Chapter 3

daily mean temperature

This is usually the average of the highest and the lowest temperatures in a 24-hour period

daily temperature range

This is the difference between the highest and the lowest temperatures in a 24-hour period

monthly mean temperature

To determine this you must divide the total of the daily means of a month by the number of days in a month.

annual mean temperature

This is the average of 12 monthly mean temperatures for a location

annual temperature range

This is the difference between the warmest and coldest monthly mean temperatures for a location


This is a line of equal temperature

temperature gradient

This is the change in temperature per unit of distance

differential heating of land and water, ocean currents, altitude, geographic position, and cloud cover and albedo

These are the five main controls of temperature

differential heating of land & water

This control of temperature relates to the fact that land heats more rapidly and to higher temperatures than water, and land cools more rapidly and to lower temperatures than water

water is highly mobile, land surfaces are opaque, the specific heat, and evaporation is greater from water than land

These aer the four main reasons for the differential heating of land and water

ocean currents

This control of temperature generally results from the drag caused by wind blowing accross the ocean surface


How much of the transfer of heat between the tropics and high latitude regions is due to ocean currents?


This control of temperature is related to the change in temperature one experiences as one rises through the troposphere

geographic position

Some examples of this control of temperature include windward vs. leeward locations, effects of intervening mountains, and latitude

cloud cover & albedo

This control of temperature relates mainly to the reflective (and insulating) characteristics of clouds

urban heat island

This phenomenon relates to the differential heating of urban areas relative to the surrounding country side


Is the heat island effect generally more pronounced in the daytime of the nighttime?


Is the annual range of temperature highest over land or over water?


What area of the world has the greatest range of temperatures?

near sunrise

In a 24-hour period, when does the lowest temperature usually occur?

temperature variations

Why does the highest temperature in a 24-hour period usually occur awhile after the peak of incoming solar radiation?

lag in temperature

Why does the highest temperature in a year usually occur weeks after the day when the greatest amount of solar radiation is received?

lag in temperature

Why does the lowest temperature in a year usually occur weeks after the day when the least amount of solar radiation is recieved?

mechanical thermometers

These thermometers include liquid-in-glass thermometers and bimetal strip thermometers

electrical thermometers

These thermometers include thermisters and infrared thermometers


This tempearature scale (at 1 atmosphere) includes 212 degrees for boiling, 32 degrees for freezing, and -459.7 degrees for absolute zero


This temperature scale (at 1 atmosphere) includes 100 degrees for boiling, 0 degrees for freezing, and -273 degrees for absolute zero


This temperature scale (at 1 atmosphere) includes 373 degrees for boiling, 273 degrees for freezing, and 0 degrees for absolute zero

heating degree days

This type of degree day is useful for determining the amount of insulation needed for buildings or the amount of energy needed for heating

cooling degree days

This type of degree dayis useful for determining the necessity for air conditioning

growing degree days

This type of degree day is useful for determining when to harvest crops


Wind can make a temperature feel much lower than it really is. A human body loses heat much more quickly the stronger the wind. What is this phenomenon called?

heat index

This is related to humidy. The more humid days feel warmer than drier days and can lead to more heat stress for people. What is this phenomenon called?


Which weather related phenomenon is responsible for more deaths than any other?