lives.

6. Who was the person who refined Adler's concepts into a typology of mistaken goals and an organized approach to family therapy? (p. 414)

e. Rudolf Dreikurs

7. The concept of triangulation is most associated with: (p.415)

b. Murray Bowen.

8. What type of boundaries results in disengagement? (p. 423)

c. rigid boundaries

9. What is the technique in family therapy that casts a new light on a problem and provides a different interpretation for a problematic situation? (p.421)

d. reframing

10. A major contribution of Bowen's theory is the notion of: (p. 415)

b. differentiation of the self.

11. They systems perspective implies: (p. 412)

c. individuals are best understood through the context of their role in their family.

12. Which is(are) a key role (or roles) of most family therapists? (p. 419)

e. all of the above

13. Which of the following techniques is a strategic family therapist least likely to use? (p.419)

c. family sculpting

14. A tool for collecting and organizing key relationships in a three-generational extended family is a: (p. 436)

c. genogram.

15. Which of the following roles and functions would be least interesting to a structural family therapist? (p.419)

b. giving voice to the therapist's own impulses and fantasies

16. Which of the following is least associated with Satir's human validation process model?

d. storied lives and narratives

17. Triangles in family relationships can best be explained as ____ _

a. reducing anxiety and emotional tension in relationships.

18. Which approach to family therapy contends that one's current family problems will not significantly change until relationship patterns in one's family of origin are understood and directly challenged? (p. 415)

a. Bowenian family therapy

19. The techniques of joining, accommodating, unbalancing, tracking, and boundary making would be most likely to be part of which approach to family therapy? (p.419)

c. structural family therapy

20. A major contribution of Whitaker's approach to family therapy is: (p. 419)

d. spontaneity, creativity, and playas therapeutic factors in family therapy.

21 . The major focus of family therapy is: (p. 438)

e. all of the above.

22. Which of the following lenses addresses the family 's goals? (p. 421 )

c. internal family systems

23. What lens is primarily concerned with assessing a family 's typical day and the routines support their daily living? (p. 422)

c. sequences

24. Which approach assumes that a family can best be understood when it is analyzed from at least a three-generational perspective? (p.410)

a. Bowenian family therapy

25. Which approach asserts that emotional fusion to one's family must be addressed if one hopes to achieve a mature and unique personality? (p.415)

a. Bowenian family therapy

26. A couple directs the focus of their energy toward a problematic son as a way to avoid facing or dealing with their own conflicts. This is an example of: (p.415)

d. triangulation

27. In working with a triangulated relationship, Bowen would be inclined to place primary emphasis on: (p.415)

c. maintaining a stance of neutrality.

28. Structural family therapy includes all of the following goals except for bringing about structural change by: (p. 418)

e. the therapist taking a not-knowing stance with a family.

29. The teleological lens is central to: (p.421)

b. Adlerian family therapy.

30. What lens includes the biological, individual, relational, familial, and societal levels?

d. the developmental lens

31. Which ofthe following individuals is not associated with family therapy? (p.410-411)

c. Albert Ellis

32. Which approach would be most interested in the appropriateness of hierarchical structure in the family? (p.417)

c. structural family therapy

33. Which lens of family therapy is most likely to be concerned with the question, "How does the family's level of economics, education, ethnicity, religion, race, regional background, gender, and age affect the family's processes?" (p.426)

d. the multicultural lens

34. Family atmosphere, family constellation, and mistaken goals are key concepts of: (p.414)

a. Adlerian family therapy.

35. A family systems perspective is grounded on the assumption(s) that a client's problematic behavior may: (p.412)

d. all of the above

36. According to Dreikurs, four goals of children's misbehavior include: (p.421)

a. attention getting, power struggle, revenge, and assumed disability.

37. Adlerian family therapy strives to as its goal. (p.418)

b. establish and support parents as effective leaders of the family

38. Problem descriptions and goal identification, typical day, the child interview and goal disclosure are techniques used in: (p.419)

d. Adlerian family therapy.

39. A potential limitation of the family systems model is: (p.440)

a. a particular family member's needs may be overshadowed by the needs of the system.

40. The therapy goals of promoting growth, self-esteem, connection, and helping family members achieve congruent communication and interaction is most associated with which theory of family therapy? (p.418)

b. Satir's human validation process model