environmental midterm

during the ____ period(s), humans altered their habitats

Hunter-gatherer, agricultural revolution, industrial revolution

all of these fields of study contribute to environmental science expect


which of the following situations best decribes the use of renewable resource?

Building wooden furniture

in which country is the population likely to be increasing rapidly?


using the scientific info from chemisty and biology to devise a plan to clean up a lake and make it healthy again describes

environmental science

why is the world loss of biodiversity a source of concern

humans depend upon other oraganisms for food or oxygen.

a focus of environmental science not studied in ecology is the

influence of humans on the environment

during the agricultural revolution

plants and animals were domesticated

___ is a biodergradable


which of the following describes the depletion of a renewable resource?

intensive cultivation of farmland that exhausts soil nurients

all of the following issues involve environmental science except

asking ppl questions about the cost of various resources

the Tragedy of the commons describes the conflict b/w

farmers and industrialized society

a sustainable world would be characterized by the

indefinite existence of human population in a healthy and prosperous condition

to the law of supply and demand, what would occur if the supply of oil declined and the demand stay the same

the oil price would increase

Ecological footprint is the

amount of land and ocean area needed to support one person

most of today's environmental problems began during which period(s) in human history

Industrial revolution

listing both the merits and expenses involved in implementing a particular environmental solution is an example of a

cost benefit analysis

term biodiversity refers to

the number and variety of species that live in an area

which of the following is not a ecosystem

utility pole

the energy in most ecosystems come from

the sun

the organisms most likely to belong to the same species are

ppl at a football game

the community of a pond is made up of all the

populations of fish, insects, and other living organisms

some organisms are more likely to survive b/c they

all of the above

an oragnism is resistant to a chemical if it

has a gene that protects it from the chemical

the process of 2 species changing genetically in response to long term interactions with each other is


in order for evolution to occur in a population, individuals with a trait that is "naturally selected for" must


most scientists classify organisms into

six kingdom

which of the following converts nitrogen in the air into a form plants can use?


which of the following is not an algae that uses energy from the sun to make food?


most land animals depend on angiosperms for


which of the following describes soil and temperature in an ecosystem

abiotic factor

which of the following is not a biotic factor in an ecosystem


single celled organisms with cell walls


2 kingdoms contain organisms that can use energy from the sun to make food

protists and plants

many angiosprems depend on

animals to carry pollen and disperse seeds

which of the following chararceristics is usually shared by bateria, fungi and plants?

they usually have cell walls

which of the following statements is not correct

consumers get their energy directly from the sun

which kind of organism obtains energy only from producers


which of the following does not contain carbon from the bodies of plants and animals that died millions of years ago?

phosphate salts

which of the following plants is likely to be pioneer species


what kind of natural disaster helps some forest communities by allowing some trees to release their seeds, by clearing away deadwood, and by encouraging new growth


where would an ecologist be least likely to go study primary succession

the amazon rain forest

energy consumed by organisms

can be stored in fat and sugar molecules

plants play a crucial role in the carbon cycle b/c they

allow carbon to enter an ecosystem throught photosynthesis

which of the following is an example of secondary succession

growth of plants after a forest is destroyed by fire

what term is used to many feeding relationships

food web

which of the following is reponsible for making nitrogen in the atmosphere usable by living organisms

nitrogen fixing bacteria

what type of vegetation would you expect to find on an abandoned farm that has remined undisturebed for 150 years

tall mature oak trees

what type of succesion occurs after a natural process such as a volcanic eruption or flood

secondary succession

if you visted a savanna you would likely see

large herds of grazing animals, rhinos, gazelles, and giraffes

grasslands,such as the prairies of NAmerica

are threatened by soil erosion b/c native grasses have been damaged or destroyed by plowing and overgrazing

which of the following best decribes a tropical rain forest?

species of the animal with specialized ways of surviving in order to avoid competition

animals that live in the desert

are nocturnal

desert are

often formed on the dry side of mountain range

the tundra

has a layer of soil that is permanently forzen beneath the top soil

Taiga is

a forest biome with pine fir and spruce trees

which of the following is not correct

tropical rain forests are resistant to change b/c the plants contain so many nutrients

which of the following is not true about temperate decidous forests

trees grow lush green leaves in the spring, but lose their leaves in late summer


are usually described by their vegetation

which of the following is an adaptation of coniferous trees in the taiga

they have a unique overall shape in order to accumulate snow, which acts as a heavy insulating layer

Adaptations demonstrated by plants in tropical rain forests include

all of the above (buttresses, orchids and vines, herbs with flat leaves in the understory)

chaparral plants usually survive fires b/c

the can resprout from small amounts of surviving plant tissue

Which of the following would you expect to see in the emergent layer of a tropical rain forest?

eagles, bats, and snakes

biomes with higher temperatures and less precipitation tend to have

shorter and less dense vegetation

Tropical rain forests are threatened by

deforestation and the trade of forest plants and animals

adaptation of desert animals that help them survive in the hot, dry desert often include

searching for food at night

which of the following is not an environmental function of wetlands

increasing runoff

estuaries are very productive ecosystems b/c they receive fresh nutrients from

rivers and oceans

what causes most coastal pollution in the u.s

industrial waste and sewage

adaptation prevent phytoplankton from sinking into deep water


swamps are commonly are commonly found on

flat,poorly,drained land

the majority of marine organisms are found in

shallow coastal waters

as they flow down a mt to flatter ground, rivers generally become

all of the above (wider, warmer, slower)

which of the following statements is not correct

rivers generally move faster and their oxygen levels decrease as they near the ocean

two threats to ocean ecosystem are

all of the above

the types of organisms found in pond or lake depend on

all of the above

in the ___ zone the water is cool and dark


most pollutants that enter estuaries break down over time, yet they are still considered a problem b/c

its the volume of the pollutants, more than the time factor, that harms estuaries

what mainly distinguishes nekton from benthos

one swims freely and the other lives attached to a hard surface


are ecosystems where both fresh water and salt water are present

which organisms produce most of the food in an aquatic ecosystem


the arrangement of organisms in the open ocean is determined by the

amount of nutrients and sunlight that are available

which of the following not a characteristic of wetlands

limited to inland freshwater environments

an estuary function as a mineral trap due to

mixing action of river water and ocean water

coral reefs are intricately shaped rocklike structure that are formed as a result of

secretion of calcium carbonate by tiny marine animals

2 main types of freshwater wetlands

marshes and swamps

which of the following is not a characteristic of salt marshes and mangrove swamps

both are dominated by marsh grasses

which ecosystem has the highest level of salinity

salt marsh

which of the following is a threat to coral reefs

all of the above

why doesnt photosynthesis occur in deep ocean water

no sunlight

the pH of water is directly based on

the geology of the water source

an acceptable range of pH in water would be

6.5 to 8.4

a unit of measure of turbidity is


phosphorus levels less than 00.3ppm will cause

not cause eutriphication and oxygen dissolved in water will remain at safe levels

nitrogen compounds in water, may be in the form of


soil pH values b/w ___ and ____ are a key to good crop production

6.00 and 6.50

the following are typical soil separates, arraged from smallest to biggest

clay, silt, sand

a soil sample is composed of 40% sand and 30% clay, whats the rest?


soil texture is a soil property used to describe the relative proportion of different densities of mineral particles in a soil


in the ____ zone, life is diverse and abundant
