APES CHapter 09 Population Dynamics

biotic potential

Maximum rate at which the population of a given species can increase when there are no limits on its rate of growth.--Miller

carrying capacity (K)

Maximum population of a particular species that a given habitat can support over a given period of time.--Miller


Sensible and careful use of natural resources by humans. People with this view are called conservationists.--Miller

conservation biologist

Biologist who investigates human impacts on the diversity of life found on the earth (biodiversity) and develops practical plans for preserving such biodiversity.--Miller

conservation biology

Multidisciplinary science created to deal with the crisis of maintaining the genes, species, communities, and ecosystems that make up earthUs biological diversity. Its goals are to investigate human impacts on biodiversity and to develop practical approac

environmental resistance

All the limiting factors that act together to limit the growth of a population.--Miller

exponential growth

Growth in which some quantity, such as population size or economic output, increases by a fixed percentage of the whole in a given time period; when the increase in quantity over time is plotted, this type of growth yields a curve shaped like the letter J

intrinsic rate of increase (r)

Rate at which a population could grow if it had unlimited resources.--Miller

J-shaped curve

Curve with a shape similar to that of the letter J; can represent prolonged exponential growth.--Miller

K-selected species

Species that produce a few, often fairly large offspring but invest a great deal of time and energy to ensure that most of those offspring reach reproductive age.--Miller

logistic growth

Exponential population growth when the population is small and results in a steady decrease in population growth with time as the population approaches the carrying capacity.--Miller

minimum viable population (MVP)

Estimate of the smallest number of individuals necessary to ensure the survival of a population in a region for a specified time period, typically ranging from decades to 100 years.--Miller

population density

Number of organisms in a particular population found in a specified area.--Miller

population dispersion

General pattern in which the members of a population are arranged throughout its habitat.--Miller

population distribution

Variation of population density over a particular geographic area. For example, a country has a high population density in its urban areas and a much lower population density in rural areas.--Miller

population dynamics

Major abiotic and biotic factors that tend to increase or decrease the population size and age and sex composition of a species.--Miller

population size

Number of individuals making up a populationUs gene pool.--Miller

r-selected species

Species that reproduce early in their life span and produce large numbers of usually small and short-lived offspring in a short period of time.--Miller

S-shaped curve

Leveling off of an exponential, J-shaped curve when a rapidly growing population exceeds the carrying capacity of its environment and ceases to grow.--Miller

survivorship curve

Graph showing the number of survivors in different age groups for a particular species.--Miller

zero population growth (ZPG)

population growth (ZPG) State in which the birth rate (plus immigration) equals the death rate (plus emigration) so that the population of a geographic area is no longer increasing.--Miller