APES: The water cycle

fresh water

water with very little salt

water cycle

the continuous cycle of the transfer of water through an ecosystem, which involves evaporation, transpiration, condensation, and precipitation


the process by which water changes from liquid form to an atmospheric gas


the loss of water as it moves from the soil through green plants and exits through their leaf pores


the process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state


any form of water that falls from clouds and reaches Earth's surface

green water

water vapor

blue water

liquid water

water quantity

amount of water available to meet demands

water quality

The degree of purity of water, determined by measuring the substance in water, besides water molecules.

salt water

water that contains dissolved salts and other minerals

brackish water

Saltwater mixed with freshwater

hard water

Water with high mineral content.

soft water

water that is relatively free of minerals

polluted water

water that contains high levels of unwanted substances that may be harmful to living things

purified water

water that has had pollutants removed or is rendered harmless

storm water

Water that results from a storm; can cause flooding and contamination of sewers.

water vapor

water vapors in the gaseous state


the amount of water vapor in the air

relative humidity

the amount of water vapor as a percentage of what the air can hold at a particular temperature


microscopic liquid or solid particles orginating from land and water surfaces


When water evaporates, particles such as dissolved salts & other solids remain behind. When the water vapor condenses again, it is purified.

adiabatic cooling

the cooling of air as a result of expansion of rising air

adiabatic warming

air descends and is compressed by higher air pressure in the lower atmosphere


without heat being involved

convection currents

the upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air

rain shadow

dry region downward of a mountain range

hadley cell

a system of vertical and horizontal air circulation predominating in tropical and subtropical regions and creating major weather patterns.


the process of water soaking into the soil

infiltration-runoff ratio

amount of precipitation that soaks into the ground compared to the amount that runs off.


The land area that supplies water to a river system.

surface waters

All ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and other waters on the surface of Earth.

capillary water

is water held by surface tension to soil particles, but it can move through pores in response to moisture gradients (from areas of high moisture to areas of low moisture). Plants are able to overcome the surface tensions and take-up this water, thus it is


The evaporation of water from soil plus the transpiration of water from plants.


Passage of a liquid through the spaces of a porous material such as soil.

gravitational water

water in a soil that percolates through to the water table.

ground water

water found beneath Earth's surface in aquifers


underground places where water collects

recharge area

area where water enters the aquifer


pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings


a natural flow of ground water

evapotranspiration loop

water evaporates and returns by precipitation

surface runoff loop

water becomes part of surface water system

groundwater loop

water percolates and moves through to eventually join ground water.

anthropogenic aerosols

Solid and liquid materials in the air that are of natural or anthropogenic origin, causes smog and haze.





renewable groundwater

replenished by percolation of precipitation water

nonrenewable groundwater

when recharge rate is centuries or more

land subsidence

The gradual sinking of land. The condition may result from the removal of groundwater or oil, which is frequently instrumental in supporting the overlying rock and soil.


a depression produced in a region where soluble rock has been removed by groundwater

gray water

all of the wastewater that drains from washing machines, sinks, dishwashers, tubs or showers and can be reused for non-sanitary purposes


a method of landscaping that uses plants that are well adapted to the local area and are drought resistant.


a bay or drowned valley where a river empties into the sea

surge flow method

computers control the periodic release of water

drip irrigation method

a proccess by which pipes placed near plant roots drip only as much water as the plants need.




A process for purifying water in which the water is forced under very high pressure through a membrane that is fine enough to filter out ions and molecules in solution; it is used by small desalination plants to filter salt from seawater. Also called reve