Science Chapter 6

Using solar energy is especially appealing because it is ___________.


Most ______________ use fuel or electricity as a source of energy.

heat systems

A house with large windows on its south side and a few windows on its other sides probably uses a(n) ________ solar heating system.


Solar collectors are used in buildings that have ________ solar heating systems.


Fuel burned in a stove or fireplace transfers thermal energy to the surrounding air by ______, convection, and radiation.


Before solar energy can be used as a source of hear, it must be changed to ________.

thermal energy

_______________ means rapid burning.


A two-way heat mover is a ___________.

heat pump

A ___________ is the movement of a piston up or down.


Refrigerators and air conditioners are examples of:
a. heat pumps
b. heat engines
c. heat movers
d. solar collectors

c. heat movers

Wind and ocean currents are formed by:
a. radiation
b. convection
c. conduction
d. condensation

b. convection

A material that reduces the flow of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation is a(n):
a. conductor
b. insulator
c. solar collector
d. radiator

b. insulator

All of the following are good conductors of heat EXCEPT for:
a. silver
b. copper
c. aluminum
d. air

d. air

Of the following, the insulation that is most resistant to heat flow is rated:
a. R-40
b. R-20
c. R-10
d. R-1

a. R-40

The process by which engine fuels burn is:
a. radiation
b. convection
c. combustion
d. insulation

c. combustion

Through which of the following will convection most likely occur?
a. solids and liquids
b. solids and gases
c. solids
d. liquids and gases

d. liquids and gases

Gasoline and diesel engines are:
a. internal combustion engines
b. heat pumps
c. external combustion engines
d. heat movers.

a. internal combustion engines

The transfer of energy that does not require matter is:
a. combustion
b. conduction
c. convection
d. radiation

d. radiation

Solar collectors are parts of:
a. passive solar heating systems
b. internal combustion engines
c. active solar heating systems
d. external combustion engines

c. active solar heating systems

Energy from the sun travels to Earth as:
a. mechanical energy
b. radiant energy
c. chemical energy
d. combustion

b. radiant energy

Of the following, the best insulator would be:
a. silver
b. copper
c. air
d. iron

c. air

A device that heats your home by tranferring thermal energy from a region of low temperature to a region at a higher temperature is a:
a. heat mover
b. radiator
c. conductor
d. heat engine

a. heat mover

A device that converts thermal energy in to mechanical energy is a:
a. heat mover
b. radiator
c. conductor
d. heat engine

d. heat engine

The effectiveness of insulation is rated with a(n)
a. convection value
b. r-value
c. temperature value
d. solar value

b. r - value

The inside surfaces of the glass inside vacuum bottles are coated with aluminum to prevent heat loss by:
a. radiation
b. combustion
c. convection
d. solar energy

a. radiation

Compared to the efficiency of a gasoline, a diesal engine is :
a. 1/4 as efficient
b. 1/2 as efficient
c. 2x as efficient
d. 4x as efficient

c. 2x as efficient

Temperature messures the __ of particles of a material:
a. heat
b. kinetic energy
c. potential energy
d. kinetic energy

a. heat

Two equal masses of 2 different kinds of matter:
a. always have the same thermal energy
b. nver have the same thermal energy
c. probably have the same theraml energy
d. probably have diff. thermal energy

a. always have the same thermal energy

The specific heat of an object depends on its:
a. chemical makeup
b. heat
c. temperature
d. thermal energy

d. thermal energy

Particles that make up matter are in constant motion


The faster particles move the LESS kinetic energy they have

false MORE

TEMPERATURE is the measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object


When temperature INCREASES, the kinetic energy of the particles decreases


The thermal energy of an object is the TOTAL energy of the particles in a material


A 5kg chunk of aluminum and a 5kg block of silver that are at the same temperature have the SAME thermal energy


Heat flows from HIGER temperature to lower temperature


Heat is measured in NEWTON

false KELVIN

Different materials need THE SAME amounts of heat to have similar changes in temperatures


The amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a material 1 kelvin is the SPECIFIC HEAT of the material


Water has a relatively LOW specific heat


Materials with a high specific heat can absorb a lot of energy and show LITTLE change in temperature


Materials that are poor conductors are POOR insulators

false GOOD

The transfer of energy through matter by direct contact of its particles is CONVECTION


The transfer energy in the form of invisable waves is CONDUCTION