Plant Families

Lauraceae (Laurel Family)

No stipules
pellucid dots
often aromatic
valvate anther flaps
parts in 3s

Magnoliaceae (Magnolia Family)

Pellucid dots
Flowers: solitary terminal and showy
spirally arranged on elongated cone-like receptacle

Amborellaceae(Amborella Family)

dioeceous, lacking vessels
stipules absent

Winteraceae (Winterbark Family)

no stipules
pellucid dots
stigma lateral opening in carpel
no vessels

Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)

leaves deeply lobed, or compound parts in 3s
Flowers: spirally arranged, distinct carpel, pistils w/ hooked tips

Proteaceae (Protea Family)

Flower: showy bracts
connate tepals w/ split along 1 side,
anther adnate to tepals
valvate perianth

(Poppy family)

Leaves: often deeply lobed, 3 parts
Flowers: deciduous sepals, petals in 4, wrinkled,
numerous stamen, conate carpels

Stonecrop family

Leaves: succulent, often basal
Flower: infl in cyme

Pea (Legume) family

Leaves: pinnately compound
Flower: 3 sub families
Faboideae - Banner, wing, keel (Heart/ vag)
mimosoideae- many showy stamen (spikey hair-like)
caesalpinoideae - 5 unfused petals (1 very distinct petal)

Gooseberry Family

Leaves: palmately lobed and clustered
Flower: inferior ovary
2 styles connate at base and split

Saxifrage family

Leaves: often palmately lobed
Flowers: raceme, often a hypanthium, petals often clawed and lobed, bilobed sigma/style

Rose family

leaves: serrate frequently w/ thorns and prickles
flowers: 5 free petals w/ hypanthium and numerous stamen

Willow Family

Leaves: alternate, stipules, serrate or dentate
flowers: male/female catkins

Oak Family

leaves: pinnately lobed
Flowers: male/ female, can be very spiny, make acorns

Melon family

vines w/ tendrils
leaves: palmately veined
flower: ovary inferior

Myrtle family

Leaves: aromatic, pellucid dots visible against light.
Flowers: inferior ovary, prominent hypanthium, tuft petals, showy stamen

Mustard family

silique seeds
Leaves: pinnately lobed or divided
Flowers: 4 petals, 2 short stamen 4 long stamen, superior ovary, petals wide and clawed

Evening Primrose Family

Flowers: 4 petals, 4 lobed stigma, very inferior ovary, very developed hypanthium,
pollen in viscin (sticky) threads

Mallow family

Leaves: have stellate trichomes
flowers: funnel shaped, monadelphous stamen (many bunch together and looks like 1 fat one)

Heath Family

Leaves: simple, evergreen
Flowers: urn shaped, often windows at base, anthers often poricidal

Phlox family

stigma 3 lobed
Leaves: simple, pinnately divided, glandular trichomes
flowers: stamens often unequally inserted, often blue/purple pollen, corolla often connate tube

Buckwheat family

swollen leaf nodes
leaves: stipules present and fused onto sheath (ocrea)
Flowers: small bunches
Fruit: triangular achene

Carnation/Pink family

Usually coarse stem
Leaves: opposite, swollen nodes, parallel venation
flowers: hairy calyx, petals lobed (pinked) or clawed

Cactus Family

Stem succulent
Leaves: spiky hairs called glochids
Flowers: many showy stamens and petals

Sunflower family

Leaves: no stipules
Fruit: achene w/ prominent pappus
Flowers: 3 different types
- radiate looks like sunflower
- ligulate looks like dandelion
- discoid has many little heads/flowers

carrot family

Leaves: pinnate venation, highly dissected, sheathing at base
Fruit: 2 part schizocarp
Flower: compound umbel, stalks hollow, ovary inferior

Mint family

Often aromatic, square stem
Leaves: opposite, sometimes whorled
Flowers: bilabiate- 2 lobes up, 3 lobes down, 4 nutlets, gymnobasic style- style attatches to base of ovary not tip

Borage Family

schizocarp in 4 nutlets
stiff hairs
leaves: simple
flowers: infl scorpioid cyme, gymnobasic style,

Plantain Family

Leaves: Opp or alternate
flowers: bilabiate- 2 lobes up, 3 down. capsule w/ intermediate # of seeds, anthers w/ 2 distinct chamber

Nightshade family

Leaves: alternate Spiral around stem
Flowers: Petals Plicate(w/ distinct fold), poricidal anthers
seeds: flat

grass family

hollow between nodes, round in cross section
Leaves: parallel veins, clasp the culm, sometimes 2 ranked
Flowers: tiny, no perianth, spikelets

Sedge family

triangular cross section
Leaves: closed basal sheath, 3 ranked
flowers: tiny, no perianth, clustered spikes w/ bracts inbetween

Rush Family

Round cross section, not hollow
Leaves: open basal Sheath, 3 ranked
Flowers: visible tepals, subtending leaf often extends above infl

Iris Family

Leaves: parallel venation, leaves equitant (flat and overlap)
Flowers: 6 tepals, 3 stamen

Orchid family

Leaves: parallel veins, base sheathing
Flowers: 6 tepals, 1 weird tepal lip (labellum), male/female parts fused, pollen packet (pollinia)

lily family

Leaves: parallel veins, dont flatten in one plane
flowers: 6 tepals, usually spotted, 6 stamen

Arum Family

can smell bad
Leaves: parallel veins, saggitate (arrow shaped), sheathing leaf base
Flowers: stalk fleshy, sometimes monecious, many small spikes on spadix (looks like big stamen/pistil) , 1 big petal (spathe)