APES Chapter 5


evaporation exceeds precipitation

Tropical deserts

hot and dry most of the year. They have few plants and a hard, windblown surface strewn with rocks and some sand. They are the deserts we often see in movies.

Temperate deserts

Daytime temperatures are high in summer and low in winter and there is more precipitation than in tropical deserts.

Cold deserts

winters are cold, summer are warm or hot. and precipitation is low

Grasslands or prairies

occur mostly in interiors of continents in areas too moist for deserts and too dry for forests

Types of grasslands

temperate, tropical, and polar

Tropical grasslands: Savannas

tropical grassland dotted with widely scattered clumps of trees. Has warm temperatures year round and alternating dry and wet seasons. Tropical savanna is the birthplace of humankind.

Deserts: animals

Animals live by two rules: Beat the heat, and every drop counts.
Animals survive by hiding under rocks to maintain a cool temperature, have thick furs to avoid water loss through evaporation
their wastes are dry and concentrated (urine)
They get their wat

Temperate grasslands: Fertile soil

winters are bitterly cold, summers are hot and dry, and annual precipitation is fairly sparse and falls unevenly through the year.

Temperate grasslands: plants

The natural grasses have adapted to where fires ignited by lightening can be burned above ground, but the roots remain undisturbed where new life can form.

Temperate grasslands: plant species

short grass prairies and tall grass prairies.

Polar grasslands: Arctic Tundra

lie sound of the arctic polar ice cap. During most of the year, these treeless plants are bitterly cold, swept by frigid winds, and covered with ice and snow. Winters are long and dark, and the scant precipitation falls mostly as snow.

Polar grasslands: Plants/survival

Under the snow, this biome is carpeted with a thick, spongy mat of low growing plants, primarily grasses, mosses, lichens, and dwarf shrubs.


underground soils in which captured water stays frozen for more than 2 consecutive years. During the winters, the surface soil also freezes. During the summers, the frozen water gets melted into shallow lakes, marhses, and boggs, where hordes of mosquitoe

Temperate shrublands/chaparral

Closeness to the sea provides a slightly longer winter rainy season than early temperate desert have and fogs during the spring and fall reduce evaporation. Long warm and dry summers

Chaparral: plants

consists mostly of dense growths of low-growing evergreen shrubs and occasional small trees with leathery leaves that reduce evaporation. Soil is thin and not very fertile. Many of these plants store water in their fire resistant roots and have seeds that

Tropical Rain forests

Found near the equator, where hot, moisture-laden air rises and drops its moisture. year round warm temp, high humidity, and heavy rainfall almost daily. HUGE plant diversity.

Tropical rain forests: plants

Huge trees with shallow roots and wide bases. A dense canopy blocks sunlight from illuminating the forest floor. Many of the plants have broad leaves to catch what little sunlight is exposed on the forest floor. Low wind=little pollination happening=the p

Temperate deciduous forests: Changing with the seasons

Grow in areas with moderate average temperatures that change significantly with the season. Have long warm summers, cold but not too severe winters, and abundant precipitation, often spread fairly evenly throughout the year.

Temperate deciduous forests: plants

Dominated by a few species of broadleaf deciduous trees such as oak, hickory, and maple. The leaves change color before they drop. Higher plant diversity at the forest ground because of the lack of canopies.

Evergreen Coniferous forests: Cold winters, wet summers, and Conifers

Winters are long, dry and extremely cold. in the nothernmost taiga, sunlight is available only 6-8 hours a day. Summers are short, with cool to warm temp.

Temperate rain forests

most of the trees are evergreen because of the huge supply of water, these trees dont find the need to shed leaves. Tree trunks and the ground are often covered in moss and ferns. Cool and moist.


Dramatic changes in altitude, climate, soil, and vegetation. Habitats for endemic species. Mountains help regulate the earth's climate. They also play a critical role in the hydrologic cycle by gradually releasing melting ice, snow, and water stored in th