Psych 175 Family Counseling Bowen Family Systems Therapy

Murray Bowen

Known for work in intergenerational family therapy which utilized genograms; proposed the idea of triangulation

differentiation of self

Bowen's term for psychological separation of intellect and emotions and independence of self from others; opposite of fusion.

undifferentiation of self

Can't separate thoughts and feelings from others.


From Bowenian theory, a person who is not differentiated may be fused with another person. As a result he/she does not reason from his/her own values, but instead borrows the values of the person with whom he/she is fused and commonly makes emotionally re

Solid Self

Bowenian Family Therapy
Murrey Bowen
A person who is well differentiated and is ABLE TO FUNCTION based upon a personally (self) defined (solid) set of values, beliefs, convictions, and life principles.

undifferentiated family ego mass

From Bowenian family therapy, a phenomenon in which family members are emotionally fused, highly reactive, and structurally chaotic. Emotions overwhelm the intellect and interfere with individual functioning in family members. (see Differentiation Of Self

Emotional triangle (Bowenian Family Therapy)

The network of relationships among 3 people
- when anxiety is introduced with 2 people, a third party is recruited to reduce overall anxiety

nuclear family emotional process

People tend to select marital partners at similar levels of differentiation (the less diff of self prior to marriage, the more fusion between spouses)

emotional cutoff

An attempt to emotionally, psychologically, or physically detach oneself from the family of origin in an effort to avoid fusion and maintain control over one's sense of self.

Family Projection Process

In this manner symptoms and a lack of differentiation is transmitted from parents to children.

Emotional Fusion

(Bowen) When family members share an emotional response due to lack of boundaries or emotional autonomy. Movement away from the family is experienced as abandonment.

Multigenerational Transmission Process

In Bowenian family therapy, the process by which immaturity and differentiation are passed from one generation to another. Poorly differentiated individuals tend to marry one another and over several generations produce offspring who are increasingly less


a family therapy technique that records information about behavior and relationships on a type of family tree to elucidate persistent patterns of dysfunctional behavior


distinction between how members of a family relate and what they talk about.

Sibling Position

your birth position in the family influences interactions and personality characteristics


From Bowenian therapy, statements that reflect the speaker's own thoughts and feelings, instead of attempting to blame others.

Unfinished Business

Unexpressed feelings (such as resentment, guilt, anger, grief) dating back to childhood that now interfere with effective psychological functioning; needless emotional debris that clutters present-centered awareness.


encourage individuals to focus on their internal states (attitude, belief and values) do things for their best interest

Over functioning/ under functioning

A reciprocal pattern of interaction in which one participant assumes a competent, caretaking position in relation to the other, who assumes a dependent, child-like position.


psychological processes occurring within the mind


between people (usually describing social activities)


Oppositional, ex. I'm going to be the opposite of my mom


not static and are constantly changing