Apes Fishing Flashcards

Purse seine fishing

an effective fishing method for species that school near the surface; a large net is encircled around the targeted catch, after which the bottom of the net is drawn tight like the strings of a purse, thus confining the catch in the net. (ch12)

Drift nets

huge fishing nets that scoop up everything in their path, profitable but destructive and most state has banned their use

Long line fishing

puts out lines up to 80 miles long, hung with thousands of baited hooks; the depth of the lines can be adjusted to catch open ocean fish species such as swordfish, tuna, and sharks or bottom fishes such as halibut and cod; long lines also hook endangered

Sonar fishing

commercial fishing vessels rely almost completely on acoustic sonar and sounders to detect fish. Fishermen also use active sonar and echo sounder technology to determine water depth, bottom contour, and bottom composition.

Tragedy of the commons

situation in which people acting individually and in their own interest use up commonly available but limited resources, creating disaster for the entire community

By catch

unwanted marine creatures that are caught in the nets while fishing for another species

Bottom trawling

a fishing technique in which the ocean floor is literally scraped by heavy nets that smash everything in their path


relating to the bottom of a lake or sea or the organisms that live there


The area of the ocean past the continental shelf, with areas of open water often reaching to very great depths

How does bottom trawling affect benthic organisms?

It carried along unwanted species of the underground sea including corals, and other species that belong in the bottom of the ocean.


The accumulation of pollutants at successive levels of the food chain


The accumulation of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in various tissues of a living organism.

Top predator

The predator within a food chain or food web that has no natural predators. Example: bald eagle


an animal that eats only plants


an animal that eats only other animals


a consumer that eats both plants and animals


Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 1975 it is a step toward worldwide protection of endangered flora and fauna.

Marine Mammal Protection Act

1972 - Federal law that gives responsibility of protecting marine animals to the Department of Commerce and the Department of the Anterior; in 1994 you can't harrass marine mammals; doesn't protect polar bear trophies import/export

Exclusive Economic Zone

area in which resources found up to 200 nautical miles offshore belong exclusively to the geographically bordering country

What is the formula to calculate % change?

Take the new, "current value" and divide it by the old, obsolete value. Subtract 1.00 (or 100%) from the result.