APES Ch 15

Weather is a term for atmospheric moisture and temperature on a ________ basis.


Climate is a description of ________ weather conditions.

long-term, regional

The earth's earliest atmosphere was probably composed mainly of __________, which has/have since largely dissipated into space.

hydrogen and helium

Elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur were added to the Earth's early atmosphere through ________

volcanic emissions

Aerosols are

tiny particles and droplets suspended in the air

The correct sequence of atmospheric zones upward from the earth's surface is

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere.

The "ozone hole" that causes concern among scientists and the public is an ozone depletion in the


Insolation is a term that means

incoming solar radiation.

Albedo is a term describing the Earth's

reflection of solar radiation.

Energy absorbed at the Earth's surface is radiated back to space in the form of

infrared radiation (heat)

Much of the ultraviolet light from the sun is absorbed by _______ as it passes through the atmosphere.


The phenomenon causing the greenhouse effect is that carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases in the lower atmosphere selectively absorbs reradiated

infrared (heat)

One reason the energy flux is considerably lower at the poles than at the equator is because

sunlight comes in at an oblique angle

Convection currents in the atmosphere are driven by

the different temperatures and densities of warm and cold air masses.

When an area of the earth's surface becomes very hot, the air above it

warms, expands, and rises.

_______ is/are the driving force(s) of the hydrologic cycle.

Convection currents

When cool, dry air sinks from the upper atmosphere toward the Earth's surface, it is

compressed and becomes warmer.

The circular convection currents near the equator in the zone marked "A" are known as

Hadley cells

The convection cells shown create a band of


The Coriolis effect is caused by the

rotation of the Earth.

Water draining from a bathtub will swirl in a clockwise or counterclockwise spiral according to

whether the bathtub is in the Northern or Southern hemisphere

Rising, expanding air masses create a region of

low pressure.

A westward flowing wind is called a(n)

east wind

Wind is named according to the direction

from which it originates

The Southern Hemisphere has _______ wind patterns

more stable

The Southern Hemisphere has more stable wind patterns because of the presence of _______ than the Northern Hemisphere.

more ocean and less landmass

Two jet streams run over the Northern Hemisphere. These are generally located

along the northern border of Mexico, and through Canada and the northern US.

Due to the influence of the _______ jet stream , in the month of January your flight from Chicago to the United Kingdom will take _______ than the return trip from the United Kingdom to Chicago.

polar, shorter

The boundary between two air masses of different temperature and density is known as The boundary between two air masses of different temperature and density is known as a


A cold front is a situation in which cold air

displaces a mass of warmer air.

As a cold front advances, the warm air is forced to

rise, cool, and release its moisture

Narrow, violent bands of rain and storms are characteristic of

advancing cold fronts

Hurricanes are powered by

heat released from condensing water vapor

Why don't storms over land have as much energy as storms over oceans?

Convection currents are intensified by the latent energy of condensation

Which of the following events is not part of the explanation of how tornadoes form?

The air mass is set spinning by the Coriolis Effect.

Monsoons occur over India when air heated over the Indian subcontinent and the Indian Ocean

is forced to rise when it meets the Himalayas

Milankovitch cycles involve the periodic

wobbling of the earth's axis and orbital shifts

Milankovitch cycles involve the periodic wobbling of the earth's axis and orbital shifts
and could be responsible for _______ weather changes.


When El Nino occurs every three to seven years, a mass of warm Pacific water that is usually pushed westward by trade winds

surges back eastward toward South America.

Computer models predict that doubled carbon dioxide levels could raise average temperatures by 1.4�C to 5.8�C. The difference between today's temperatures and the last ice age is about


Most of the excessive carbon dioxide that is expected to cause global warming is generated by which two things?

burning of fossil fuels and production of cement and clearing of forests.

What are the ecological implications of global warming?

Plants and animals that are residing in fragmented habitats may not be able to move to a suitable habitat.

The greenhouse effect in the atmosphere occurs because

CO2, water vapor, methanol, and other gases absorb infrared radiation.

The Northern Hemisphere has

more ocean and less landmass

The lower atmosphere selectively absorbs reradiated _______ radiation

infrared (heat)