Science Questions and Answers-Chap.3, Sect.1

How do protist producers get their food?

these protists make their own food. Protist producers have special structures called chloroplasts (KLAWR uh PLASTS) in their cells. These structures capture energy from the sun.

What are two ways that protists can reproduce asexually by fission?

1.) In binary fission, a single-celled protist divides into two cells
2.)multiple fission to make more than two offspring from one parent.

What is one way that protists differ from plants and animals?

Protists are eukaryotic

Name three ways that protists can differ from each other.

1.) They can be multicellular or unicellular
2.) The can be producers or heterotrops/consumers
3.) They can be sexual or asexual.

Describe four ways that protists get food.

1.) being producers- making their own food
2.) being heterotrophs- getting food from/off of other organisms.
3.) using photosynthesis- to produce their food
4.) being decomposers- get their food by breaking down dead organic matter

Describe three ways that protists reproduce.

1.) Producing sexually
2.) Producing asexually
3.) Some can produce sexually in one stage of their life cycle then asexually in another

How is conjugation similar to fission?

They are similar because they are both being divided into two or more individuals.

Name three places where dinoflagellates live.

1.) salt water
2.) fresh water
3.) snow

Describe diatoms

Diatoms (DIE e TAHMZ) are single celled. They are found in both salt water and fresh water. Diatoms get their energy from photosynthesis. They make up a large percentage of phytoplankton; The cell walls of diatoms contain a glasslike substance called sili

Name two shelled, amoeba-like protists.

1.) Radiolarian (RAY dee oh LER ee uhn) shells look like glass ornaments
2.) Foraminiferans (fuh RAM uh NIF uhr uhnz) have snail-like shells. These protists move by poking pseudopodia out of pores in the shells.

Describe zooflagellates.

Zooflagellates (ZOH uh FLAJ uh LAYTS) are protists that wave flagella back and forth to move. Some zooflagellates live in water. Others live in the bodies of other organisms
Some zooflagellates are parasites that cause disease. The parasite Giardia lambli

Are diatoms producers?
Are amoebas, slime molds, or ciliates producers?

Diatoms are producers. Amoebas, Ciliates, and slime molds are not

How do many amoeba-like protists eat?

They secrete digestive juices onto food.

Give an example of one protist from each of the three groups of protists.

1.) producers- diatoms
2.) heterotrophs that can move-amoebas
3.)heterotrophs that cant move- water molds

How do protist producers, heterotrophs that can move, and heterotrophs that can't move differ?

Well obiously the heterotrophs can move and that cant move clearly have the difference of movemnts and no movement. But, producers make their own food while many heterotropic cannot.

Red Algae

Most of the world's seaweeds are red algae. Most red algae live in tropical oceans, attached to rocks or to other algae. Red algae are usually less than 1 m in length. Their cells contain chlorophyll, but a red pigment gives them their color. Their red pi

Green Algae

The green algae are the most diverse group of protist pro ducers. They are green because chlorophyll is the main pigment in their cells. Most live in water or moist soil. But others live in melting snow, on tree trunks, and inside other organisms. Many gr

Brown Algae

Most of the seaweeds found in cool climates are brown algae. They attach to rocks or form large floating beds in ocean waters. Brown algae have chlorophyll and a yellow-brown pigment. Many are very large. Some grow 60 m-as long as about 20 cars-in just on