APES Ch.21: Water Pollution

advanced sewage treatment

Specialized chemical and physical processes that reduce the amount of specific pollutants left in wastewater after primary and secondary sewage treatment. This type of treatment usually is expensive.

biological oxygen demand (BOD)

Amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic decomposers to break down the organic materials in a given volume of water at a certain temperature over a specified time period.

cultural eutrophication

Overnourishment of aquatic ecosystems with plant nutrients (mostly nitrates and phosphates) because of human activities such as agriculture, urbanization, and discharges from industrial plants and sewage treatment plants.

dissolved oxygen (DO) content

Amount of oxygen gas (O2) dissolved in a given volume of water at a particular temperature and pressure, often expressed as a concentration in parts of oxygen per million parts of water.


Physical, chemical, and biological changes that take place after a lake, estuary, or slow-flowing stream receives inputs of plant nutrients,mostly nitrates and phosphates from natural erosion and runoff from the surrounding land basin.

nonpoint source

Large or dispersed land areas such as crop fields, streets, and lawns that discharge pollutants into the environment over a large area. Compare point source.

oxygen-demanding wastes

Organic materials that are usually biodegraded by aerobic (oxygen-consuming) bacteria if there is enough dissolved oxygen in the water.

point source

Single identifiable source that discharges pollutants into the environment. Examples are the smokestack of a power plant or an industrial plant, drainpipe of a meatpacking plant, chimney of a house, or exhaust pipe of an automobile. Compare nonpoint sourc

primary sewage treatment

Mechanical sewage treatment in which large solids are filtered out by screens and suspended solids settle out as sludge in a sedimentation tank. Compare advanced sewage treatment, secondary sewage treatment.

secondary sewage treatment

Second step in most waste treatment systems in which aerobic bacteria decompose up to 90% of degradable, oxygen-demanding organic wastes in wastewater. This usually involves bringing sewage and bacteria together in trickling filters or in the activated sl

septic tank

Underground tank for treating wastewater from a home in rural and suburban areas. Bacteria in the tank decompose organic wastes, and the sludge settles to the bottom of the tank. The effluent flows out of the tank into the ground through a field of drainp


Gooey mixture of toxic chemicals, infectious agents, and settled solids removed from wastewater at a sewage treatment plant.

tertiary (higher-level) consumers

Animals that feed on animal-eating animals. They feed at high trophic levels in food chains and webs. Examples are hawks, lions, bass, and sharks. Compare detritivore, primary consumer, secondary consumer.

water pollution

Any physical or chemical change in surface water or groundwater that can harm living organisms or make water unfit for certain uses.

fecal coliform bacteria test

used to indicate the likely presence of disease-causing bacteria in water

oxygen sag curve

created by the breakdown of degradable wastes by bacteria in a flowing stream. reduces/eliminates populations of organisms with high oxygen requirements

nondegradable wastes

toxic lead, arsenic, etc. THERE PERMANENTLY

slowly degradable wastes

ie. DDT... there for decades!

advanced/tertiary sewage treatment

uses a series of chemical and physical processes to remove specific pollutants left (ie. nitrates and phosphates)

US Safe Drinking Water Act

requires the EPA to establish national drinking water standards (max. contaminant levels) for any pollution that may have adverse effects on human health