Exam 1: Environmental science

True or False:
a fat-soluable toxin safer for humans b/c it can be excreted in urine, but has a high impact on aquatic life?


bioaccumulation is the buildup of _____ soluble toxins over the course of an organism's lifetime


what does peer review mean?

Evaluation of work was performed anonymously by others working in the same feild

Who keeps official data on the world population?

United Nations

ozone in the stratosphere is quite important for which of the following:
a. limiting UV-B exposure to plants, because excess severely disrupts photosynthetic output
b. preventing radiation particles from accumulating in human lung tissue
c. limiting expos


current human population is about ____ billion

7 billion

What does peak child refer to?

the number of children are no longer increasing

The most developed places in the world will experience the greatest local change in population in the future?


Pronatalist pressure were evidenced during China's one-child policy and India's festivals with vasectomies-for-money?


Phosphorous cycles through the abiotic atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere


which cycle is the slowest: carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorous


plant growth is directly related to the amount of nitrogen and/or phosphorous available. This is because they are considered limiting nutrients. When phosphorous increases, plant growth ______. When nitrogen increases, plant growth _____.

Increases, increases

Although carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous are important for the environment, they do not directly make up any component of a human.


carbon moves from the atmosphere to plant life via ______


farmers add rotations of legumes to increase which nutrient to the soil?


eutrophication is the result of a limiting nutrient making its way into which abiotic realm?


Reasearch where 58 different lizards species from cuba were collected to show that evolutionary divergence overcomes niche conservatism. What kind of ecological study would you best identify this as?

community ecology

species evole in their ______

realized niche

when environmental conditions change a lot, it would be better to be a _______ when it comes to feeding habits


Dandelions have windblown seeds with no factor keeping them together or apart. What kind of distribution is this?


Humans have high parental care and fewer office spring compared to many other organisms. This makes them K-selected, which means what will happen to the population over time?

human population will eventually show a logistic modeled, or S shaped curve

Emigration, Immigration, births and deaths all directly affect the populations ______

population size

A decrease in beneficial ozone has detrimental effect on plant photosynthesis. From a community ecology perspecitve, which other species would also be effected?

herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores

placing a road through a national park might help tourists gain access to different locations on the site, but will likely cause harmful effects to which type of species?

core species

What is resource partitioning?

Where one species uses a certain area of space for food (ex. top of tree) and another species uses another area of the same space (bottom of tree)

Would you likely be exposed to more toxins eating a piece of large predatory fish like tuna or a small fish? WHy

large fish because bioaccumulation happens in the fish that the tuna would be eating, creating biomagnification

How can you reduce carbon output? Nitrogen? Phospherous?

take the bus, walk or bike to school instead of driving
Use less fertilizers
Use less fertilizers