Who is the narrator of the story?

Cassie Logan

Who is the author of the story?

Mildred Taylor

Who is the victim of the burnings?

The Berry's

What is the name of the White children's school?

Jefferson Davis

What constantly plagues the children on the way to school?

The passing school bus

What is Mr. Logan's occupation?

railroad worker

Which of the Logan children resents L. T. at first?


Why does Stacey get a whipping from his mother?

She thinks he cheated on a test.

How do the children sabotage the school bus?

By digging a ditch in the road and filling it with water

Why does Little Man get a whipping on the first day of school?

He is ashamed of the textbook he was given

What does Uncle Hammer drive?

A Silver Packard

What happens to Stacey's new coat?

He gives it to T.J.

What is Mr. Jamison's profession?

attorney, lawyer

Who does Big Ma transfer ownership of the plantation to?

Uncle Hammer and Papa

Why do the children finally break their ties with T. J.?

He helps get Mama fired

What does Uncle Hammer do to help pay off the loan?

He sells his car

Where is the shop that the Logan's and 30 other families decide to patronize, in order to boycott the Wallace store?


When Papa is shot, who is with him?

L.T. and Stacey

Who starts the fire?

David Logan

Why does Cassie know that Lillian Jean will not tell her father that Cassie has beat her up?

Cassie knows all of Lillian Jean's secrets

Much of the novel was inspired by:

Stories Mildred Taylor heard from her father

When is the novel set?

during the depression

Which character has the shortest temper?

Uncle Hammer

What difficult social position do many of the black people in the novel occupy?


What does the Logan family work hard to keep?

The land

How does the Logan family respond when Wallace boys burn several black men?

Boycotting the Wallace Store

Who pressures the Logan Family to stop the boycott?

Harland Granger

Where is Papa going when he suffers a violent attack and breaks his leg?


How does Papa stop the lynching of T.J.?

Starts a fire

What character trait does Cassie Logan share with Uncle Hammer?

A fiery temper

What is the name of the white boy who suffers beatings for associating with the Logan children?

Jeremy Simms

On whose land does the Wallace family run their general store?

Harland Granger

Who tells the Logan children about how one of the Berry's was burned to death?


Where does Jeremy go when he parts ways with the Logan children on their way to school?

The white school

Where does Great Faith Elementary and Secondary School get the used books it supplies to its students?

The white school

What punishment do Cassie and Little Man get for trying to refuse the old school books?

Whipping / Beating

Who does Mama side with when she gets the news that Miss Crocker whipped her children?

Miss Crocker

Where was Mr. L.T. Morrison fired from after getting in a fight with abusive white men?

The Railroad

What recent event do the children associate L.T.'s presence with?

The burnings

What conceals the hole that the children dig for the school bus?


What does the school bus driver do to the Logan children to make them furious?

Splashes them with mud

When T.J's father stops by the Logan house, what does he warn that the white men are doing again?


What does T.J. do in school that Stacey takes the blame for?

Makes a cheat sheet

Where does L.T. find T.J. and Stacey fighting?

The Wallace store

According to Big Ma, when did her late husband, Paul Edward, buy land off of the Granger's?

After reconstruction

Who tells Mama that T.J. and Stacey were at the Wallace store?


Who do Mama and Stacey go to visit after Stacey confesses to visiting the Wallace store?

One of the Berry's

How does Cassie try to get the attention of the racist general store clerk in Strawberry?

Tugs on his sleeve

What does Big Ma tell Cassie to do in response to the general store clerk yelling at her?


Who owns the car that the Logan children see when they return home from the market in Strawberry?

Uncle Hammer

What new item of clothing has Uncle Hammer bought for Stacey?

A coat

What does the Wallace family do after mistaking Uncle Hammer's car for Harlan Granger's?

Lets the car pass

On what occasion did a gang of white men come to L.T.'s house and kill his parents?

A previous Christmas

What does the Logan family consider using as collateral to get the black community credit in Vicksburg?

The farm

Who surprises Stacey by giving him a whistle for Christmas?


What does Mr. Jamison promise to give the town's black community?

Credit backing

What word does Mama alter in her class textbooks, giving the school board an excuse to fire her?


According to rumor, who is T.J. spending more and more time with?

The older Simms' brothers

What is Papa in the process of repairing when a group of assailants attack him?

A wagon wheel

Who breaks Dewberry Wallace's back after the Wallace's attack Papa?


How does Uncle Hammer come up with the money for the Logan's to pay their bank loan in full?

By selling his car

On what festive occasion does T.J. try to impress the Logan children with his white friends and fancy new clothes?

The annual revival

What do Melvin and R.W. take T.J. to do in Strawberry, instead of buying him a pistol like he expected?

Rob a store

Who or what shows up at T.J.'s home just as the Logan children are showing him to his door?

A lynch mob

When the Logan family's cotton field catches fire, what does everyone initially assume was the cause?

A lightning strike

What happens to T.J. after the Logan family's cotton field catches fire?

He is arrested

Who realizes that Papa set the cotton field on fire to distract the lynch mob?
