Ch. 1 Understanding Our Environment


The study of...
- How the earth works
- How we are affecting the Earth
- How we might deal with the environmental problems we face

Environmental Science

is the systematic study of our environment and our proper place in it.

What makes up the Biosphere

Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Lithosphere.


The component of our planet where life is able to exist.

Principles of Biosphere

1) The Biosphere is holeceonotic and self-adjusting; it is never static.
2) Energy flows through the Biosphere and is continually supplied by the sun.
3) The quantity of matter in the biosphere is finite and must be recycled for life to exist.
4) Homo sapiens are animals and are part of the biosphere.

Gaia Hypothesis

Earth is a single, self-regulating, super organism - James Lovelock

Utilitarian conservation

Argument over the fact that forests should be saved "not because they are beautiful or because they shelter wild creatures of the wilderness, but only to provide homes and jobs for people.

Biocentric Preservation

Emphasizes the fundamental right of other organisms to exist and to pursue their own interests.


Concerns are extended to include both environmental resources and pollution.

Sustainable development

The idea that economic improvement for the world's poorest populations is possible without devastating the environment.

Global environmentalism

A concern for, and action to help solve, global environmental problems

Extreme poverty

Living on less than $1 per day.

Moral Value


Moral extensionism

Gradually extended our sense of moral value to a wider and wider circle.

Inherent value

an intrinsic right to exist

Instrumental value

they have value because they are useful to someone who matters


taking care of the resources we are give, inspires many religious leaders to promote conservation.

Environmental justice

combines civil rights with environmental protection to demand a safe, healthy, life-giving environment for everyone.


locally unwanted land uses

Environmental racism

inequitable distribution of environmental hazards based on race.