
Bowen Theory of Change

Understanding multigenerational dynamics and differentiations
Transmitted through the family

Bowen Theory

Multigenerational transmission of problems, passed down generation to generation

Bowen Role of Therapist

Supervisor, investigation

Bowen Treatment Goals

Reduce anxiety and emotional turmoil in family system
Self-differentiation within the context of family
Decrease emotional fusion
Reduce emotional reactivity
Improve communication skills
Decrease recurrence of dysfunctional patterns
Facilitate detriangula

Triangles **

three-personal relationship system
Building block or "molecule" of larger emotional systems because it is the smallest stable relationship system

Differentiation of Self (P: Beg.)

Difference between individuals and groups reflect differences in people's levels of differentiation of self
intrapsychic (within themselves) and interpersonal (seperate self) differentiation

Nuclear Family Emotional System (P: Beg.)

Concept of the nuclear family emotional system describes four basic relationship patterns that govern where problems develop in a family

Family Projection Process

Primary way parents transmit their emotional problems to the child
Impairing functioning in one or more children and increase vulnerability

Multigenerational Transmission Process (P: Beg.)

How small differences in the levels of differentiation between parents and their offspring lead over many generations to marked differences in differentiation among the members of a multigenerational family

Emotional Cutoff (P: Mid.)

People managing their unresolved emotional issues with parents, siblings, and other family members by reducing or totally cutting off emotional contact with this person

Genogram (P: Beg.)

Extensive study of family's history
Assessment and treatment tool
(e.g., family map, diagram)

Emotional Reactivity

Family members talk with the therapist


presenting problem as a multigenerational problem

Detriangulation (P: Mid.)

healthy triangle" where the thx teaches the couple or unit to manage their own anxiety, distance, and closeness in healthy ways

Increasing Differentiation (P: Mid.)

Forming supportive relationship with family members to explore the origins and effect of their family's beliefs and behaviors

Teaching "I" Statements (P: Mid.)

Increase differentiation through "I" language; own emotional experience

Opening Cut-off Relationships (P: Mid.)

Encouraging and supporting clients to reengage with estranged family members

Interacts with Family

Interrupts arguments- open conflict is prohibited as it raises anxiety
Thx to help employ coping skills to get into a better state

Models (P: Mid.)

Demonstrates new ways to interact and communicate; role-playing


Assigning reading material; educator and educational role